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13 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Exercise and mood

Exercise levels my mood.  I've used it to take the edge off of getting unpleasant tasks done.   It's hard shaking the traditional marketed need to be part of a gym, although I am.  Activity can take place anywhere as you've mentioned, doing chores, etc.
Blending activity into my day has been my goal, and I've been successful. lowering weight, blood pressure, and the medicine dose, rest heart rate.
13 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi I´m angel...a bit about me.

Hi Angel,
I was "shy" as a child, and then dad died in high school,and I never really came out of a shell, with that shyness becomiing a social anxiety throughout my career.  I ended my career when I couldn't assert myself, was burning out  never vacationing anylonger with worrying about caregiving, and was also a target for bullying. 
Just picking up the pieces now...
13 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Monitoring your symptoms


Sunny and Ashley, one of the upsides of being obsessive, is using being able to do the monitoring.

I’m not new at using different tools, but I’d like to share how great it’s been, although it’s been a long haul, and my help has come from books suggested by my medical/other practitioner or in sessions when they thought it was time. I’ve done half the programme . There is a feeling of control when you are looking at different aspects of your life. It’s hard to start, since an uneasy state made anything tedious a burden at the outset. Most of my stuff comes from the book “Mastery of Anxiety & Worry”.

Progressive relaxation

I used to measure progressive relaxation on a scale, and when I became better at committing to it, I could shorten the groups of muscles I focused on.   I re-introduce it when things I need it, or tire of it. Mindfulness meditation didn’t do much for me.

Thought/Worry records

 I always keep worry records with me, and this helps the ongoing dialogue with my mentor, if there is a theme.

My worry record use has declined, and I have resumed progressive relaxation without measuring it before my night prayer, with the benefits of less uneasiness.

Daily Activities List

A “to do” list a daily routine, and helps indicate my commitment and need for tweaking.

Other audits: Time Audits 

Time audits have helped with finding how I’m not reaching any personal goals, but I’ve not used a 24/7 grid for a few weeks.   I monitor my television watched, and find that it drops dramatically when I have a structured activity. Restorative sleep is also important, and I’m monitoring that with TV watching.


Josies’ forums is currently on exercise benefits, and I’m measuring weekly cardio too, so I can gently resume my conditioning to the state before I stretched some back muscles, and eventually join some physically demanding people activities during the summer.

Our Emotional “timetables”

I was in such a state the last few years, that I couldn’t take advantage of the online resources, or the wireless technology which can let you be comforted 24/7, but paper & pencil will be fine.

My growth has always been incremental, and there was a lot road to cover, and new challenges present themselves.   I’ll bet a bit of that would help with the detail of this programme.

I’ve asked the forum webmistress if she can add an optional monitoring feature for  measuring time online, since we could balance that with the “homework” of life which is why we’re online in the first place.

It was great to write this, since I see how much I’ve done, and feel grateful for the help I’ve had. Hopefully  my achievements aren’t  discouraging, since you wouldn’t believe where I’d started!

And of course, there’s a downside to OCD...

13 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Monitoring your symptoms

How do you feel applying the 10 question method to your thought that depression would worsen by beginning to use paper & pencil?
13 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Monitoring your symptoms

Or to rephrase that, what do you think of using the 10 question method to counter your resistance to using paper and pencil?
13 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Monitoring your symptoms

sounds like you're being hard on yourself.
I remember a friend stating that she often felt she had to protect me from myself, so I kind of feel that now with you...
13 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Myth or Fact?

I've always had trouble with asserting myself, so I've been taunted and bullied, although I've been a stellar employee until I left since work was unbearable, and I was burning out, because I couldn't balance my work and life. 
Most people who know me know I'm a good person, but GAD just keeps me avoiding and unable to venture into the relationship area.
These forums might help build steps towards some semblance of "normal".
13 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
St John´s wort??

Hopefully you're working with a certified professional.  I took this stuff, and wasted a lot of time and money working with someone who was just preying on me.  In North America, anyone can hang out a shingle and call themselves an expert.
Read the real expert's column - he's a certified, respected professional.
13 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Take the Challenage

There was a system problem obtaining the challenge worksheet and I've advised the webmistress.  My system didn't let me see the worksheet either.  When you have a problem that is "technical", there is an online form to contact the IT department, at the bottom of  forums.
Don't feel bad about that system problem, remember that this is a "beta program" meaning, we're helping develop a tool for the future.
As for the information you're getting, I would be confused too, since I like visual information versus text.  Finally,  the fact that we have a learning obstacle - anxiety, makes processing the different postings presented harder to swallow. 
So, as Red suggested, reviewing the module helps.  You'll get it, for certain.  It also helps when members can tell when  a person needs support versus information.  I think you need support until you can chill...and then review the module, until you're comfortable. 
But Angie, would you be patient as some of us are trying to be with you?
13 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Take the Challenage

 If Angie started the day asking about something he’s struggling with, I just have concerns about his wellbeing, since he left the thread he initiated at the beginning of the day.