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15 years ago 0 433 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
6 Months Feels Pretty Good

Hi Ron,
How nice to hear from you and that you are doing well!
 Thank you for the beautiful and thoughtful post. Sounds like your life has changed
for the better. 
Congratulations on six months! That is awesome!

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 4/1/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 261
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 6,264
Amount Saved: $1,503.36
Life Gained:
Days: 31 Hrs: 21 Mins: 30 Seconds: 8

15 years ago 0 433 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I'll bring along some hot chocolate, warm chestnuts and homemade pecan cookies.. enough for everyone!

 Have great weekend everyone!

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 4/1/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 261
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 6,264
Amount Saved: $1,503.36
Life Gained:
Days: 31 Hrs: 21 Mins: 44 Seconds: 35

15 years ago 0 433 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Congrats on your historical quit. 
Awesome achievement!
Happy Christmas to you too!

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 4/1/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 261
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 6,264
Amount Saved: $1,503.36
Life Gained:
Days: 31 Hrs: 21 Mins: 44 Seconds: 58

15 years ago 0 433 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
happy christmas all

I'm so happy for your success! 
Thank you for checking in and spreading the word that this can be done.  You are a great example to us all. 

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 4/1/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 261
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 6,264
Amount Saved: $1,503.36
Life Gained:
Days: 31 Hrs: 21 Mins: 45 Seconds: 30

15 years ago 0 433 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I blew my quit but I'm back to try again!!

You are never a loser if you are back trying to quit!!! You are a winner!!!
Don't get down on yourself, it's all in the learning curve of how to quit. Heck, I'd like to find that one person who quit outright  the first time trying. Maybe they have a statue in a museum somewhere to commemorate him. LOL. We all learn as we go. We are all addicts and we have to just get in there and deal with it. Keep up some good self-talk so you get in a winning, positive zone.
Stay with us and we will do everything we can to help! Jim has great advice.. be sure to complete the program so you are ready to deal with those triggers.  Family and stress is always there... plan what you will do if it gets bad. Have an escape route! Read old posts as much as you can, there are so many who came before us who had some great words to share. Really important are the rewards to kick start your brain "reward center". Plan out the good stuff so you have a cool, fun goal. My goal always involved chocolate but that's just me :).
Looking forward to your success in the new year!

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 4/1/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 261
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 6,264
Amount Saved: $1,503.36
Life Gained:
Days: 31 Hrs: 21 Mins: 47 Seconds: 53

15 years ago 0 433 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It's cold and rainy!!! And I used to sit out there SMOKING!!!!!

Ok, I'm a California grown wimp but it's been a little chilly around here.
I was looking out at my old patio smoking chair today and remembering the STUPID things I would go through just to have a cigarette......
1. Bundle up, go downstairs.
2. Wrap myself up in down blanket throw if especially cold.
3. If windy move patio chair behind wall for windbreak. Then worry about ashes flying around to start fire.
4. When raining move patio furniture under house eaves then worry about lightening hitting the metal chair.LOL.
5. Oh and just to really sound like a dope... when driving in the rain with the window down and getting all wet. OMG!
The Intrepid Idiot!
Come on, people... make me feel a little better... what did you used to do just have a smoke??

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 4/1/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 261
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 6,264
Amount Saved: $1,503.36
Life Gained:
Days: 31 Hrs: 21 Mins: 51 Seconds: 35

15 years ago 0 433 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It's cold and rainy!!! And I used to sit out there SMOKING!!!!!

Thank you, THANK YOU!!!
I'm feeling much better already!
Maybe we should have a Hall of Fame for stupid human tricks. LOL
Love the cig on the railing... that is GOOOOD.
I found out that driving isn't as fun as I used to think it was.  Yep, it was like being in my own
little space capsule, my music and smoking like a fiend all the way.
Yes, the blizzard reply said with that smug.. yes, I am. We were all the same!
CA awaits you Mr. Q.
Astro, ugh. I can just imagine.  How nice you had a great season indoors for a change. AC is a nice invention, isn't it?

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 4/1/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 261
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 6,264
Amount Saved: $1,503.36
Life Gained:
Days: 31 Hrs: 22 Mins: 12 Seconds: 39

15 years ago 0 433 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Welcome aboard!
How is it going today? Love the positive spirit you have... with a great attitude, anything is possible!
 Feel free to pop in anytime with any concerns.
Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 4/1/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 261
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 6,264
Amount Saved: $1,503.36
Life Gained:
Days: 31 Hrs: 22 Mins: 16 Seconds: 43

15 years ago 0 433 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
A little iffy with the holidays approaching

This trigger has not been pulled because I can't seem to get going on baking those cookies. I'm stalling.
It's a long haul in the kitchen and I'm reconsidering. But as Kelly said once... you just have to "train your brain" to get through whatever it is.  Any big project always had a smoke break in it somewhere. I'm sort of afraid ... since most cookies' oven times were timed exactly to a smoke! I kid you not. Tray in the oven, get downstairs, smoke, come back upstairs... cookies done! I burned some things at Thanksgiving this year. Maybe I should just buy a timer!!! Duh!
Jazz... eeeeeeeuuuuuuu! that was me back in the 80s when I smoked in the house. I can't believe I would smoke in the kitchen but yes, there must have been an ashtray in there somewhere.
I've heard it said that men have an easier time of quitting than women. Gee, I bet you love hearing your hubby say so. Bonk him on the head with your mixing spoon for me. 
 You are both so lucky that you will celebrate a year soon. That sounds like a great gift in itself!
 I'm actually excited to not be smoking this holiday season! For once, I will not be the hostess begrudging the guests who cramp my freedom to run out for a smoke.  I will be "present" when opening presents in the morning. I won't be stinky when I hug people. I will enjoy the meal I cook and not be thinking "oh, I wish I had a cig" before eating or after. YEA!!!   Lot's of very good things to look forward to!!
If I get blindsided by an out of the blue trigger, I will head here first and the chocolate second!
Good luck everyone! We all made it this far.. we can keep going!

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 4/1/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 261
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 6,264
Amount Saved: $1,503.36
Life Gained:
Days: 31 Hrs: 22 Mins: 25 Seconds: 20

15 years ago 0 433 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Is my head up my %&#^?
Maybe I haven't been thinking seriously enough about the holidays. So far, it seems like a big relief to not be smoking! Out shopping, I'm not getting impatient with lines or malls because I'm craving a cig. Way better wrapping and getting things done without the time consuming smoke breaks. So far, I'm pretty darn happy! 
Anyone who has to deal with relatives... you have my sympathy. All those buttons get pushed all day long.
I'm lucky to not have family, just friends on Christmas. But family is lurking around on the days after Christmas.
Maybe I better get a plan.  Deep breathing and Two Buck Chuck. There. Plan in place.


My Milage:

My Quit Date: 4/1/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 261
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 6,264
Amount Saved: $1,503.36
Life Gained:
Days: 31 Hrs: 22 Mins: 27 Seconds: 42