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13 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
general anxiety

Hello, this is my first post. I was diagnosed with post partum panic in the hospital after my first child. I thought I was having a heart attack but was told it was a panic attack. They started me on Prozac and Xanax until my Prozac kicked in. That was 11years ago. Since then, I have had two more children while on Prozac. I have tried to go off the Prozac several times over the years but go right back into the same state of anxiety.This year I started feeling the same physical symptoms while on the Prozac and read about "Prozac Poop out". My dr. increased my Prozac. It has been 5 weeks and I am feeling better. I get some headaches but assume it is from the increased dosage of Prozac. It is hard for me to do my homework on this site because no "place or event" gives me anxiety. I know enough about anxiety and panic to talk myself out of having a panic attack but that is little comfort since I have high anxiety 24/7. My anxiety doesn't decrease in 10-30 minutes like a panic attack. It remains constant all day long and is exhausting. It starts with physical symptoms like, feeling dizzy, lump in throat, hard to breathe, tingling of the face. I have these symptoms all day long. It is like my brain releases adren. all day and I constantly have to fight these physical symptoms. I have no idea why I got this after having kids. I had stress before. Example, my mother died when I was 21 and just finished college. That was a very hard time in my life but I didn't get panic attacks. Is it my hormones? Why is this not going away? Does other people have high constant anxiety without actually having panic attacks. I think I have symptom shifting and I read that is good and means you are fighting anxiety but I can never get to the last step and get rid of it. I worry that only medication can help me and what if this med. stops working and I can't find another one to help. Why do I need to stay on medicine?Any suggestions?
13 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
general anxiety

thanks everyone for the comments and concern. I can see how members start to feel like family and genuinely care about each other. Unfortunately, I can only post in the evening and not as often as I would like.
I am getting so confused. I thought I was getting better because I could keep myself from getting a panic attack. I try not to do anything differently about my day because of my symptoms. The only thing I can't control is the physical symptoms I feel almost all day long. I ignore them, use positive messages to myself but I didn't think I was repressing my panic and making it worse for myself. I guess I am too new to understand yet. How do I work through my physical symptoms other than ignoring them and telling myself that they are normal feelings that will go away?
13 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
New Ask the Expert Feature!!!

Great question Red!!!!! I hope he picks yours.