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12 years ago 0 87 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi. I?m Humble.

I hate smoking and everything about it.  I plan to become a non-smoker as soon as I read all the instructions, suggestions and posts from members. bbs
12 years ago 0 87 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Just a thought

 Hey there, Mr Duff.  I was thinking it was useless, that I'm too old and just fooling myself about quitting until I saw you here and then I thought, Gee, if you can do it so can I.  TY.
12 years ago 0 87 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi. I?m Humble.

Thank You Josie and Breather.  As you know, feedback is a most important part of the program and I do appreciate your support.  I have read the book twice and have been part of two programs put on by the health department here so I learned a lot.  The motto:  Don't quit quitting.
12 years ago 0 87 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What?s your favorite method?

This program is streamlined with all the ideas and more that I have learned over my years of quitting. I used to say I can quit anytime I want but as I got older it got harder.  Tried the patch and had bad dreams.  The gum seemed to make me want to smoke so gave that up.  Have read many books on the subject and presently reading, "Overcoming Addiction,: by Corinne Sweet.  Highly recommend it.
The idea suggested here in "Your Customized Coping Plan," about watching our thoughts is a big motivator.  I've been doing that and started out this morning, not switching on my pc, making coffee and smoking ten cigarettes in a row, but instead got out of here and over to the store for lots of fruit.  One coffee there and two smokes before noon.
Walking to the store I noticed I was thinking of where to go for coffee, where to sit to drink it and smoke, etc.  I'll change that tomorrow by starting with breakfast and thinking lovely, beautiful thought as an aspiring non-smoker.  One step at a time.
12 years ago 0 87 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Just a thought

Mr Duff, you are a Bright Star, the picture of health and a prime motivator.
Willis, you are kewl.
I walked over to Starbucks yesterday for a super-strong coffee and a smoke outside.  Ran into a 40 
yr old neighbour there and sat with her.  Her face was ashen, quite grey.  She asked me for a cigarette.  I said NO.  She got angry for a bit between wet coughs.  I told her she needs to see a doctor pronto.  She told me it's not my problem.  I told her some funny stories and had her laughing.
She told me, as we walked home, that she was going to quit smoking today.
After I got home I thought, I have got to do something and then I found this wonderful site.  I will share it with her when I see her again.  Thank You for being you and for being here.
12 years ago 0 87 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Drastic Measures

Last Fall, while in BC and wandering around I found a Buddhist Temple in Richmond where I signed up for a seven day retreat.  It was edifying and enlightening and challenging.  The gates were locked up tight from nine pm to 8am and no smoking allowed.  We did chanting, prostrations and ate vegetarian food.  People were lovely.  We slept on boards and got up at three am to go to the Temple for chanting and meditation walking.  Back to sleep until breakfast and back to the Temple proper.  Awesome.  The only thing that spoiled my great adventure was constant cravings,-like in the song.  And when those gates were finally opened off I ran like an escaped prisoner on the loose in search of coffee and a place to smoke my brains out.  I want to go back there free of that problem.  And when I die I want to go to the Pure Land with body and mind pure as the driven snow.  Thanks for helping me achieve my goal.
12 years ago 0 87 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What positive changes have you noticed?

I have cut down to half so far today and doing other things instead.
:The longest walk starts with the first step."  Or something like that.
12 years ago 0 87 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Getting to Know Members - How do I spend my time?

I spend most of my time alone with my pc, books, cooking, cleaning, sorting and more reading.  Seems I have many addictions including coffee, chocolate, reading books, shopping thrift stores, searching the internet and answering emails.  I like to walk a lot and carry my supplies in my backpack such as water (2 bottles) munchies, music. bandaids for my feet rain poncho, bus tickets and debit card in case I find a treasure..  If it's very hot I pour some of the water on my head.  I will be doing arts and crafts soon at the seniors centre.
12 years ago 0 87 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Keeping your Peace

On a light note...And then there was the young woman who vowed to her parents that not a drop of alcohol would touch her lips as long as she lived; she drank through a straw.
Ex-smokers  I have known would cozy up to me for a whiff of second hand smoke.
12 years ago 0 87 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Drastic Measures

Thanks Josie.  I definately plan to go back there next Spring.  Will also hope to see my two new friends who I met in Delta.  Bill quit cigarettes and went to a pipe until I told him it was a bad move.  He quit the pipe and found that he had throat cancer.  He is still in treatment.  My lady friend, who calls me regularly, has trouble with a grown son hounding her for smoke money as he has four kids and no job.  I told her to say No.
Btw, I don't buy smokes, they are given to me; I don't want them anymore!
And another btw, I have cut down to 1/3 today.  Put aside 20 and smoked 8 all day.  I'll go to bed early and when I get up on Sunday I'll shower, have breakfast and go to church.  That will take care of the morning.
Afternoon I'll visit an old friend who is 84 years old, a recovering alcoholic and ex-smoker who has been after me to quit for years.