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15 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
how to deal with a relapse?

Hi Mike..
I completely relate to what you are going through..  I had been anxiety / ocd free for a number of years and had a "setback" this past January.  For everyone it's different but I think sometimes our lives / bodies just change..and for whatever reason the disorder shows it's face again.  There might not be a specific trigger that you can think of but maybe a busy past year.. a new job, moving etc.  Many small things can add up to make a "trigger".. Maybe it's lifestyle.. your body is telling you it's time to slow down, or to regroup.  Now although I can't offer you a magic answer I can tell you that you beat this before and you can do it again!!  That's what you need to pull from...  Personally I believe you need to take a positive look at it.. Although it is awful and for me terrifying when it's happening, I always think theres a lesson to be learned at that things happen for a reason.. Even if I think it fricken sucks!... lol...
I have never not carried on my daily life though..(not that this was easy.. I have always just "pushed" through it... luckily I've always worked in places I felt really supported and never ashamed of what was happening.. AND now I'm home with kids so this setback was really hard to push through as I had to be responsible for them too but again I have a great support circle herre)  so I don't have much to offer in the way of not working.  I am Canadian too though.. BC... and was wondering if you had short term disability available to you through your company??  Also, if you're looking for treatment at a relatively low cost or free, I suggest you contact your local universities.. They often have a mood disorders clinic / anxiety program that they run as they use it for studying purposes.  I did this through UBC years ago.. and it was amazing!!  and really helpful.. Although during a setback it's easy to forget all that we've learned... I really had to dig deep.
I do suggest you talk to your doctor though if you're already using avoidance as a coping mechanism.. Unfortunately this won't help you at all..and you may need an outside helping hand that can point you in the right direction.. Alternative therapies, counselling, or maybe even medications...  Any or all of those things though are OK...and everyone needs a hand once in awhile.. That's what living is all about.  I take medication personally and it is the only thing that works for me... I can meditate,eat right, excercise, do the program and my OCD just keeps coming back.. which then creates anxiety.. I'm alright though with it though as I'd rather be enjoying my life and not being worried about the stigma attached to needing them..  If they weren't available I know my quality of life wouldn't be what it is today.. For that I'm grateful.
You can do this Mike!! and it is only a setback. You just need to take the time to readjust and start living again..  You deserve a good life, not one full of fear and self doubt.. You're stronger than you think..and you just need to take it one step at a time.. maybe with a few steps back thrown in...
Good luck.. sorry for the ramble!
15 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Exposure Planning Session 4

congrats.. that's fantastic.  I think you're onto something when you talk about the smell of the motel...  I use aromatherapy at home as certain scents bring back fond memories of good places, people or times and I find surrounding myself with them helps a lot in creating a very warm, calm environment.
Although you probably can't get a "motel" smell.. LOL.. you may find incorporating aromatherapy may be beneficial to you... Many oils have healing properties that help with fear, anxiety, stomach upset etc.
Just a thought....  I personally love things like patchouli, ylang ylang, lavender, neroli... All are very good for the soul :)
Again.. way to go!!
15 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
rewarding stuff

Have a great trip Minnesota!!  and fantastic news about your aprons...
Can't wait to hear more successes!
15 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Myth Or Fact?

Ok.. For whatever reason this title just made me laugh... And I could write a funny retort but I'm sure it would not be "politcally correct"....  Needless to say one makes me feel like the other at times.. :).... 
15 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Trying hard

Ok.. both of you.. You've both been amazing sources of inspiration to me while I'm working through my "crap"... and for that I'm thankful!
CD - your words are often very kind with a bit of humour.. love that...
Minnie (like that a lot)... - You're making tremendous progress!!  woot woot!  and Mall of America.. amazing.. My daughter wants to go there to see the "American Girl" store... as we don't have anything like that in Canada.... We have big malls just not with that store... 
Thanks you two (and all you other amazing folks reading this).... for making this a much more pleasant journey in what otherwise is a quite unpleasant experience.
15 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
summer storms are here

Hi Minn...
Great job on your walk.. I love walking in the evenings and taking a "peek" into lovely homes as well.  Where I live is a beach community with lots of beautiful homes with fantastic views... and they are always building more.. lol... Although we live among the wealthy we aren't one of them.. ha ha!!  Just fortunate enough to have lucked out.
I have to say it's too bad the storms are so terrifying for you.  I am a storm lover.. lightening, thunder.. the whole thing.. and we have an ocean view and I love to watch the crazy waves etc.  For us though on the west coast storms are rarely a danger nor destructive so that's probably the difference. 
I think you're very brave though and have fun at the movies!
15 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
how to deal with a relapse?

