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15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
catching the bus

Hi Georgie,
Thanks for sharing your experiences. It is really encouraging. I also think that if you keep doing it, you may eventually get used to it. Good luck! 

15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Wow, what a harsh therapist! EEk.

15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Is it possible to fully recover from Panic Disorder?

Hi Darkblue, and everyone else.
You know I heard that the average student in college changes their major at least four times. When I graduated from HS, I went to school for fashion design and I didn't like it at all. Before I graduated I totally imagined myself being a fashion designer, etc. Although I changed my major many times, (now Psychology) I sometimes feel like I might end up being a fashion designer one day. Who knows?? I don't know. Anyways, 19 is a young age... and at the fact that you have gone through so much and have experience in things I don't want you to give up on what you want to do. I am still struggling as you... still have anxiety and depression at least once a day, but I do feel I know so much more that I did when I started. In that way, yes, we will never be the same. But I want to believe that if there is a anxiety-"free", joyful life in the future, it would be so much sweeter and precious then the joyful life we know in our memory because it is joy after we've gone through so much. It might be even better, a joy we've never tasted yet. They say courage is doing things even with fear. Maybe it's the same with happiness. 
I was disappointed today that I still feel fatigue every single day, in what ever I do... I just had to ask, WHEN WILL IT EVER STOP!??? A really good person reminded me, don't rush it and my time will come. 
15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Dazedmommy, you should be a therapist. (You actually already are!)

15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
100 Degrees

Yesterday was a very long day for me. I woke up anxious about going to my friend's graduation, early in the morning. My husband and I got there at around 9 am and there were a grip of people. It was already 95 degrees by then and as the day progressed, it got hotter. I met up with some other friends (whom I've neglected seeing thanks to my anxiety). We waited about 2 hours in the great heat and in the mass of population. It was so hard to breathe. My husband bumped into a HS friend and they ended up talking about some of the kids who died from their class! (Gaggg!!!) And as I was walking around to find shade, there were paramedics everywhere because of all the people who got heat stroke and dehydrated! I was terrified... there were stretchers everywhere and a girl was puking. Finally the ceremony was over. I wanted to go home but my friend invited us to her graduation bbq party. I figure I'll try it out. I was still anxious because she lives 40 minutes away from my house. After we got there, we started playing the Wii game and I was not feeling up to it. They served us food and I was hungry but I couldn't eat because I was afraid of  feeling nauseous. I escaped to the restroom so many times, thinking of ways how to ask my husband to take me home. But I put up with it... and my anxiety reduced with in time. Now, everyone started talking about playing baseball and I was still wanting to rush home during this whole time. Everyone decided to walk to the park from the house and it was already dark. I started walking but I was so worried if anything happened to me how will I get back? We were unable to play baseball but we eventually started to play catch. I lost myself once we started. It was a dark warm night but I enjoyed myself and I actually forgot all my fears and my worries. By the time we were leaving, I felt so accomplished. I had such a nasty anxiety the whole day through, so I felt bad for not being so involved with my friends (my excuse was the heat) but in the end, I was happy that I at least felt happy at the end.
15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What happened????

Hello Jaci,
I am also very sorry for the loss of your father.  
I think it's great that you have come back to this site. You've already started to do something! I feel that writing down your worries and replying to other's worries (even if it's easier to reply then to do them yourself ) you get a better understanding of yourself. Just like Dazedmommy, I find myself not doing the program on my bad days... I bet if I did the program and homework every single day, I would be closer to graduating my GAD.
I know how it is such a nasty feeling, right there in your gut that you just want to puke it out, when everything seems hopeless... but there's that pretty picture there in your head that you long for... just keep thinking of it and when you open your eyes one day, I believe, it will be right in front of you. I find it very helpful talking to someone about it, who will love me even if I am "crazy" and also writing it here and writing it in a journal. (I don't ever look back at what I wrote because it scares me!)
I do that guilt trip myself, but I try to remind myself that I am not that other person who has control over their anxiety yet. We all have our own set backs and people cannot understand everything about others, even themselves. We know we all want to be less of a "burden" for those who care.  But they will care no matter what... and  we just need to appreciate the love of that (although, unfortunately, it often turns to pressure to me. I am also my worst critic.)
Lately, I realize that the more anxiety and panic attacks I get, unfortunately, I learn that it's not going to kill me. I guess I am learning what my anxiety is and am getting used to it somewhat. As for the depression, I think about the small things that I really appreciate (beautiful songs, family, nature, love, the connection we have) and focus on that.

15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What happened????

I meant it's unfortunate that I have to learn it by having more attacks.. not that it doesn't kill me!!

15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
bothered by a little setback

Just don't forget to write down how the medications make you feel at specific dosages and communicate it with your doctor and another person who is close by. Your weight, sex, age, lifestyle, other meds, what you eat, etc. can determine what dosage is the best for you.
15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
out for the day!!

This is very hopeful. Thanks for sharing!! I am excited!
15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Headaches and irrational thoughts

I am very sorry for the loss of your friend.
When I hear scary news like that or see people suffering in pain, I imagine it happening to myself.  Before I had anxiety, I thought it was selfish for anyone to think this, but now it's too obsessive to control it.
I often have this slowly falling back sensation... I guess it's like a really slow 'dizzy'.  I got a CT scan for it and my brain was normal. But it still hasn't completely gone away and it scares me often.
I say, if it doesn't go away in a few more days, you should make an appointment with your doctor, just to check.