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Handling Emotions without Smoking

5 years ago 0 93 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Timbo for the bump on this thread. It really does hit right at the heart of this addiction and for what I am dealing with right now in my life. My father is slowly dying from pulmonary fibrosis and it is so sad to watch. He never smoked a day in his life but has incurable lung damage due to an illness he had when serving in the U.S. Navy 60 years ago. All the more reason for me to not give up on this quit, it's the least I can do for him and me. This forum has really been inspiring for me and to have a place where I can share all these crazy emotions with people who can relate. It really does mean a lot. One minute, one hour, one day at a time.
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5 years ago 0 807 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Bump up for new quitters. A good thread to read about emotions WITHOUT cigarettes.
Quoted by Free:"Is anyone else having trouble handling emotions without smoking? 

I am.  I thought I had a handle on it, but I guess I don't totally. 

I am finding the feeling of 'frustration' to be extremely hard, especially when you try and do something about it and nothing gets resolved.  I could barely sleep all night last night. 

Getting a handle on emotions and learning how to deal with them without a crutch is very important for my quit.  Not knowing what to do leaves me with a very uncomfortable feeling.  Is this normal?
Stay strong.
Not One Puff Ever
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13 years ago 0 74 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Jim, for the encouragement to
And Thank you, too, Ron, for being there. I know I have a lot to work through...and I'm doing it with the help of this site and the people herein...
13 years ago 0 377 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This is so typical of what happens when you quit.  We all have to go over all the emotions of the past without ciggies and sometimes it can be difficult.  I'm glad to see you posted your thoughts and I'm 100% behind you in your quit.  We can all watch our emotions without acting on them and that is super amazing. Happy Holidays. Ron
13 years ago 0 2778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Denise!!!
       Stay strong, buddy, and know that you are not going through this alone!!!  Read and post and distract yourself and eat and sleep and ice water and REWARD yourself!!!  Slap that depression in the face, too, along with all that slapping you are giving the nico-demon!!!  It's good that you have been here and done that and know exactly what you need to read to keep on track!  AND, do just what you are doing... yell for some help and we'll be here!!!  
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13 years ago 0 74 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you, Willis, I don't think you went off the rails at all. It's all about lending each other our experience, strength, and hope. If tapping into your stubborn streak helped you, then it might just help me. I also have that stubborn streak. I hear you about the resentment the smokers have towards you. Some of my supposedly closest friends at work will not even talk to me any more. Scared I'll try to convert them, I suppose...Thank you again, Willis!  DeniseK
13 years ago 0 792 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Denise, I understand (to the extent a stranger can) how you feel. I felt so lonely at first. I felt nobody really cared if I quit or not. In fact if anything, since most people I hang with are smokers , I felt a hint of resentment. That's tough to handle when there is also a little devil in your ear saying "oh go ahead and have just one. You don't have to put yourself through this."
But I have a stubborn side which is usually a negative personality trait but in this case kept me going. Then I found this site which is filled with people who DO understand. And found a Super Cool Quit Bud in Eyja who keeps me on the straight and narrow.
Thanks for letting me vent I actually started out to lend you some support but went off the rails as usual !! Keep us posted Denise and we will do this together.
William - Free and Healing for Nine Months, Nineteen Days, 22 Hours and 18 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 35 Days and 20 Hours, by avoiding the use of 10323 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $4,701.90.
13 years ago 0 74 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This is such a wonderful thread. I am, of course, experiencing so many emotions and the major one is anger, then irritation. I am not having much luck with tuning into my softer side. Evidently I don't have one right now. Verbal altercations with my mostly loving husband who is currently cutting me no slack and being a pill. Well, ok, I'm super sensitive as well as irritated and angry, but I think in all reality I am depressed and trying not to let it get to me. I don't mean clinically depressed, but sad and feeling loss for something that has been in my life since age 12. That's 45 years, and I don't know how to be an adult without that crutch. I am feeling lost and empty and scared. Well, that sounds melodramatic and I'm not really so bad, because I can still laugh at myself, but still, the feelings are there. I feel like I could cry but don't, because I, like Aloha, don't normally cry about much of anything. Except, this is the 31st anniversary of my 1st husband's death. Now, you would think that 31 years would be long enough to let it go, but for some reason my quit is all tangled up in loss and sadness, so of course I am experiencing this damn loss more keenly. I was 26 when he died, and he has now been gone for longer than I was alive when he died. Such a strange thought. I am having a terrible time not just saying screw it and getting a pack. It's very hard and I don't really know what to do to stop myself. And this is not my first BBQ, either. I did 5 months once, about 4 years ago. One puff led to 4 more years of addiction, so I KNOW that's not the answer. I guess I just need a little help. Which is also something I don't ordinarily do. Enough rambling, I actually do feel better after reading this thread, even though it goes back to 2006 and has people I don't know, it still helps to know I am not alone in this.  DeniseK
13 years ago 0 2534 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
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14 years ago 0 816 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Sparky  Excellent for you. You've just discovered the secret of the final quit or just maybe you've known it all along. It's an ability to see past the immediate gratification of releasing a few happy hormones and knowing that the addiction will be released again in all its ugliness guaranteed. And you're right that 5 minutes of artificial joy totally isn't worth it. The brass ring is at your fingertips now and all you have to do is reach out and grab it. Time is the great healer and I'm confident that this is going to be your final quit. You're the most important person here. breather

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