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14 years ago 0 57 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Trouble with Sleeping

Having the same problem here. I've been trying to sleep since about 1AM & it's now 2:47... Im having a panic/anxiety attack that includes muscle spasms, chest discomfort, & discomfort... I've been having attacks for almost a month now
14 years ago 0 57 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi all
So, my story begins with the 1st panic attack. Im actually not sure what triggered it but it was NOT a fun experience. I was in bed trying to go to sleep, when all of sudden, my heart started racing. Then I got light headed & hot. Then the muscle twitches started. I thought I was having a heart attack & about to die! But I'd remembered feeling like that when I was dehydrated once from taking magnesium citrate for constipation; so I got up & chugged 2 glasses of water. It somehow calmed me down & I eventually fell asleep...
That was about a month ago & I've been having panic attacks almost every night since then. Im actually in the middle of one while Im typing this (chest discomfort & dizziness right now). I try to tell myself everytime I have one that it's all in my head but once it's started, it's like trying to shut the gate after the horse has already left the barn, if you know what I mean. I even bought a book an anxiety attacks. It helped for a few days (I was on a 6 day stretch w/o an attack) but the one that came after that was a doozy & kept me up all night.
 So now here I am - 3:35AM my time & I have to be up @ 8AM... Im OVER these sleepless nights & irrational, unrealistic fears!
14 years ago 0 57 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I GREATLY appreciate your responses. I can't see my therapist until sometime at the end of this week or early next week. And Im not sure if I wanna take any meds bcuz I don't wanna become a zombie &/or lose my sex drive (my wife wouldn't enjoy that LOL) Im actually on my way to her place npw (which is where I have the more sever attacks). But I refuse to become a recluse & avoid her place. I know that avoidance is NOT the answer.
I will keep y'all posted on how tonight goes. I feel like it will be ok for one, because Im exhausted and two, Im not really feeling overly anxious right now

14 years ago 0 57 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Last night was good. I feel asleep on the couch for about an hour. My gf let me sleep; she even lit some sandalwood oil & put on some calming music for me
I eventually woke up & got in bed. I felt the attack trying to start but I did some box breathing & stopped it from getting out of control. GO ME!
14 years ago 0 57 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sugar Substitutes

I don't really like Equal or Sweet & Low, so Splenda was like a God send to me... But then I just Googled "splenda side effects"   and am not so sure it's the best route to go. Maybe I should just stick to good ol' sugar LOL
14 years ago 0 57 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Inspirational Quotes

One of my FAVORITE quotes is "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" ~~ Eleanor Roosevelt
14 years ago 0 57 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

The box breathing basically gave me something else to focus on instead of focusing on the beginnings of an anxiety attack. And I will definitely continue to use it
14 years ago 0 57 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Panic Symptoms

If I have a full blown panic attack, it lasts for hours. I had one that lasted for 5 hours one night. I could function but I couldn't lay down & sleep AT ALL. I was dizzy, had chest pains, nausea, chills, & gas. And everytime I thought about lying down to sleep, I was scared to DEATH of not waking up.
Im getting better at stopping them before they get out of control. But it's still not where I'd like it to be. But I REFUSE to give up

14 years ago 0 57 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Panic Symptoms

Hi all,
I guess Im having them one after another then. Some nights I can sleep for about 45 mins but as soon as I open my eyes, it's starts all over again. YUCK!
I had one last night that lasted about 2 hours bcuz I was having a chest pain on my left side above my breast. Jus knew I was having a heart attack. I even made my gf drive me to CVS to check my blood pressure. The 1st reading was like 139/89; the 2nd was normal & so was the 3rd. When I got home, I was crying and feeling stupid that I made her go thru all that with me. I got on this website and read things to calm me down. For it to have lasted only 2 hours is progress for me...

14 years ago 0 57 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

So here I am again...
Having small attacks, one after the other... Been trying to sleep for about an hour now... Tried the box breathing and it's not working. Started to try the muscle relaxation but I can't calm down enough to go through the steps. So I thought I'd get on here & post what's going on...
The counseling center called on Thurs to tell me that my therapist would be calling me that day or Fri to schedule an appointment but she hasn't called yet (which is starting to annoy the hell outta me). Ugh!