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Challenging Worry


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15 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
First Post

Good evening,
I am new to this board.  I have come out of my remission from Ocd, Agoraphobia and now have had Major Depression and an undiagnosed PTSD for a year + following the death of my spouse, a shooting and sexual assault.  I did not realize during my grief period (almost 2 year's) that when I actually started feeling better and the severe depression started to alleviate (now moderate) that my ocd was presenting itself in new paralizing phobias that I have not experienced during the past and that my agoraphobia was creeping back in my life, as well as new anxious type behaviour's and symptoms .
I feel like this is quite a slap in the face after enduring all that I have to be seemingly *out of the blue* after several years of therapy & medications to be blessed with another bout of this.  
Anyways, I'm sure that I will be discussing more about this in other posts.  Hello to all and Good Luck to all that read this as I did manage a few *great* years 90%+ symptom free, so I know that it is possible :)
15 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I use a fan as well, infact for a few year's I used 2 fan's to go to sleep, and currently keep one on 24 hours of the day on myself. I take great comfort from the sound, feel of it.  
As for other bedtime routines I am currently trying out new one's now that I am getting my insomnia more in check. 
15 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Topic: Challenging Worry

That is interesting, I will take it into consideration and do some 'story' writing when the next great worry attacks

15 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Did you know?

It is true what you say, when you do take into consideration that my family docter did not know I was agoraphobic until he met me 4 year's later after the fact.  If the survey had been given at my docter's I would not have been there to reply.  I am certain the number's will change but if you look at it as an average it is a good estimate.  My 2 cents.
15 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sugar Substitutes

I am not a big fan of the use of chemicals and prefer things to be in there natural state, growing up in a farm family I knew what was going into and out of my parent's, uncle's garden's and barn's.  Yet, in the same breath, my medications are chemical and have side effect's, so like for the diabetic the sweetner is a better alternative, for myself the medication I am on is.
15 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thoughts on spiritual healing

My boyfriend does Reiki for a living and has performed on myself during times of bad eposides with success that surprised me.  I to do not like conventional medicine very much and prefer holistic approaches, though I incorporate the two sides in my healings and recovery since I benifitt from both.  This is a topic that we have discussed in the past as I have thought of simply doing holistic and spiritual as a means of health, for myself though it is not a practical idea though I do lean much more to spiritual guidance and performance in my life and lifestyle, the use of convention still has it's place as well. 
15 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How to avoid Holiday Stress Part 1.

I wanted to add to this for other's reading that my husband died December 18th 2006, and a tragic incident occurred 3 years prior to that on boxing day (December 26).  So I know all to well about the xmas blue's. 
This year though,  I started to 'prepare' myself all year to make this a good, (hopefully fun), memorable new start.  I threw out all my old christmas stuff, and this year bought all brand new, everything, from the tree, to the decorations, to a very elegant table setting, (Martha Stewart would be proud and this week I started to work on all the xmas goodie recipes and thing's that I need for the holiday. I've even invited someone to join my family as they will be alone at xmas.
Nothing is going to change the facts, and it may be very very possible that I will have the xmas blue's, but I'm preparing for that as well (good ol' ocd kicking in ) but one of the first thing's I plan to do is light a candle for my husband's loss, memory, and spirit, and a candle regarding the other incident, so that I can celebrate, or at least face straight on every moment of the candles burning that I am learning, trying, accepting but not forgetting.

I hope this might help someone