Hello Cael...
Well you've done quite a few great things already. You're hear sharing your story... you've pushed through the fear and gone to work.. and it did get a bit better.  All those things start to add up.
The negative thinking..or runaway thoughts are a huge problem for me as I have OCD tendencies along with the panic disorder.  Medication is as necessary as oxygen to me ... lol.. and I would be much worse off without it I believe.  Although it doesn't cure anything, it does allow me to work through the fear and be a bit more rationale...  Sometimes the negative thinking can just be so powerful..  I'm a fellow Canadian but in BC and we have quite a few local resources... I did have to search quite hard though but another option is to check your local hospital for outpatient support services.. Often there are free support groups etc.  that are offered.  Now although they don't work for everyone you can often gain a lot of valuable insight from the people there as well as leads to great counsellors, books, doctors etc.   Just a thought .....  I've mentioned the universities before.. UBC was great here for that.. and it didn't cost me a cent.  As well I met a lot of amazing people.. successful strong people that were gong through the same thing. It allowed me to view other people who in other circumstances I would have thought "had it all" in their most vulnerable.. and to learn you can't judge a book by it's cover.  This anxiety "blanket"... covers people from all different socioecononic backgrounds.. and all ages.. as well all spectrums.. some with GAD, PD., OCD .. etc... and a lot battle depression too..  People are the best sources of information and admitting you need help is the first step. It doesn't mean you're any less of a person, or weak.. It actually takes more courage to face fear ..than to never face it at all...
You can do this Cael..just take it one step at a time.  My thoughts can go crazy sometimes and I too have been known to get caught up in the negative trap.. but I always try to remember that I've had a lot of great days mixed in... and you got to hold on to those...  When you're ready to give up or start avoidance behaviours it's time to reach out for a helping hand... Those behaviours only make the situation worse unfortunately.. and you deserve a life full of freedom.. free of fear... you're actually entitled to it!
Take care Cael!
15 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello all from Australia.....

Hi Char and welcome..
To come off of your SSRI's is a triumph in itself... but I do want to share my own thoughts...  I think sometimes there is a stigma attached to taking the SSRI or any drug for that matter and sometimes we as people / fighters fight against the meds more than anything else.  It's like we'd rather say we don't take anything and be miserable... almost the martyr symdrome.   Although drugs aren't for everybody and some people are successful without them.. there are some people who require them.. often forever or very extended periods of time..  I am one of those people right now (hopefully my body will rebalance one day .. lol).  I do everything from watch my diet, excercise, yoga, alternative health... blah blah... and I still need the meds... I've tried to wean but wasn't sure who I was doing it for.. to say I did it.. or really because I was able to be off of them.  My life is great 99% of the time with my meds and the right balance of good sleep lifestyle... That is far more important than grinding and gritting my teeth through terrible days just to say I did...  Now if you find the days are truly getting better being off of them.. then all the power to you... I just know for myself I had to let go of my preconcieved notions.. and just accept me for who I am and what my body is needing... If I needed insulin I would take it without hesitating... Mental health should be viewed in the same way.
I do want to say I don't think medication is a the smart first choice of treatment though... All options should be given a good go first off... Meds too are not a quick fix and need a lot of follow up work done along with them.  Magic pills just don't exist unfortunately.
Again.. my two-bits.
Take care.
15 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Panic Attack - need help

Hi Bebu..

Sounds like you're in the midst... has it subsided yet?

Hopefully you were able to work through it and feel better now...

They can be so awful but always remember they don't last forever and you just have to get through it one moment at a time.  For me, I need to do something to change my thought pattern.  Anything from cleaning, folding laundry, walking.. and if it's late at night I do crosswords or other mind puzzles as I can't focus on both.. lol..

Take care :)

15 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi Dave
Welcome!  I don't think you're over reacting at all.  Anything that affects your quality of life is worth looking into.  Although it sounds like you've handled it pretty well in the past it sounds like avoidance has been your "coping mechanism" of choice and finally it has just worn out it's welcome so to speak.  I think we can all avoid things for awhile but eventually they catch up to us. 
You state clearly that you want a relationship, family etc. and you deserve those things but you will have to "face the fear" first...yikes!  You can do this though.. we are all going through the same thing.  Sounds like you've done a lot of research and I think you're idea of seeking outside help through a psychiatrist is great.  Although you say you don't trust medication I think that's something a lot of us with anxiety also feel.  I fear taking any medication including antibiotics.. Not so much out of distrust but some type of fear that something may happen to me on it.. A bit silly but true.  A psychologist may be another option for you as they don't use medication in their treatments.. but behavioural therapies such as CBT etc. 
Quality of life is most important and believing that you deserve it is of utmost importance.  Your life does not need to be like this at all and you are the power.  The hardest part is admitting it's something you need to correct so that life can be abundant.  Many people here have amazing tales of triumph and great tools for getting past difficult things.. They've all been extremely helpful to me.  I battle panic disorder and OCD... I though caved after many years and use medication along with cognitive behaviour  therapies.  I found I just couldn't handle not having the best life that I deserve.. and fighting the battle of stigma no longer appealed to me.
I do want to assure you though that you're NOT A COWARD.. you've proven that just by having the courage to post your story.  You're not stupid.. nor lacking or going to lose control...and you're definately not over reacting.  What you're feeling is real BUT doesn't have to be the only way..... 
It's a journey but one that a lot of us are on... This too shall past
Take care Dave