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many forms of love

13 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello : ) Good for you for making it through another day of NOPE!  You may not realize it with the lack of energy, tears and swollen eyes, but you are actually doing GREAT!  I wish I could send some happy pills (with no side effects!) and a big boost of energy your way to help you get through the day.  I empathize!  I soooo hated the first few weeks of my Quit!  I quit Cold Turkey as all other methods of quitting didn't work for me.  So I put up with the crappy side effects. The only thing that kept me going some days was to realize that if I started to smoke again, then I'd have to go through it all over again next Quit -  and I just couldn't imagine doing that!
You're doing a good thing Deb!  Hope you enjoy that lovely sleep with sweet dreams when you finally get there! Take good care : ) Eyja (my smokin' new nickname; to remind me there's enough smoke on the planet already; I sure don't need to add to it by lighting up! LOL) 
13 years ago 0 375 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Man, yesterday was a lousy day.  And N.O.P.E., I didn't smoke. 
But the day deteriorated and culminated into a lot of sobbing by bedtime last night.  I felt better after I cried, but my eyes are all swollen this morning and I feel like I could sleep for a week.  I'm so tired.
Today I plan to put one foot in front of the other and get through as best I can.  Then hopefully go to bed early and feel better tomorrow.  That's the plan anyway.  Seems like a good one.
13 years ago 0 792 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Deb !   Don't worry about babbling it is one of the more therapeutic aspects of this site ! Babble on ! Just Remember N.O.P.E. !
13 years ago 0 375 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good point Will.  And well timed! 
I woke up feeling a little despondent today.  I think because it was back to work day.  So I've had the blahs all day and am feeling uninspired.  I did have that old feeling of "Is this it?"  Life is still life. 
And really, who am I to complain-- I'm alive after all and who can complain about that!? 
Sometimes I amaze myself with the stupidness of my own thoughts.  But there you have it.  That's how I'm feeling.
I don't think I'm feeling complacency yet though.  I'm well aware of that one.  It can be a very dangerous time.  I don't think I'm quite far enough into the quit to have experienced that one yet.  But I know it's there lurking.  So I will stay on the lookout.
This is blah week, isn't it?  That explains a lot.   Is that a good blah face?  It looks kinda zombie which is where I'm at. 
Smoking won't cure the blahs, just like it won't cure anything else.... so I'm not craving too bad.  I would like to feel different so it has been crossing my mind but not in any very serious kind of way.  Just like an annoying gnat that keeps coming back.
So I felt like connecting, but I feel like I'm just babbling.  I therefore release you all from this boring post!
13 years ago 0 792 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Deb ! I hear you on the counting deal but let me offer a few words of caution. Once we are past the quiting thing, the craving thing, the counting thing etc. and we are living the wonderful ,calm and natural life we were meant to live, Beware Complacency.
We are coasting along, years down the road and then....a cigarettte is left on a counter, alongside it a lighter, no one else around ...maybe....why not.....BOOM ! the cigarette is lit and years of quiting are down the drain, immediately we are addicted again and within days back to our previous levels of smoking.
 As easy as that , as quickly as that. We must remember EVERYDAY that we are nicotine addicts and live by our motto Not One Puff Ever. 
William - Free and Healing for Six Months, Nine Days, 18 Hours and 13 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 23 Days and 13 Hours, by avoiding the use of 6782 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $3,076.14.
13 years ago 0 375 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What a wonderful 24 hours.  It was quiet and I got to spend some time thinking.  I've done many things differnt this quit.  Before, I made such a big deal out of a day, a week, a month.  But I realized that I was focusing on being a smoker.  A smoker needs to count.
Now I don't care so much.  Yay for two weeks..... but how about the yay for idenifying as a non-smoker.  I'd rather just think of myself as someone who doesn't smoke, rather than someone who is counting days.  I needed to acknowledge the two weeks-- mainly because I think the rewards are important. But that's it.
On to day 15.
I've noticed that our site has grown quiet.  So Jan, it was wonderful to see you.  Thank you for writing.  Will and Eya, you are both so amazing!  I'm so impressed with not only your stats, but your awesome personalities.  I feel so lucky to have met you here, and your posts keep me going.  Dave, you will always be my friend.  Always always always.
xo you guys!
13 years ago 0 792 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
2 weeks Deb !  The hardest part under your belt and your beginning to enjoy some of the Fantastic benifits already ! Cheers !
William - Free and Healing for Six Months, Nine Days, 4 Hours and 27 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 23 Days and 11 Hours, by avoiding the use of 6761 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $3,066.96.
13 years ago 0 763 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Congratulations Deb!  One day at a CAN do this!  Keep up the great work.
13 years ago 0 639 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Congratulations, Deb, for your Hell and Heck week success!  Life.....Live it on your terms now!
Keep the Quit,
  • Quit Meter


    Amount Saved

  • Quit Meter

    Days: 1197 Hours: 6

    Minutes: 34 Seconds: 41

    Life Gained

  • Quit Meter


    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

13 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What a perfect reward for two whole weeks QUIT; good for you! Enjoy, savor, reflect, sleep - whatever feels like the best reward you can give yourself : )  It's so good for you to recognize that you need & deserve the solitude. And with Heck Week already over, you're well on your way now.  That whole tired thing took me a long time to shake; lots of tears too - thought I was losing it and was almost ready to commit myself to the looney bin (and I don't mean Canadian bank) My quit bud, Roxie and I showed up here together very late one night, both bawling away; and Shevie just so happened online - with some kind words that grounded us & that 'sanity' you  recognized  in Willis's and Pen's posts earlier here . . .  So we dried the tears, relished some necessary Zzzzzs and keep our quits going after all . . . we're both still Quit so far, (going onto 8 mos now). You can do it : )     

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