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13 years ago 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I´d love some advice

I just arrived at this site today. It is funny how life works.  I had decided that I was tired of feeling like a victim of my own thoughts and feelings.  I wanted to start fighting back.  I think this site is a wonderful start for me.  I would like to meet other people who are also struggling with anxiety and depression and find out what they do that works.  So far, it seems that nothing that I do has long lasting effectiveness.  I need to find a way out of this fear fog and back into the smiling happy person that I know I used to be.  I have been too down for too long.
My biggest issue right now is that I have anxiety flushing through my body on a constant state of red alert.  I don't know how to stop it.  I exercise with hard cardio for a half an hour a day, but the benefits do not last.  Once my heart rate is down, my anxiety is right back up there again.  I even had butterflies for almost the entire 30 minutes tonight.  I just couldn't seem to work out hard enough.  It's so frustrating.  Anyhow, any mental tricks you have for me would be greatly appreciated. 
I am currently out of a depression.  I didn't even know I was depressed until one day I laughed and realized how long it had been since I had done that sincerely.  It was a scary realization.  I am now trying to be proactive and learn about depression for the next time I slink back under into the dark. 
Anyhow, I'm looking for help.  I so relieved to have found this site
13 years ago 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Severities of Agoraphobia and Other Questions

I don't think the question of a permanent handicap is a helpful one.  I think that we each need to take the curves life throws us and perhaps readjust how we live part or all of our lives.  I think saying that this is a permanent handicap is all about perspective.  Maybe working part time is just healthier for some people.  Maybe life is too ramped up and fast right now anyhow.  Either way, Dizzy, like Davit said, it's about perception.  I would prefer to see the glass as half full.....  I am happy for you that you are going out with someone new.  I hope your social evening is fun and gives you a new friend. 
13 years ago 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Feeling trapped in my own body

Sometimes my anxiety level gets so high that I can barely stand to be in my own skin.  The other night was one of those times.  I desperately wanted to get up and get on the elliptical trainer to burn off some of my nerves, but it was bedtime and I didn't want to wake my family up.  Instead, I lay in bed in a restless agony and dread that nearly drove me up the wall. 
I desperately need some mental tricks to help me gain control in a situation like that.  I was in agony and then had to go to work full of adrenaline and stress and butterflies and try to sound like an intelligent and rational adult all day.  I could barely make my sentences flow together or find the words.  It's frustrating.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
13 years ago 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Feeling trapped in my own body

Jason -- I hadn't finished reading Session 1, so I finished up so I could read about Boxed Breathing.  I have been having very high levels of anxiety today and it doesn't seem to matter what I do it won't go away.  When I get a quiet moment, I will try the boxed breathing. 
Davit -- it is not at all a small concilliation to find that others have had the same experiences I have.  It makes me feel just a little less isolated, a little less alone in this overwrought body of mine.
Sunny -- I am interested in the lactic acid / anxiety correlation.  I have found that the more physically fit I am getting, the higher my levels of anxiety are becoming.  Perhaps I had better take more time to stretch and do yoga after my workouts. 
Tiana -- I appreciate your professional opinion on the matter of lactic acid.  I suppose it couldn't hurt for me to stretch and do yoga either way? ! 
Thank you all for giving me some help.  My stress level is still at what I call "red alert" levels, but I am feeling a shift.  The idea that there is something practical that I can try once my little one is safely tucked into bed for the night is reassuring, to say the least.  Again, thank you all.
13 years ago 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I´d love some advice

Davit -- thanks for the welcome.  I feel drawn to you, perhaps because I have read a few of your posts and I hear the honesty and the voice of someone 'who knows'.  I appreciate the welcome.
Teebs -- I am searching for a way to distract myself from my stress levels, but I find that many of the tasks I do in a day seem to add to my stress and not diminish it.  I am finding that my life is driven by schedules and tasks that need to be done by a certain time frame.  This is a large part of my current stress level.  I had about five minutes earlier today and about ten minutes so far this evening where I am not on 'red alert'.  It's driving me crazy, but I will try to seek out a distractor.  I think the garden is out for now, too cold, but perhaps I can use my imagination and find a substitute distraction.  Thanks for the advice.  Greatly appreciated.
Ashley -- I have also joined the depression forum.  I haven't had much time in that site because my current issue is anxiety all the way.  However, I am aware of the site and will try to share some of my time over there, too.  I am a little worried (hah, understatement is great isn't it?) because I am coming up to a high stress time in my job, and I am already through the roof stressed.  It's like I'm in full time panic mode.  Bah. 
13 years ago 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
dealing with what was hiding underneath the anxiety

Hi Loves Trees,
I have had a few experiences with therapists.  So far I have seen three different people over the years.  I think that they can help a lot with some of the emotional stuff that's burbling up in you.  I agree with an earlier comment that they definitely have to be 'tried out' since not all therapists will click.  I visited one therapist who clearly just didn't 'get' my issues.  We talked at cross purposes and I felt very frustrated.  I moved on pretty quickly. 
I have only one other suggestion that has made me feel a little in control of my life right now, and that is to join a talk group and to read as much as you can about what you are going through.  It's not much, but it's all I can add to the discussion.  I hope you find a way back to your inner peace soon.  Best of luck on the journey. 
13 years ago 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Feeling trapped in my own body

I tried the box breathing last night.  It did help and it did calm me down, but (and this would be funny except it isn't funny) I then started getting butterflies while breathing -- I think I might have been overthinking the whole breathing thing.  And low and behold, when I come here today, we are all talking about breathing.    At any rate, the breathing helped until it didn't help anymore, but I think I get the idea. 
Anyone have a suggestion for a good yoga video.  I have tapped out the Wii Fit in terms of interest level.  I need something new.
13 years ago 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi Leonore,
I am new, too.  Welcome.  Like you, I am so grateful to have found this place.  
What kind of dogs do you have? 
13 years ago 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
New kid on the Block

PTO  - I am new here, too.  I am not currently experiencing what you are experiencing, but when I was going through fertility issues and had to have internal exams (which I had developed quite a phobia over) I had the exact experience.  It was difficult to say the least and very embarrassing.  I imagine it is tough to concentrate when you are feeling this way.  Hopefully you will discover some tricks to help you get through your presentations.  Good luck. And welcome.
13 years ago 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
does anyone else feel this FOGGY wiped out feeling?

I was on anxiety pills for a couple of years.  I agree with Davit the fuzzy feeling might go away if you give the drugs some time to work.  I also wonder if all that stress and all the hormones swirling around might cause a bit of that fog.  Good luck to you, Colleen1962. 
I found the pills stopped blocking my anxiety after a while.  I went off my meds in a bad fashion and had some nasty withdrawals even though my GP said there were no side effects.  Whatever you do, stick with the pills until you feel some relief, and if you do need to go off them, consult with your doctor first.  Wish I'd have followed my own advice : )