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15 years ago 0 62 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Planning for the Return of Depression I

Hi Sarah,

I've found them very useful. It's exactly how it's described below.. when you stop using the techniques you get more vulnerable to stress and get faster depressed again. Sometimes I'm wondering how are you able to see my situation so well?? 

I've actually just had a relapse. Yeah, I have to take medicines again. I've started with this program that I felt very useful and after session 8 I "suddenly" didn't find the time to continue with the next ones - so I've got more stressed and finally I got a relapse. I even had to spend some days in the hospital because of this.

I just have to do it again and continue with the next sessions. Don't see yet where I can cut from my 24 hours but have to do all efforts. Health goes first!

Thank you for following up with us on this.


15 years ago 0 62 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
stress at work - how to switch off on weekends?

Hi Rose,

I'm pleased you liked him so much (!)  he's on another computer and as I registered with the new version of the DepressionCenter, I didn't have it on this computer. But I will update the image   (!)  just for the meantime I've found this picture of another one - this is actually not mine   I just love these pets   

Hope, you're doing well? Let us know please!


15 years ago 0 62 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
stress at work - how to switch off on weekends?


Thanks very much for all these infos - I've already printed them out and will give it a try. Will update you as soon as I can apply them. Really appreciated.


14 years ago 0 62 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Finding the right solution...

Hi Tomuse,
I've had exactly the same... I called a psychiatrist to find out what I need. She said, obviously not medication, otherwise it wouldn't loose efficacy after a couple of months. She said, the reason for my disease was not a missing chemical compound.
Rather some cognitive distorsions or anything which should be handled on the cognitive level.
Then I started with this program (which is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy !!) .... and I have to say, it helped a lot! After a couple of weeks (!) my doctor was OK with me to stop taking antidepressiva that I didn't need for a long time.
I don't want to say, you don't need medications at all - it's definitely  up to your doctor what he/she says. All I want to say is that it's worth trying to go on with this program and it might help you more than you would expect.
Good luck!
14 years ago 0 62 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Finding the right solution...

Hi Tomuse,
I also found this information ... it looks it needs some patience but it will work out:
14 years ago 0 62 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Point Form Journaling

I just realized I will need this journaling thing for a while... I almost thought I can live without...  yeah 2 years ago when I started with doing this I felt much better and I did it regularly... for a couple of weeks/months .. until I thought my depression was over. Well, it seemed it indeed was over. Probably it really was over.

But since a while depression appears from time to time and I'm then almost down again. 

Each time I do this monitoring and thought records I always feel so much lighter, afterwards. Things get more clear in my mind as if a dark cloud above just disappeared ... like the weather when it clears up.

Yes, I'm not yet so far to "do it in my head" - I really need to write everyting down - with each written word there are some more ideas come into my mind and things get put into perspective.

A big thank you to all experts and specialists who created this concept of the thought records and made it available to me/us.

It really helps a lot.

I actually know the 10 questions by heart so I don't need to print them out or so as anytime I think I need to do the thought record I can just write down the questions myself.

I wish it may help others as much as it helps me.


13 years ago 0 62 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Point Form Journaling

