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Browse through 411.782 posts in 47.075 threads.

161,598 Members

Please welcome our newest members: yopp, McDavids, Tony Miller, yadira2020, fræser

Forum Threads Posts Latest Post
The Lounge This forum is a place where all members can post about everyday life (sometimes we need to get away from focusing on quitting) 10 31 Happy New Year Timbo637
Who's quitting this month? Post here to connect with members who are starting their quit now. 1040 4075 New Year Approaching Fast Timbo637
Health Educator's Corner Daily thoughts, facts and discussion items. What?s your take? 2208 5003 The truth about closet smoking. Timbo637
Introduce Yourself! Introduce yourself to the group. Share your smoking history, quit date, and what quit method you're using. 12109 89303 New Year, New Me!!? grapeseed
Questions about the Online Quitting Program Post any questions arising from your Journey through the Quitting Program and the resulting process of stopping smoking. 183 1238 My Quit Meter Timbo637
Coping with Withdrawal Symptoms Discussion and advice on Withdrawal Symptoms. 4786 42056 Roller Coaster Withdrawal Timbo637
Smoking Cessation and Weight-Gain Support and advice on dealing with Weight-Gain. 1289 13166 Change is Tough! Timbo637
Coping with Cravings A discussion of triggers and tips related to cravings. 3272 27035 Feels like hell week all over!! Timbo637
Stats Parade Where quitters post their stats and REWARDS! 16181 143316 11 years and counting Timbo637
Common Support Questions Inviting members to contribute to the reply 922 11658 Afraid I can not do this Timbo637
Forum for New Users and General Discussion Advice from successful participants who have used the site to quit smoking. 24210 213983 My Quit Journey Timbo637
Chewers and Dippers Corner A forum for those who want to overcome their addiction to chewing tobacco. 188 1922 Chewers-Dippers Ashley -> Health Educator
Avoiding relapse and slipping Prevention help for those who are afraid of slipping 1286 20733 Prepared For The Worst? Timbo637
Forum de discussion Conseils de participants au programme qui ont r?ussi ? cesser de fumer. 71 594 Est- ce qu'il y a des forums actifs en franc¸ais ? Timbo637
Forum to test changes This is for testing purposes 4 19 Health Educators or Moderators missing? Evolution

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