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Does STRESS cause physical problems?

15 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I did what windsybarbie did, tried to rush through, working really quickly on the sessions.  Realized I needed to slow down and started all over again.  I'm making progress and being more helps more this way!
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for sharing this experience with other members here.
You have made a number of important points in your post. It is good to hear you will be redoing the CBT program. CBT is only effective when you do the homework. Worksheets help you track your homework exercises and CBT is a lot of work!

As you move through the Depression Program the worksheets will change as you change. Make sure you give yourself time to do the homework properly - you know your depression best so it's really up to you to decide how often you do your homework. Take your time when you do your homework, there is no rush!

Each session in the Depression Program is based on previous sessions, and if you track your mood with your Mood Tracker (and keep notes in the spaces provided) you'll see much improvement over the coming weeks.

At the beginning of each session we give you a Weekly Review, which allows you to see how far you've progressed. We save your Weekly Review results in your Session Diary, so you will see a collection of results, which are all based on what you write in your worksheets.

CBT is a lot of work but the good news is that if you follow the program it will all come together for you as you start to feel better.

Members, any experience with reviewing the program? Did you find it useful to re-do certain session? Please share your experience!
Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 72 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Rose:
I cannot give you advice on what to do as I am not a mental health professional.  A good book I lent from our city's mood disorder assoc was Bipolar for Dummies.  I also read " It's not all in your head" by Susan Swedo and Henrietta Leonard. 
However I can tell you that me seeing a second shrink for a 2nd opinion was my shrink's idea.  He felt that he did not have the expertise to diagnosis bipolar as he has seen me very low and not high as I was since July until on wellbrutrinxl in Oct/08.  He has expertise in PTSD- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and he is not sure if I am experiencing bipolar. I had a very insightful session on Dec 23, 2008 as we covered things about stress and how my wiring is made up. 
However he has diagnosed me with Major Depressive Disorder for 12 years, off and on, as I was not on medication for 3-5 years, but now I have to go on wellbrutrinxl and lamictal.  Thank you for remembering about my pain, and no one is taking me seriously about maybe having RSD. 
For now I am just concerned that the trigger point injections are allowing the pain to be tolerable for the most part.  Our city's pain clinic is terrific, and the nurse is so helpful.  In December when I was off work for a week, I baked and I gave some treats to the dr, nurse and pain clinic as they were so helpful.  It is nice to know that I have them in my corner for support.  I also will be taking it easy in 2009.  Only work 4 hrs of respite a week, and maybe 3 hours at YMCA After school program and my regular 30 hours at the high school as a special needs instructional assistant.  In 2009 I am going to continue being a Nikken Consultant and recruting people to be on my team. I stopped for 4 months as I had no interest anymore but I want to get to the next level and start making money and being with people again. When I was in a mania episode it was no problem contacting and calling on people, now that the medication has mellowed me out, it is harder to have conversations with people about Wellness Homes and magnets. 
I also want to monitor my moods and potential for crisis more closely and work on my WRAP.  It needs to be condensed as it is too big right now.  I am also working on a safety plan with my counsellor when we have time.  Take care and good luck.
15 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
windsybarbie, I don't experience pain.  However, I have more physical ailments post onset of depression than I ever had in my life.  I have GERD, meniere's disease, and other stress-related conditions.  I think that depression/stress at any age can manifest itself physically. 
15 years ago 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi windy - wow, that's alot to digest and fascinating......maybe, you can help me out in a small way. i'm thinking i'm bipolar, too or bipolar 2, too....... i just got on abilify, my shrink says soft bipolar....i'm confused, you seem on top of it. what do you make of that diagnosis? i'm 50 and he's the 1st to mention it or agree with me. maybe we are just trial and here. i don't know....went from lexapro to lexapro/wellbutrin to pristiq and it was horrible. headaches, p*ssed off, etc. let me know what comes out in the wash - do you recommend a 2nd opinion......thanks windy! also, sorry about the pain - i thought you had that worked out. you discovered it's what paula abdul has, no?
15 years ago 0 72 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Everyone:
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and I hope you all have a Happy New Year.
I saw my pdoc this week and he mentioned that b/c of my early childhood and stress that i went thru may be the reason why I have been having burning in hands and feet now. My nervous system maybe causing me problems b/c of the stress I have endured during my life.  I have been in the fight & flight mode during my childhood, and my body is fighting back as as hypervigilant when I was younger, as I was always on the alert for danger.  He believes that the stress hormones may have caused me problems now with my nervous system.  My wiring is mixed up b/c of what happened to me in my early childhood.
He did ASSURE me that this is NOT a psychological problem, as it is a real pain that I am experiencing.  That meant ALOT to me, that he doesn't think I have a somatic disorder and he believes the mind, body and spirit are all connected. As my pdoc says "My Body is my friend" and I have to believe that and listen to my body and be nice to it.
On Christmas Eve I had to call the pain clinic and get the cesamet increased by the approval of the pain dr at the pain clinic.  The pain has subsided down since I increased the med and I see the pain clinic on Dec 30, 2008.  My depression is very prominet when I recieve the burning pain in my hands and feet that is unbearable.  When the level of my pain is tolerable then my depression is mild.
I also have created a chart, that I enter in EVERY Day that shows my mania/depression/irritability/anxious and how many hours I have slept the night before. I use a system of  norm, mild, mod, severe.  I also put in the comment section on how I was feeling and what I did during that day.  I showed this to my pdoc and he kept it for my file, as he found it helpful.  This will also be valuable when I see another shrink in January for the second opinion to see if I do have bipolar disorder.  This is just a modified form of the mood charts on the internet. I created this chart using Word Word Processing. 
I also am starting to REDO this CBT depression program and I want to do it in one week at at time.  When I started I did 4 weeks in one week and then stopped.  I want to really understand this CBT program, and I also have a workbook on DBT that I want to use in between doing this CBT depression program.  My pdoc also mentioned to work on mindfulness, I have info intellectually but now I want to use the information practically. 
I also have to realize when I am in a CRISIS before I get in major crisis.  I know it intellectually but not practically.  I want to look into my 8 C's of my center which are:  Calmness, Curiosity, Compassion, Confidence, Creativity, Connectedness, Courage and Clarity.  I want to be aware that I want to use these 8 c's. For my next app't in 7 weeks I want to work on these 8 C's and do some drawing and scribbling before my next pdoc app't on Feb 10, 2009. 
I hope you all have a great day, and I would be interested in hearing other people's view on stress and your body.
Thank You

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