Hi Goofy, hi Diva,
It's nice to read your comments again. How are you guys doing? It's been a long time I've commented on anyting here on this website.
This website really saved my life. I couldn't imagine what I would have done without it.
It helped me structure my thoughts, and see some light in the darkness.
Being depressed feels like a chaos in your head, it feels like dizzy , cloudy, foggy. Everything is around there, in your head, good and bad, but you can't really see where they really are, how far from you, or how they really look like. You can just assume their shape, their purpose. As if all real things were so far away from you, though they are so close, you can never touch them. There is a wall out of glass maybe that keeps you seaprated from all the good things, as well as how it is to feel the real meaning of the bad things. Just anything real seems far away from you. In the cloudy foggy space you get some impressions of things & people. Some impression. And just impressions. So that you are aware of them. But nothing of those feels like yours or being liked with them.
This kind of condition made me feel soooo lonely for so long time. I had nice people around me, family, friends, colleagues, though, still felt alone and lonely. Isolated.
Doing journaling changed this cloudy, foggy weather in my head.
Reading conrete questions, even very very basic ones, helped me catch one or two out of those foggy shapes in my head and see them clearly.
Yeah, I think, it was exactly those basic questions I needed. When you ask me a general question I would have had no idea what to asnwer.
Yes, the basic, very specifc questions helped me getting asnwers too.
I really liked the journaling. It helped me more and more seeing clearly.
It helped me realizing when I felt bad. It helped me realizing, why I felt bad. It helped me seeing links between events and my mood so that I was not like I was just generally in a bad mood. It was not something that is there independently what you do or don't do. Finally I could see relations between my mood and things happening around me. Finally I could realize what would make me feel sad or feel happy. I was able experience happy moments and learn what it needs for being happy. Finally I was able to control my mood. Wow. What a change in my life. It was not this foggy, un-changing, apathyic condition anymore. It was a dynamic, controllable condition, I had power on!
I can relate to what Anerol is saying. Yes, I also envied people who apparently did not have any difficulty catch their thoughts in their head without difficulty. Who could speak their hearts out. They seemed to be able to have control over their mind, and see clearly what they think. And I did not - at that time.
Anerol, just wanted to "report" to you my experience to let you know that it may be something that can be learned  so don't ever give up!
Journaling was exactly the tool to this!
Hope you are doing well !
13 years ago 0 62 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva's rainy days...

Hi Diva,
I'm so sorry you are feeling this way!
I can understand how bad it feels to apparently loose something you really really really appreciated.
Since when do you think he only holds you when you are "high" ?
12 years ago 0 62 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
someone making you believe your negative core beliefs again

Hi All,
I've gone through many of the sessions and found they helped me a lot. After a while I thought I'm really prepared for life. Until I met someone who triggers negative core beliefs in me again... all these feelings of worthlessness come again. All the feelings and beliefs they made me believing in my childhood... being the ever last and least worth person in the whole world, being somebody strange and un-likeable, probably not even existing for many people or without any relevance to anybody's life, someone who you can always hurt and laugh about as he/she will never give back, someone whose feelings are not counting, who as person is not counting, and who cares really how he/she is doing.. someone without meaning or relevance, someone you can always utilize for your purposes as he/she will never recognize you were only playing with him/her.
What do you all do in such a situation? How do you cope if you need to interact with such people?
I almost thought, yes I may also have a voice, my thoughts can be respected and they count (!) to someone... (even to my boss...(wow)
I almost got to the point to be "normal".
And then it comes out of nowhere - this interaction with this person who treats me exactly the same way as I was treated as child in the school...
what do I do...???
I feel blocked. I feel as in my childhood... and its hurting very much ...
Does anyone have any experiences on such an encounter ... ?
What can I tell them, what can I do, what shall I think and feel...? How can I prevent the negative core beliefs coming back and overwhelming me..? It's getting too serious, it occupies my mind all the time. I always think I'm worthless and did everything wrong in my life... And I'm pretty much down of course...
Anyone has any good advice?
Thank you very much
12 years ago 0 62 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
someone making you believe your negative core beliefs again

Hi Ashley,
You are so right....
This is bullying and it's never nice.
Even if someone doesn't suffer from depression, its hard..
And yes, that is also right, these people make us feel small in order to feel big.... how didn't I see that from this perspective...??
As I said, I was blocked, I am still ... just lost in these bad feelings.
You asked some good questions how I want to feel and want to react..
Yes, I will think about it... I really don't know... but answering these questions may be the key to getting out of this freezed situation of not being able to respond sensibly or at all....
Unfortunately, I think I gave my power away... You know that feeling when you let someone control you..? I think this is also reason why I am feeling so bad....
I gave the control over to them...
Anyway I will think of how I want to react next time.
I would like to thank you very much for your kind answer. It really makes me thinking and looking at a different perspective.