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12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Just not ducky.

Have you tried Ginger mint tea before bed and a cup by the bed, you can drink it cold when you wake up. It is a mild diaretic so you may have to get up but I find I go right back to sleep if I drink it at night. chamomile works too as does sleepy time. Don't take sleepy time with calcium, it will give you restless leg. Have you tried a colder room. Hot milk. It releases triptophan, a sleep aid. Put a couple of srawberries in it if you don't like milk.

12 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It may be a mute point, however, have you tried relaxation techniques before bed?
Long hot bath
Chapter reading
Relaxing music
Relaxation breathing
Being very relaxed before bed can help you get to sleep and stay asleep. 
Hope this helps,
Josie, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 66 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I didn't sleep more than 2 hours consecutively last night.  So hypersensitive today.  Don't know how much more of this I can take.
Just not ducky
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great to hear your progress!  Backing off the "uh oh" is wise...say hi to Elvis in Vegas   
12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi jd:  sometimes happens like that - one step forward, two steps back.  Doesn't mean it goes all the way back to square 1.  Remember all the things you have learned from CBT.  You are knowledgeable now and can use the coping skills too.  Sometimes it could just be you're a little tired that day and more sensitive to your surroundings.  Soon it will be two steps forward and only one back, then steps will be forward all the way!  Keep the faith.
12 years ago 0 66 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey everyone, thanks for all your comments and suggestions!  The last week has been okay.  I've been sleeping lots which is probably catch up from the past few weeks before of not sleeping well.  Yesterday I felt pretty good at work and was able to concentrate for the most part.
Today I've been unable to concentrate for most of the morning.  It's like I read through a few sentences and loose my train of thought and have to go back over and over (very forgetful).  I am also feeling really spaced out today.  It's so frustrating how one day I can feel okay, and then the next feel like this.  These symptoms cause me anxiety.  I try not to do the "uh-oh" to them, but its so frustrating when you've dealt with this for years.
Currently I'm taking 100mg effexor and 20mg cipralex (I have been on a slow, gradual taper of effexor over past year).  My last decrease was in may 2011.  I'm wondering if maybe this mental slowness and forgetfullness is due to the effexor tapering?  Will have to talk to the doctor.  Anyone have any experience with these meds?
Otherwise I'm exercising every second day, eating well, and doing some neurofeedback therapy at a clinic.  Trying to put the frustration aside!!  I booked a trip to Las Vegas for early September, should be fun.
- JD
12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi JD:  I have been there - as the saying goes.  I didn't even know what I wanted, let alone what made me happy except for some momentary happiness kind of moments.
I figured if i couldn't do for myself, I could do for others and have been in volunteer work for over 12 yrs. now.  I figured if I couldn't make myself happy, I could at least make others happy while working out what the heck it was I wanted and needed for myself.  The volunteer work did fill a few "holes" but of course just doing this is not the perfect balance for any person.  
It hopefully won't take you as long to figure things out, but what I do know is that you need to give yourself some time off and stop beating yourself up, or trying to analyze everything ad infinitum.  I often think of that as just "navel gazing" anyway.  Which of us is perfectly happy anyway?  None - because we live in an imperfect world.  We all do the best we can with the resources and limitations we have at the time.  Once a decision is made - let it go.  Nothing is written in cement and you can go back to school if you want to later, when you feel ready.  Nothing has been lost if you use this experience to better know yourself.  We are all on this path of knowledge - sometimes the biggest question of all is "who am I?"   Enjoy what life has to offer without worrying about the could-have-beens and the should-have-beens and the what-if's.  Life just might pass you by and you won't enjoy the present.
Hope this helps.

12 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wondering what advice you would give someone if they were in the same position as you right now?
I hope you find some encouragement with the recent postings.  Davit, Hugs4U, thanks for your input! 

Vincenza, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

This is not quite the same but it is similar. Because of my ongoing disability I have had to change jobs till I finally got too crippled to work. It hurts to give something up. It also hurts to know that something you planned is not going to happen and there is that dead feeling where nothing excites you till you settle in. Life goes on with or without us. Might as well grab on and get what we can out of it. 
I'm actually happy in my restricted world only because I want to be so once in a while it gets to me but not for long. 
I hope you can find the good in your decision and not let it bring you down. We don't have to be what we want to be but happy in what we can be.

12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
If the decision is "made", maybe sitting with it for a while would help confirm that the decision is right.  Not doing something ambitious is always easier than doing something challenging
The competetencies involved in searching for "perfection" are actually helpful for post-grad work.  Your situation reminds me of leaving work, where I used my ocd competentencies to be successful in my field.  I didn't know this until I left.  I can even leave a typo and not worry, now!  I could never have left that typo before.

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