Hi! I'm here to celebrate my month smoke free with everyone!
I still need to go in for that x-ray. I never did go on Friday because I was too tired to drive the 45 minutes to town. So I need to do that because things still hurt.
But I'm not smoking!!!! My skin looks really wonderful if I do say so myself :) Other people have commented on the glow too. So that's nice. I'm gaining weight though! I started weight watchers yesterday so things don't get too out of control. The main focus though is just not smoking no matter what.
Vincenza-- thanks! The thing that (sadly) helped the most is seeing my dad so sick. He's doing okay right now-- stabilized, but I will never ever forget spending the night in the hospital with him and listening to him struggle for each breath. That had a tremendous impact on me. I walked out of that hospital, took a deep breath, and said to myself, 'That's it for me.' It wasn't even a difficult decision and it still isn't.
I decided that I kinda like the whole breathing thing, and that I was personally responsible for creating a situation where I was poisoning myself, and my lungs. The sounds I heard at the hospital were terrifying and so distressing. So I guess I got scared straight.
Thank Gert, Ejya, and Wills :) I appreciate your support sooooooooooo much.