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18 years ago 0 852 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hall Of Fame Recipient for May 2006

Congratulations!!!! You have well earned this one! [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 3/5/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 58 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 1,768 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $189.66 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 4 [B]Hrs:[/B] 17 [B]Mins:[/B] 49 [B]Seconds:[/B] 22
18 years ago 0 852 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hard time... but doing it ....

How are you doing today today? I just now read this thread. Don't know how I missed it. I am so sorry that you feel so horrible.. The withdrawl part really does take a toll on us. On my 2nd day, I swore that nicotine withdrawl was worse than the habit part. That isn't entirely true though. It was the worst part for me, as far as pain. Physical pain. But the habit is now all mental pain. And now, for me, that is worse. I could take pills for the physical pain, but not for the mental. The only thing to do is think positively. Reward yourself often. It really does get better. I promise. Think of all you are doing for yourself. Now is the time to be selfish. You have now given yourself time. Time to make it up to everyone. But for right now, take care of yourself. Check in with us, please. [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 3/5/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 58 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 1,768 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $189.66 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 4 [B]Hrs:[/B] 17 [B]Mins:[/B] 51 [B]Seconds:[/B] 0
18 years ago 0 852 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Has anyone tried the Quit Aid called "Final Smoke?"

Hello Jef, Well, thank you for posting. That is an attempt for help. Have you done the tools to the left yet? They do offer insight and thought about your addiction. Even if you are not quite ready to quit, at least try out the tools. They give you something to think about. As far as you quitting, I agree with Rusty and Bubba. Your "excuses" for not quitting, are just that. Excuses. I have made a million myself. And then some. If you prepare yourself for your quit, the "battle" is not so bad. You cannot give in. Simple? Yes. You will have to fight the urge. And fight hard. But, after the nicotine is out of your system, the battle is just within you. It's all about knowledge, preparation, determination, and attitude. You have to think positively. That is what you should consentrate on right now. No more excuses. No more self-hatred. You are an addict. Nothing else. We all are. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are the only one who can change. You have the power to change your life!! You and only you, is the one who can change your choices and your thoughts. Beyond that, you have to tell yourself you will do anything to stay quit. You will do anything to fight that next craving. But "trying" just doesn't cut it. You know that. You just have to do it. Don't be scared of the battle. The battle is only as hard as you let it be. [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 3/5/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 58 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 1,753 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $189.66 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 4 [B]Hrs:[/B] 16 [B]Mins:[/B] 50 [B]Seconds:[/B] 59
18 years ago 0 852 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
50 Days and counting.....

Congratulations to you G! 50 days is great! :) [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 3/5/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 58 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 1,753 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $189.66 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 4 [B]Hrs:[/B] 16 [B]Mins:[/B] 49 [B]Seconds:[/B] 5
18 years ago 0 852 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
One whole month already!?

Way to go! You definately need to reward yourself for this achievement. You know, there are a lot of inexpensive rewards. New book, New slippers, Smoothie, or Starbucks, Magazine subscription, Manicure, Pedicure, Rent a new movie There are also many free ones too. Spend a few hours and watch a movie, give yourself a manicure, give yourself a pedicure, go to the library and get a book, take a walk on the beach (my favorite!!) Point being, even though you have had it less intense as some others, there is still room for rewards. You really do need them. Regardless of how your quit is. You are doing great! Keep it up! [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 3/5/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 58 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 1,753 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $189.66 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 4 [B]Hrs:[/B] 16 [B]Mins:[/B] 48 [B]Seconds:[/B] 59
18 years ago 0 852 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
70 days today - thanks to everyone for their support

Hey there Islandgirl!! 70 days, wow, what an accomplishment!!! Congratulations!!! Stay strong, and keep up the good work! p.s.- I love getting pedicures. They are one of my favorite rewards for myself!! [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 3/5/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 58 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 1,753 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $189.66 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 4 [B]Hrs:[/B] 16 [B]Mins:[/B] 49 [B]Seconds:[/B] 15
18 years ago 0 852 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi I'm new and really want success

Hi and Welcome Madwall! You have come to the right place. Please, as Islandgirl said, complete the tools to the left, if you haven't yet already done so. We are all here for you. Knowledge, Determination, and Attitude. You need those to get started. It sure sounds like you are on your way! You obvisously know how this feels, as you have quit before. Please lean on us whenever you need to. We are here for you!! When is your quit date? [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 3/5/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 58 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 1,751 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $189.66 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 4 [B]Hrs:[/B] 16 [B]Mins:[/B] 48 [B]Seconds:[/B] 7
18 years ago 0 852 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
did anyone see the lady's lungs?

Wow, I am going to check it out and see if they have another episode. I too have seen many pictures, but of a live person........ That image would stick in my mind too. :| [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 3/5/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 58 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 1,754 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $189.66 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 4 [B]Hrs:[/B] 16 [B]Mins:[/B] 55 [B]Seconds:[/B] 27
18 years ago 0 852 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Getting Ready for Tomorrow!!!

Hi Kendall, Welcome to this site. I sure hope you get your program working. It is very helpful. Very informational about your personal quit. Once tomorrow comes, you won't be nervous anymore. Definately, LOTS of water. Lots of hard candies also helped me. Have healthy snacks readily available. People have used licorice or straws and cut them to cig length. You will feel better with your running once you quit. You MUST make an alternative reward for yourself at the end of your run. As well as reward yourself all of the time...... The rewards do not need to cost a lot, and people have great ideas on free ones too. Do a search here for low-cost and free rewards. They are VERY important. Do NOT omit them!!!! Stay calm. You have made a wonderful decision! As hard as times can get, just know you will get through it. Fight hard, and do not give in! We are here for you! [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 3/5/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 58 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 1,754 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $189.66 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 4 [B]Hrs:[/B] 16 [B]Mins:[/B] 56 [B]Seconds:[/B] 29
18 years ago 0 852 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I Inhaled

Okay, now that's enough.......... I am now swimming in all of the coffee that just came out........ Just kidding. Keep the humor. I like laughing. It makes my belly bounce........ [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 3/5/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 58 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 1,755 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $189.66 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 4 [B]Hrs:[/B] 17 [B]Mins:[/B] 1 [B]Seconds:[/B] 17