Well, I just can't seem to drag myself to the gym (too many people and it always smells funny, mixture of sweat and detergents), so I have opted for a Tai Chi class. It is only once a week but I figure it is better than nothing. It is a small group so I feel OK and we hardly talk, we just do our movements for an hour then go home. I find some days I don't want to go and I work myself up so much that I really think that I won't enjoy it. I ususally arrive with a heavy heart but once we start I enjoy it and go home feeling good. The best way to get back on the horse is to just close your eyes and jump on, even if you think it will be a bumpy ride. And take it one day at a time, don't think too far in the future about exercise and weight- it kills any motivation I have. If I was doing Tai Chi to lose weight, I would have given up a long time ago, but I am doing it for fun......