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13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Relationship and friendship questions


I have determined that one of my major problems is with relationships. I mean romantic relationships and friendships. My problem after reading relationships from the toll box is that I have sequestered myself away from most relationships. My biggest problem with romantic relationships is that I have been sick for a long time and unable to work. So I envision when talking to a girl that the question of “what do you do for a living” will come up. Then I met an acutance in a support group I go to who also has the same mental problem as me and has not worked for a while. His experience is, he joined a dating site and gets in touch with the women from the site and then goes on dates with them. So I asked him what do you do about “what do you do for a living question”? He says he does not discuss it or he talks about what he used to do.  I thought great it is just my perception that I am afraid of a question that is not important. However, upon further discussion with him he told me that he only goes out with these women for three to four times and then goes onto another. Then I elaborated that I do not want a three date friend that I need to develop friends or girl friends that will be with me in the long haul. He is also trying to get back to working full time as am I. So then, we started discussing what kind of girl friend would be best for use. He said what I have thought all along, that he is looking for a girl after he goes back to work that does not have the same problems we have. I see the benefits in being in a relationship with a supposed normal person (I know there is no such thing) but some one that is more stable then I am. Here is my experience so far in my life, when I was in high school I had friends who I lost when I went to university. Then in university, I had friends who I lost when I went to work. Then when I got sick I lost all my work friends, and I know in the relationship it says it is a two way street. I also have tried to maintain contact with them, I did try several times to phones them and there were always busy or whatever so just gave up. I seem to have the impression that so-called normal people do not want to associate with a person with a mental illness especially one that is not working. This is not an unprecedented opinion as I was on the board of a mental health agency where we discussed that stigma and discrimination is one of the biggest problems people with a mental illness face. I have been trying to establish friendships with people even before I read the toolbox on relationships. I asked a girl out and made it explicit that I just wanted to go out and have some fun and that I did not want a girl friend. She said no, so naturally I read her mind and determined her answer was because I had an anxiety problem; (this certainly is where one of my problems lie in interpreting other people’s response to my question). I was wondering what women feel about this problem do they think the same way I do. Which is that normal people do not want to be friends with a mentally ill person, also that I think it is a man’s experience to be friends wherever he finds himself at the time. The reason I think like this is evidence driven my two closes friends in high school do not associate with any one from high school or me. It seems to me that when a woman makes a friend that they are friends for life, (of course, this could be my false perception). I do not mean to offend anyone and I am not asking for personal experiences. One last note is that I notice that the same people have been posting a lot to each other the reason I have been contributing to posts is that I have been spending a lot of time thinking about my false core beliefs and false thoughts. I fact as Davit suggested to me one of my biggest problems may not be situational but that I need to expose myself to the thoughts I have so this post is exposing myself to, I hope false beliefs, or depending on your answer I will have to come up with an alternative view.


13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Challenging Worry


Ashley, Health Educator

Thanks for your post. I to see that the triggers for my attack are words or events, that when I say or do them, I worry that an attack is going to happen. I have proven every one of them wrong (my triggers do not always cause an attack). My only conclusion is that it is how I perceive my worrying or triggers. Worrying is what gives the words power and how I perceive the trigger words or thoughts. Is this Meta cognitive thinking where they try to discover what you think about what you thinking? In other words, you can worry but it is your perception about how you see the worrying that counts. I took your thread last night and concluded that this is most of my problem with attacks. The problem I see hear for me is, it is like Google illness you look up justifications for what you think you have, or like first year med  student  who comes down with every illness that they read about. I wonder about this in cognitive behaviour therapy or psychology where I look for the answers to my panic attack and everything I read about cognitive therapy I think is the solution to my problem. Not everything in your toll box rings true for me, but is the reason that identify with so much of what you say and post is that we all have the same underlying problem anxiety and panic attacks, and that people with the same mental problem are very much alike underneath, although our individual experiences are unique. In other words, what you posted rang true for me because it explained how a mere worry (trigger words) could have strength to cause an attack. So I did some exposure to it last night and this morning when I said the trigger worry words I said “crap I should not have said them “, which then caused me to try to find something positive to say to counteract the worry. I believe that both these reaction gave further power to the worry trigger words. I think the answer for me to taking away the power of worrying is, ambivalence. I have read some other people techniques about attack and they say the way to get out of one is to not worry about having another or in another case they said to get rid of attack is to want to have one. In both these cases the thing there trying to accomplish is not to worry about having another attack or not to treat as you said worrying as a danger and to just let it pass. Can you tell that I think excessively much about things?


13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Challenging Worry

I agree with you about the difference between worry and consider.  Here is another way to look at what you did. You considered all the angles you know it is an event that you can not change so you changed you attitude towards it. This is the only thing you can do other then worry about it. Also you said you have planed for it. I think I this case when you plan for an event in the future you take away as much of the uncertainty about the situation. So if you plan you have a modicumn of control, which gives you a sense of control over the situation. If you have some control over the situation then you are not left with total uncertainty, and that where I think we get into trouble. In my support group we have a saying to Plan, Decide and Act from a sesne of security not from a sense of fear. This has worked for me. If I see the worst possible outcome as likly I Plan, Decide and Act so I have a sense of control. So I am prepared for the worst and if I am prepared for the worst then I can not worry about it. This does not mean that you should plan for catastrophy in every situation. If you have a definate event in the future that you can not change then do all you can do to take what ever uncertainty out of the situation, which leaves you with a sense of control, or in your words you planned all you could and drooped the rest because there is nothing you can do about it.
PS. I hope the surgery goes great.
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Relationship and friendship questions

