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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-04-20 11:42 PM

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2024-04-11 5:06 AM

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2024-04-08 3:54 PM

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2024-03-25 2:47 AM

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5 years ago 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
If you can read this then please introduce yourself :)

What brings me here.........

I am a full time working mom, I am not a single mom but my partner works a lot of hours each day. The last few years I feel the world is against me and everyone expects the world of me. Other than my partner working so many hours my home life is pretty great. My son is so far a model child lol.

And then there is work.... I love what I do but I always feel like people are out to get me. I do a good job and have been told. But if something happens and I have a talking to I jump to the worst case scenarios that could happen. Example being fired. I feel like I can’t say no and I know that is a problem. And if something does not get done I beat myself up over it forever. I feel like I have to please everyone all the time. My work is also very team orientated well I am not part of a team and they have made that clear. I struggle with that like why am I not part of a team. I can’t even talk to them about it cause lately with how I have been feeling I turn into this crying mess, with everything that gets brought up.

I wish I could stand up for myself, I am not even sure if standing up is the right thing to say. Like who is going to take a crying girl seriously in a mans world.