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15 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
A good day

I'm glad you had a good day.  You had some very good achievements you should feel proud of yourself.
I'm sorry to hear about your partner.  Have you tried talking to him about how you feel and sharing your achievements with him.  Sometimes people have trouble understanding mental illness. He may need your support in this area.   
I hope you have a great weekend.  Happy Friday!

Ashley, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Positive Thinking, Part II


Welcome to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Day (CBT) on the forums!

Two days a week will now be dedicated to CBT day.
One day a week a PC health educator will launch a challenge. Members are encouraged to take on the challenge and post their results. Four days later a PC educator will post specific tips and strategies to aid you in the way you look/interpret yourself and the way you view the world.

This week we had you track how many positive thoughts you were having each day. Below are some tips on how to increase those numbers. Enjoy!

  • Think about the strengths, skills and abilities you have that can help you in your situation. (This is particularly important if you have identified that you have a tendency to ignore the positive.)
  • Think about the external resources you can pull in to help. This might mean calling a taxi if you are late for a flight, or asking for some extra help if you are up against a tight work deadline, or having problems understanding something before an exam.
  • When you are focused on your own fears and anxieties it can be easy to overlook some of the resources that are available - so make a conscious effort to appraise them.
  • If the task seems overwhelming, try breaking it down into smaller chunks and facing these chunks one by one - ticking off your progress as you go.
  • Check to see if you can make any compromises (particularly important if you tend towards 'all or nothing' thinking). Are there any elements of what you feel you have to achieve that are actually non-essential (if desirable)? Consider leaving them out for the time being, and coming back to them if you have time.
  • Check that you aren't blowing the situation out of proportion (especially if you think you sometimes tend to exaggerate or over-dramatize).
    Challenge your thoughts to assess how realistic they really are. There will be help with this through the rest of this section.
  • If your negative thoughts are based on something you can't do anything about, then they aren't useful. And if they aren't useful, then it's time to stop focusing on them.
  • Fake it until you make it! The simple act of smiling and laughing can help lift your mood and make it easier for you to see your world in a positive light.
  • Begin each morning off on the right foot. Begin each day by naming everyone and everything you are grateful for. You can also alternate with naming each person you love and what exactly you love about them.
We hope this post has been of help to you. We now encourage members to share their tips, post comments or ask questions!
Ashley, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lightheaded & Tired

Hi mich991,
Please consult your MD. Although lightheadedness is a listed symptom associated with panic disorder, you should be evaluated further to rule out other potential causes.

In the meantime, try taking 30 seconds between each shift in position.

For ex: Going from lying to sitting, take a 30 second pause before getting up to a standing position.
I hope this helps,
Ashley, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Positive Thinking, Part II

Positive thinking can be challenging.  However, if you actively try to re frame your thoughts to be more positive eventually it can become habitual and it can even alleviate panic and depression!  So the more you work at it the easier it can become!  Keep up the good work!
Ashley, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Panic Attacks

Great strategies momsydoo!  Thanks for sharing. Ashley, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Myth or Fact?

Thats what we are here for momsydoo!  And we will be here every step of the way! 
Stay Strong.
Ashley, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
New to the group

Great quote!! So true!
Ashley, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Myth or Fact?

 Dear members,

Did you know?

Myth: Mental illness is a rare disorder.

Fact: One in five Canadians have a mental health problem at some point in their lives.


15 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Anxious Thoughts form...

Hi Mica!
It sounds like you are doing great!  Keep on working through the program and reading through the forums. There are many people on here who are going through very similar experiences to yours.  We are all here to help you through it.
Stay Strong.

Ashley, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Anxiety and OCD about work

First of all I am very sorry for your loss.  I am glad you came on here, we are here to help.

Its terrible to have conflict at work, especially with a supervisor.  I have heard about 80% of people who quit a job, quit because they don't like their boss.  Its especially difficult for you as you also have the extra burden of OCD.  There are a few things you can do.  First of all, have you tried discussing your feelings with her?  If you do choose to do this you have to be very careful in how you approach the situation.  Be sure not to put her on the defence, this could make the situation worse.  Try to use I statements like "I feel," stay away from you statements as it implies blame.  Try not to get heated in the argument even if she does.  It might be useful for you to read over the resolving disputes section in the program.  Consider talking to her. You should never accept abuse but carefully consider what you re going to say before you talk with her.
If you feel this is not the way you want to deal with it then you can either leave the situation or decide to reframe your thinking.  Reframing seems like your best option between the two however its not easy.  What I have done when I have had to deal with difficult people is try to think about why they are so difficult. They probably are very unhappy in their lives or they were never taught to be decent human beings.  Either case is pretty sad. 
You are very lucky to have a supportive wife.  It may be possible that there is no one in her life to support her and therefore she is taking it out on everyone else.  So next time she is rude with you smile and nod.  Don't give her the satisfaction of ruining your day.  Just know your beautiful, wonderful wife is waiting for you it home and this sad women is trying to make your life miserable, but you won't let her!  Smile and nod, Smile and nod.  Let it roll of your back.
Ashley, Health Educator