I wonder if you could comment on what Davit said I have been told before that I should try to be friends with someone then if a spark is there then try to make an advance.  This is what I have been doing all my life and I think this is where a stronger sense of rejection comes from in me. The reason is I have invested time with this person and then decide to see if there is a spark, when there is not I have a greater sense of rejection then if I were to ask 10 girls out who are acquaintances. This is what I am hearing from you, if I go to a bar and  ask 20 girls for there phone number and one gives it to me then I don not experience the sense of rejection I do when I try to change the status of a relationship from friend to girl friend. I have no problem in having a relationship with girl that is just friendship but I think I get into trouble when I try to change the relationship. In your relationship tool box you say to be assertive, and say what you want, this menas to me that if I ask someone out on a date then my expectations are known and she can respond to them in which ever way she chooses. However, if I ask someone out someone as a friend and I think I may like this person the have I not been assertive becuase I am asking her out as a friend under false pretences.
No offence to you Davit I am just trying to figure where my insecurities lie and move on from there in the best possible manner. Perhaps your way is the best.
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Relationship and friendship questions

I would like to thank you for your honest input I needed a womens opinion to tell me what I have considered a problem with in me.  That is that it is just life it may mean nothing negative about me. This realization goes to one of my core beleif as that I see myself through the way I think outhers see me which is constantly negative. I have had anxiety for so long that I developed this beleif and I am trying hard to chalange it. I have a duality in myself one of extreme insecurity and one that when I was an auditor, I thought I knew everyhting a kind of arogance (or perfectionosm). I am working on this core belief and will be able to work on it more with your post. I know lean towards extreme insecurity. I have also found that I develope the most symptoms when thinking about this subject and when I read where is the place that you avoid this is the stongest one. Thanks again for the reality check (I really needed a kick in the a##) and I thank you for providing it as may see this is the first time I have been able to ask peoples opinion becuase of the anominity of the internet. I was allways to afraid to bring it up to my cognitive therapist and when we broached the subject he simply said that you have to work on relationships which really did not help (it like telling someone with anxiety that they really have to work on it).
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Relationship and friendship questions



Hi, Sunny, thanks for your suggestion I have heard of a life coach before but I am unaware of exactly what they would do. Could you clarify as to what a life coach is I.E. a psycholigist, a social worker, or is it none of these, and perhaps where I could find one? The problem I have is that when I went to the cognitive therapist he said to me that he has never had someone fill the work book in its entirety before, and that he never new anyone come in for therapy that new so much about anxiety and panic attacks.  Please understand that I am I no way bragging in fact I am pointing out how I can look to other people like my therapist. In yet at the same time I may have the knowledge but lack the wisdom to apply it to myself. He was under the impression that I was smart enough to solve all my own problems. In my support group I go to there is a man that said I helped him more than I helped any social worker he has ever had. He is a schizophrenic and was asking is there a difference between the mind and brain, I knew exactly why he was asking this, he thought that he was going to think himself out of schizophrenia, I said to him there is nothing you can do about the schizophrenia. The only thing he can do is reduce its impact on his life and reduce his anxiety towards it.  One day I realized what I told him to accept what he has and work on what he can change, is something that I never did before for me, knowledge verses wisdom. As you can see with all my investigation into various disciplines, I was trying to think myself out of panic attacks and anxiety. The one thing my social worker said is that I am exploring too much such as mindfulness, philosophy, cognitive behavior therapy, neuroplasticiy, brain neurotransmitters involved in panic attacks and so on. I would still appreciate some guidance about a life coach but I believe I have to concentrate on cognitive therapy right now and ignore all my other investigations.


13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Relationship and friendship questions

Thank you both for your input
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0


When I want distraction, I listen to pop, R&B, something with an up temple. However, I have just recently discovered that classical music cause, your brain waves to different from when you listen to rock and roll. Perhaps Ashley you could confirm this or not. Therefore, I use YouTube a lot, because I am able to get whatever I want. I have built up a list for these occasions above. I pretty much just typed in the top 100 classical music songs and built my list from there. I recognize most of them when I built my list (Probably because my mother was a pianist of classical music). I find when I close my eyes and I am in an unreality situation where everything seems hard to concentrate on like reading or writing that I am able to listen to the classical music and set in my mind the difference between the unreality feeling and the music. I do not know why but when I close my eyes and concentrate on the music I sense no unreality or confusion that when listing to it as compared to what I would experience when I am working.

13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Is my panic cycle all perception?

To tell the truth i can not remember when i had a refreshing night of sleep. However, I don not go through the day as if i was in a daze of not having enough sleep. I also know that the mind trick me into thinking i fatigued, but i am able to workout and have been steadily increasing the amount. I don not think I could do so if a did not get enough sleep. So basically I try not to worry about how much I get becuase worrying about it causes me to get less. My psychiatrist has given me every medication that can help you sleep, but I quickly get used to them and end up like I am know, and to be perfectly honest with you even when I was sleeping more, due to drugs, I still felt the same way I do know.
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Cant move. Extreme pain. Does this happen to others?


Hello Anna

You would not believe the number of odd symptoms people get. I am in a support group and there are some people dealing with this for over 20 years. They report that they have experienced a new symptom that they never experienced before. You would think that after 20 you would have experienced them all. However, that not the case and in my case I had similar symptom to you regarding pain and muscles tightening up (however not to immobilization). At the time about 20 years ago for me I did not know what’s was happening and this is what makes the symptom worse is that you work up in your mind that something must be s wrong with you. You will see this in the first couple of session that this is a common thought when you do not understand what is happening to you. If you have been fully checked out by a doctor and there is nothing physically wrong that they can find, than this you must accept. If they have determined what you experienced, is anxiety or panic attack then accepts the doctor’s diagnoses. In addition, start on working on yourself through the program. If there is one thing that I can say is that the symptom are distressing but not dangerous, in other words you are not going to die.
