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14 years ago 0 109 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Stopping Smoking Again!

I am new and plan to quit this week-I'm already anxious and stressed to quit again-Need to hear from some "quitters" especially new quitters to encourage and help me to start on this journey.  I've smoked for over 30 years and early on smoked about 2 packs a day.  For years I only smoked outside and have cut back to less than a pack (depending on the weather-it's hard to brave the cold, rain, wind etc.)  I've made excuses for too long and need to seriously commit to being and staying a nonsmoker.  Currently, I plan to do it Cold Turkey-I've used Patches, gum, shot, computerized program to wean off gradually, smoking cessation group sessions, and Chantix.  All methods I only stopped for 5 to 10 days except with Chantix - I stopped for 7 months but was so depressed and felt so bad that I smoked and immediately was a puff away from about a pack a day.
Knowing I will need all the support & encouragement I can get - I joined this group.
Most of family and friends DO NOT smoke and I feel they don't understand or can't help the same as someone that is exactly where I am even though they want me to quit.

14 years ago 0 109 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey everyone how about a weekend pledge

I'm willing to take the pledge - my last cigarette was 4/9/10 - so this weekend will be my 1 week.  Hooray.

Yesterday was hard - I always smoked in MY car when by myself - yesterday was day 5 and also the day I go to my mom's every week - but I made the trip about 3 hours without a smoke (hopefully it gets easier) but I made it and that's what my goal is.

Take my hand and I'll take a hand - good suggestion.

14 years ago 0 109 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Day 9 and Really Proud of Myself

Just completed my 9th day - tomorrow is a "double digit" day - hurray.

I'm doing better than I did all the other times I quit - Maybe I should have tried "cold turkey" the first time. LOL

Many thoughts everyday but cravings low for the first week and I'm very thankful for that.

14 years ago 0 109 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dreaming about smoking

Hi, I just stopped April 9 - Today is day 10 and I'm very excited- like you and others have said, the mornings have been pretty tough for me.  That was the first thing I did in the morning was get my coffee and outside to smoke.
I haven't dreamed but have constantly thought about smoking, but this time I'm not CRAVING just missing and thinking about smoking.
I wish I could help you but know that we ALL can identify with what you're thinking and feeling!  I keep a cup of crushed ice and keep sucking on it-I would love to eat it but I cracked some teeth previously from ice, hard candies etc.
I'm deep breathing alot - It's almost like taking a "long, deep-drag when smoking but don't inhale the nicotine and chemicals and don't blow smoke- The deep breathing is helping me alot - I can do those anywhere, anytime.  Also I'm walking 2 or 3 X's a day.  Even if it's short walks it help take my mind off smoking.
Wishing you the best and hoping you will find a few tips that will help you continue the quit - one day at a time!
14 years ago 0 109 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I quit last night at 6 p.m.

Hi Dawn and welcome - I just quit 4/9 and smoked approx. 35 yrs.  I was an outside smoker for the last 30 years and I smoked in MY car.  Can identify with it being hard driving and not smoking.  It is a excellent idea to clean out your car and hopefully get most of the smell of smoke out.  Also the deep breathing is helping me alot and I'm sucking on crushed ice and drinking alot of water.  I've used patches, gum, smoking cessation classes at the local hospitals, shots and a few years ago used Chantix (I did quit for about 7 months) but had a lot of side effects from the Chantix:therefore I'm going the cold turkey route this time and I'm doing quite well so far.
Please consider your age and the length of time you've smoked while quitting - the longer you smoke the harder it is and the more damage you do to your lungs-your picture indicates you are a beautiful young woman-please consider the damage the smoking does to your skin, hair and health.
Congratulations on setting that quit date and becoming a quitter-we have lots of people to support us and encourage us with our journey in this group.
14 years ago 0 109 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I quit last night again!!!

Welcome back - Today is my 14th day and I have quit numerous times before.
Thinking positively is good, keep telling yourself that if you did it before you can do it again.  One Day At A Time!
14 years ago 0 109 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Last smoke April 19 at 9:00pm...

Glad you've decided to quit - I quit (for the 12th time) 14 days ago.  It's easier this time and I quit cold turkey.  
Hang in there, we all know what it's like.  ONE DAY AT A TIME.  We all have the same goal - to quit and to stay quit and we need to encourage one another and help as much as we can from our experiences and beneficial tips.

14 years ago 0 109 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hey Brenda - Congratulations!!!!  Please keep posting and encouraging all of us on our journey. 
Reward yourself for this one year accomplishment and may the Lord's favorite be upon you as you start your 2nd year.
Great Job - Keep the Quit!
14 years ago 0 109 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Help! Smoke Free Three Weeks!

Help - I'm doing very good for me with cravings etc. - I'm walking 2-3 x's a day, deep breathing constantly, and sucking ice like there is not tomorrow and drinking water.  However, I'm not feeling well, coughing a little but my throat has been sore for 3 weeks and not sleeping well.  I'm getting discouraged that I don't feel better.  After all, one of the reasons for quitting was to feel better, breathe better and to work toward being healthier!!!!????
Why do I not see or feel any progress?  jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj  I almost feel depressed, don't want to get up in the morning and very sluggish and tired?

14 years ago 0 109 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Everyone Seems Ahead of Me

I quit 3 weeks ago - doesn't seem like much compared to all of you with months, a year or years but all of you are an encouragement to us newcomers.  Hopefully, all of us that have a few days or a few weeks will be where the longtimers are and will be encouraging the newcomers one of the months or years. LOL