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10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Quote of the Day Part Two

When the world says, “Give up,”
Hope whispers, “Try it one more time.”
– Author Unknown
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Quote of the Day Part Two

If only you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.
– Mister (Fred) Rogers
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Etiquette and Asserting Oneself - "Finger- Lickin´" Bad

I think it depends if the senior loves kids or not. My mom does not get out a lot because she it makes her weak and all, but she loves with she sees little kids.
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How´s it going?

I can understand with the construction. Across the street they have been doing something to the parking lot for a while and at times it can be loud, but mainly my office vibrates.
It's suppose to rain soon here and bring Fall like weather back, the past two days have been beautiful. Makes me miss going to college in the mountains a lot of times.
Yesterday when calling around to find a doctor, I received a lot of nos or someone will call you back before I found anyone. It gets frustrating to keep calling and trying to get someone to listen to you.
The spreadsheet sounds interesting.
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How´s it going?

Thanks for the link.

The rain held off until I got home and was able to take a walk. Not sure if it is raining now, I have no desire to leave my couch.
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Quote of the Day Part Two

I think we have a way of forgetting how important people are, but also how important we might be to other people.
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How´s it going?

Hi Hugs! Getting out is the hardest. I use to be real active, but the past few weeks I have become a couch potato almost.
Yesterday was a good day though. I went home and for the first time in the past few weeks I did not go in and lay down right away on the couch. I made myself sit up and I ate dinner. I open my laptop and tried to do a few things online. I felt like it was a good day, even if the morning started off slow.
This morning feels slow too, but I am not sure why. I hope it gets better. I am a little bum that I can't take my normal lunch break, we are having a department lunch meeting. Makes no sense to me, why should I attend a meeting and not be paid? I might clock out a little early to still take a 10 minute walk around the building, suppose to be sunny and nice today.
My friend wants to go to a haunted attraction, we planned it a few weeks ago. I am hoping I am up to it, but I did tell her I might not be. I've always loved going to different haunted houses in October and right now, I just don't care and like sleeping. It sucks and I know when I do feel better, I'll be annoyed.
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
One fumble and downhill I go

Hi Hugs,
My therapist does not think I may have grieved for my dad, since I took over caring for my mother. I miss my dad a lot, since I was the closest to him. My mother and I never did have the best relationship, but out of the four of us kids, I really was the only one who could take care of her and the money my dad left behind. It is not even a lot of money, just enough that if she needs to be put in more advance care, it should be able to help cover it with her window benefits. My mom is very unhealthy.
I sometimes wonder where my life would have been if my dad did not die or if my mom did not outlive him, which as horrible as it sounds, surprised some.
I do think a part of my problem is not being where I thought I should be. I did not think I would still be in the state of Maryland or single. I always had big plans of traveling, but I am not sure if that will ever happen.
Right now, I would be happy if I could own a cabin/house in the woods or with a lot of property with little to no neighbors, be able to grow a garden, get into canning, and just enjoy the fact that I can live how I want to live with no one bothering me (besides friends and all).
I sometimes just want a simple life.
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How´s it going?

I don't think I slept well, I swear I kept waking up or something. No idea why as I am tired. Lately, I been able to sleep a lot longer then normal.
I'm hoping with have taken some valerian root and also drinking my calming tea and making myself eat breakfast I will slowly start to feel better.
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
One fumble and downhill I go

Hopefully it is the valerian and it will slowly start to work. I am only taking the 90mg ones (the only other ones at the store were 450mg ones). I take 2 in the morning before I come into work and 1 before bed. I was thinking of making it one in the morning, 1 in the after and 1 before bed. I'm not sure. I don't want to take a lot since I have no idea if the doctor will put me on meds. I do plan to tell him about it and my other 2 vitamins I take. I am hoping a combination of medication, this program, and a therapist will start to help me get back on track slowly.
I know right now that dream is a tad far off, especially since I am responsible for my mom. I think for me after living in a large city and all, I want a change. In college I went to school in a small town and I miss it. I think I mainly miss being in school and not having any real concept that being an adult is not as awesome as I thought it was. But even with the small town, I still want something a little farther other, even. No noisy people and where life can be simple.
Maybe one day I can have just a little land and a nice house. Just live a simple life, but I know it will not be here in Maryland. Sometimes I think living an house boat would better also, haha.
I am starting to think I do have buried issued with my dad's death. Lately I keep wishing he was here and that he didn't have to die. After reading things here on the forum and really sitting down, maybe this is a sign of things. My dad suffered from depression, that I am sure of. Maybe it is time I get help. I believe my episodes are only getting worst because life is getting different. I don't like where I am at and I do want to make changes. With my company I feel as if I got comfortable, but I am not happy here either. I am going to start looking for a  new job, but that is never easy. I'm heading to a career field my university next week and I hope maybe it will open some doors.