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14 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am trying. I get positive thought at night but somehow they disappear during the day. I am working on it. I am sitting here at work shaking but at least doing my work. I know it will get easier in time 
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Here is my take on your situation. I don't like to base anything on one post so I have been only reading yours. By the way don't let anything I say here keep you from posting.

You may or may not be aware that you are very unhappy. This breeds anxiety and depression. It also affects acid production in your stomach which makes more anxiety. A vicious circle you have to break. To put this simple (which it isn't I know) you have to stop finding the worst in every situation, even if you are only doing it for conversation. The exception is here.
Here is the place to vent and get it out of your system. Vent here and then set it aside. We are here to listen to you, and we do. But the rest of the time you need to find something good in every situation. If you can not find something good then think of something else to block it from your thoughts. An example is instead of thinking about how hard Hubby is having it, think about how much you love him for doing this and how much he must love you to do this. Do you see the difference? One is negative and one is positive. One breeds anxiety and pain, one breeds warm fuzzy feelings. And believe me thought alone can have an effect on how your stomach works, in fact how your whole body works. It takes a bit of work but you can put a happy spin on almost every situation even if doing so seems ridiculous to you. If you do this you will find a change in the first day and as you get better at this replacing negative thought with positive you will find the unhappy thought showing up less and less as time goes by. It takes time but it works. You are trying with this to undo a whole lot of conditioning. 

More on this later if you are interested.

Here for you.

14 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am at work. I had one of my nutrition drinks but still have the shakes. I found out that my boss was stuck in the elevator for 2 hours yesterday so now I am afraid to go near it. I am on the 5th floor and usually go out a couple times a day for a butt, now I am re-thinking
14 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well I am off to work today, a little shaky but hopefully it will get better as the day goes on. I really just want to feel good again.
14 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My stomach doesn't really hurt, I get like a gagging sort of thing I guess. I feel like I can't swallow the food. I had depression after two of my kids and the same thing happened. It lasted like two weeks. Hopefully it will go away. I did get some nutrition replacement until I can eat again though. It is sweet and I am a salt person but whatever it takes, hopefully it will take care of the shakes that I get in the morning.
On a good note, I went to the councilor and she was very nice. I felt better once I left there. We talked about how the house burned down and I didn't really talk about it. I tend to bottle things up and she thinks everything is coming to a head with hubby going third shift and the changes going on. She thinks some of it  could be the change of life as well and the fact that I work two jobs and put in a boatload of hours. I was a little freaked out in the elevator, I was alone in it and the door closed slowly then beeped but the door didn't open for what seemed like longer than it should. I work on the 5th floor at work so I take the elevator all the time. I had a panic attack in there once when the door closed and it didn't move then I realized I never pushed the floor button.
I actually feel pretty good right now, it is the mornings that seem to bother me. I think it is waking up with the shakes and then going to a job that I am not crazy about. I make decent money and  it pays the mortgage so it is not like I can quit or even look somewhere else ( I did not go to college) Well let me re-phrase. I like the job, I am working for a boss who was my friend before. Personally I do not think she is all that great of a boss, I work 45-50 hours in the office and then take work home and it still is not enough. If it was just me feeling this way I would think maybe I am not doing the job well but the other two that work with me say the same thing. Now that hubby is working in Boston he is not liking it so that stresses me out a bit too. He got lost the first two nights going out there. They do road work overnight so the detours keep changing and he has to call his coworker to come get him. He does not know the area at all and since it is dark I am sure it is hard to find.
I did go to my son's promotion day today with my daughter, we did not go into the auditorium because it was packed with 200 kids and 400 parents but I did get a picture of him. Then I fell asleep on the couch for about an hour and woke up with the shakes again so I went to visit my mom. I love her dearly but sometimes she does not help with the anxiety. Over the weekend she told me I was probably having a nervous breakdown so all I could visualize was the straight jacket and rubber room then today she told me that if I was going though menopause not to take estrogen because both my grandmothers died of cancer. I had to change the subject a couple times to keep calm, then my youngest son called to tell me his dirt bike broke.
Tomorrow will be better, I am bringing a couple of the nutrition replacements to work along with some yogurt and oatmeal. Maybe I will bring a salad for lunch.  I hope everyone has a good day  :)
14 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Mammakin:  I remember when I was at my most anxious how my stomach used to be upset a lot of the time and nausea.  I ate little meals as too much food at once hurt, plus low acidic type snacks.  At the worst I couldn't eat raw veggies which would have been a good snack. I got acid reflux a lot too and it was hard to lie down at night.  As I got better, the stomach relaxed more.  Don't know if it's the same for you, just thought I'd mention it.
14 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I had yogurt this morning then went to Billy's promotion day. I think I worked myself up getting there though. We did not go inside the auditorium because it was packed and hot. There were 200 kids, the biggest that the middle school has had through there. Then I had to go see the vice principal to see about putting Billy in a program for high school that will help him achieve better. I also bagged my 17 year old with a friend in the car ( he just got his license and is not supposed to take passengers for 6 months)
So  I made it through that, but now I am a bit shaky and I feel hungry again.
I have been trying to exercise for at least 15 minutes every day. This time of day for some reason has me exhausted then I get a second wind about 2pm and I feel not too bad.
One good thing is that I my appointment was changed from 10am tomorrow until 6pm today. I feel a bit better about that.
I feel like this is never going to end though. I hate feeling this way and making the people around me deal with it
14 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi mammakin,
I am glad you were able to eat a meal. It sounds like your husband is supportive and cares deeply for you. Exercise is a great way to relax, burn calories and helps with getting a better night sleep. I hope that you were able to take the time to get on that exercise bike. Here is a motivational tip for exercise. Whenever you have the urge to exercise but you are not motivated, tell yourself that you will exercise for 5 minutes and if after 5 minutes you still do not feel like exercising you can stop. Most times, once you have reached 5 minutes of exercise you will be feeling motivated, energized and you will continue.

Samantha, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well I went to my older son's high school and he does not have enough credits to be a senior. He can do credit repair and go to the community college for Math and Science then take two online courses. The boys are horrible about homework and such, my youngest failed two classes but they moved him to the high school for next year. My oldest was a breeze getting through school so the boys are killing me with this. I am upset with them.
The shakes are not as bad right now but my stomach is so queasy, I drink water and it makes me feel icky right now. I might try to get a yogurt in me just for nutrition before I go to my younger son's promotion day.
14 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Woke up shaky again. my stomach is icky again, It seems to be just in the morning until early afternoon. It is weird. I sleep pretty good but I am still exhausted. I know I have to cut down on my smoking because this week it seems I have been smoking a lot.I coughed and almost gagged which did not help. I fell asleep and woke up to the news so that may be part of my issue. All bad news and Thursday it is going to be hot and muggy. The heat bothers me a lot so that may be part of my worries. I feel like laying back down to take a nap but I have to get the kids ready for the last day of school. Hopefully a shower will help

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