Good morning Neek.
Maybe thinking about it differently might help. You said you quit for your girlfriend. Really?? You obviously love her, and vice versa, but you remain quit, for what? For her? You remain quit so she wouldn't be mad at you? Look deeper. Your addiction will win if this quit is not based on YOU.
Don't you feel great? Don't you smell great? Isn't it nice to do something without taking a smoke break? Isn't is wonderful not to freak out if you ran out of smokes, or can't find them? Isn't it nice to have control over your life and choices? Isn't it nice to take a nice, long, deep breath in without coughing? And I know it is great to laugh hystericaly without choking.........
Think of the benefits that you have gained by quitting. You know they far outwiegh the other. The only think left with smoking is your memory. You are romanticizing your old habit. You are remembering the times you were so worked up and having a smoke gave you that aaahhhh feeling. I know. We all know. We all remember that feeling. But we soon forget the bad ones.
What about remembering those times in the pool hall when you overdid the smoking, and the next day woke up wheezing with a tight chest. I remember those times very well. I over-smoked a lot. I remember waking up with that tight chest feeling..... I remember lighting up another right after I put one out just because someone else lit up in front of me. I would be drinking, and noticed I smoked too much. I remember late night, buzzed trips to 7-11 to buy more. I remember not being able to go on field trips with my daughter because I was afraid of what other parents would think of me.
My smoking addiction came before anything and anyone. It was top priority.
That really sucks.
In order to remain quit, you MUST want to quit more than you want to smoke. Without that, you will let your nicodemon in and manipulate your way of thinking. He WILL enclose you into your own hell, a world back to addiction..........
Turn your quit around. Now. List your reasons of quitting. List the benefits of quitting. Fake out your mind if need be. But do this for youself. Your gf can be your inspiration for remaining quit, but not your reason for remaining quit. You know that.
Take a step back and think about it. Bei