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Smile....and don't shoot the messenger


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What are negative core beliefs?

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Quote of the day

12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Not many people are willing to give failure a second opportunity. They fail once and it's all over. The bitter pill of failure is often more than most people can handle. If you're willing to accept failure and learn from it, if you're willing to consider failure as a blessing in disguise and bounce back, you've got the potential of harnessing one of the most powerful success forces.
- Joseph Sugarman

The failure pill is actually good for me, like some medicine, I guess
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
If you have tried to do something and failed, you are vastly better off than if you had tried to do nothing and succeeded. You must never regret what might have been. The past that did not happen is as hidden from us as the future we cannot see.
- Richard Martin Stern



Is there anyone out there who likes being wrong...
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Sunny  I felt touched.
If you want to take your mission in life to the next level, if you're stuck and you don't know how to rise, don't look outside yourself. Look inside. Don't let your fears keep you mired in the crowd. Abolish your fears and raise your commitment level to the point of no return, and I guarantee you that the Champion Within will burst forth to propel you toward victory.
- Bruce Jenner


12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Hugs:  You must find it very difficult to take care of someone when running on empty.  I know I find it difficult sometimes.  When I had to be there for my mother I often felt alone, my sister and brother were out of the country, there was only me.  

When you fly they have those safety announcements at the beginning of the flight.  One of the messages about the oxygen masks is that if you have children - i.e. you are the caregiver - you put your mask on FIRST - that way you can help them.  How are you going to be able to help if you are deprived of oxygen and therefore physically unable to?

You are not taking anything away from your mother if you stop and smell the roses - as the saying goes.  You are filling up your tank - spiritually and physically.  Please don't feel negative about this, the beauties of nature are a gift for us on this earth.  Hopefully they will be uplifting to you - as you started to say that it was.

What are you entitled to?  Ever heard of your "Bill of Rights"?  As your mother is entitled to good care and a loving son/family, you also have rights.  Sounds to me that you are a dutiful and loving son.  You make sure your mom is well taken care of and you, yourself, care deeply for her.  

There's a saying I like when I am all in a dither - "Let go and let God".  To me that means I do the best I can then turn it over.  It's not always easy, but I think I am getting better at it.  Faith is what it takes.  I know you are religious as you have mentioned church before and so have I, so I hope you don't mind if I mention this.  

Please, know that you are loved, you are appreciated, you are a gift to us.  

Your friend,

12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You can do what you want to do, accomplish what you want to accomplish, attain any reasonable objective you may have in mind - not all of a sudden, perhaps not in one swift and sweeping act of achievement - but you can do it gradually, day by day and play by play, if you want to do it, if you work to do it, over a sufficiently long period of time.
- William E. Holler

I'm not certain it's my effort which is missing, but my priorities.  I caught myself admiring a rose in a neglected part of the garden, and was happy to see a bud for the first time in the season.  Mom is in hospital, and I'm feeling self-conscious that I'm ignoring her, since I should ignore everything outside her needs.
I did end up seeing my doc, since it was the responsible thing to do, since I have to be healthy going to a hospital
The question I struggle as a caregiver, is what am I entitled to, if anything?
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit,
It's wonderful to see you on the forum again. 
Regarding disabilities, aside from those who have the illusion of thinking they're perfect, I believe we all have disabilities or limits, but they're hidden in some way.
In terms of achieving, I think companies have a vested interest in seeing more "productivity" or whatever gets their shareholders more money.  It's like Ghandi said,  "...there's more to life than speed(or greed or money or whatever)..." 
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This quote is not relevant to those of us with disabilities. Much is impossible for us. The key is knowing when it is and when we are just not trying. A disabled person should never feel bad for not being able to do something but I do not know of a single one of us that doesn't in fact do just that.

In the end we all die and what we got done with our lives matters to very few and in the case of some of us only to ourselves. In truth most of us get a lot more done than we think or was necessary.

12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Many men fail because they quit too soon. They lose faith when the signs are against them. They do not have the courage to hold on, to keep fighting in spite of that which seems insurmountable. If more of us would strike out and attempt the "impossible," we very soon would find the truth of that old saying that nothing is impossible... abolish fear and you can accomplish anything you wish.
- Dr. C. E. Welch


As I fight off a cold, unable to visit my sick parent in hospital, I realize that I have my limits.  Some things which are possible were never within my minds perception as within my grasp
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
People don't change their behavior unless it makes a difference for them to do so.
- Fran Tarkenton

What this means for me, is that the pain of staying where I am, is so much greater than being in some other place
An example is that its hard for me to throw things away.  The other day I was able to throw away some work journals, in my room's paper trash, as I bargain with the emotional attachment.  Work is gone, but the pain of having the clutter - physical and emotional, is greater than getting rid of it
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat.
- Napoleon Hill

Sometimes we have to search deeply for this passion

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