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Small Steps Equal Success

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit,
Hopefully you kept your balance and are safely seated.  This attempt at humour is reassuring already!
As a young(and I'm far from that anymore, except mentally ) I dreamt of copying the kung fu masters that actor David Carradine imitated.
I also do want some community, since it seems to important.  I actually feel the longing for some minimum contact.  Someone it nurtures me, and I understand why people are hanging out at fast food places.  It doesn't really take much for me either.
What I still don't get, and want to ask someone, is why I can't remember any of the steps.  It may be a good thing?  It may be that when I attend, I have given myself permission to completely be engrossed in the moment. 
As for tapes, CD's, its a great idea, and I'll do that when I get the fix from being out.  Looking at my ambitious schedule, I'm going to have to make choices, and maybe Tai Chi won't be the activity which gives me that small amount of community.  I finally listed all the possible courses, and will choose something, soon. 
Going out shopping got me stocked for the week, and I just washed my hair, so I'd like to just collapse in bed.  A little reading  will precede that though.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I'm a different duck so this question is going to sound stupid to you. But why a studio? Why even Tai Chi? Why not get a tape and do it at home? Why not make your own moves that cover the range of motion moves you need to do? 

I can see only two reasons. You need to get out and you need people. You will never be free till you are free of this. It should be a choice not a necessity. And it will be more fun. just like talking to people is more fun if you don't feel you need to. Treat it like a hobby. Tai Chi as created and modified by Sir Hugs. I dare you. Here, I'll do it too. I'll stand on one leg like a duck and stretch my arms out. I'll even imagine wiggling my tail feathers. Probably good for me. Yes I am going to do this right now. 

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've been trying to methodically find an alternate Tai Chi locale.
One place has an "online" form which doesn't answer it's questions, but claims to "try" to answer in 24-48 hours.  Why bother making a claim?
Another place got my voicemail, but didn't answer, and I at least, got an apology.
The third email I sent, asking for if they taught Tai Chi, didn't answer about schedules or  costs, as I specifically asked in my brief email.
Sometimes I expect too much.  Today, I just felt I walked into a lot of walls.  It just seems that there are obstacles, and things aren't going smoothly.
I need to unwind, since it seems I've been pushing myself.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Red

Today I added some processed food to my diet to see what it does to my BP. Basically it is to see how salt sensitive I am.
I have one med that has sodium in it. Colase. it is a stool softener to counter the effects of Morphine by attracting water. It may not matter at all since it may not make it into the blood. 171 pounds this morning. A very small amount of Edema left in my left foot is all. 
I think a person must address the possibility of weight being water before considering fat because if you are reducing calorie input to lose weight you could be not getting enough to function. I lost 14 pounds with little change in calorie input because it was water. Whereas cutting calories did nothing. Tomatoes in the sauce tonight will have salt as will the canned mushrooms and the hot sausage. I made this sauce before I started rinsing the mushrooms. I do poke and boil the sausages to get rid of some salt and fat.
People get really excited about animal fats because of cholesterol. They trade these for all the chemicals in the crap the internet says is good for you. I use lard in pastry, butter on toast and to cook eggs. Cholesterol  doesn't run in my family. I can do this and my cholesterol is excellent. Still, some bacteria live on it so I want to keep it down. For everything else I use Olive oil. I'm allowed Canola but it is a GMO product so won't. I use olive oil in my bread even though lard makes it better and butter much better. I use molasses for the sulphur for my joints. None of my Christmas cookies use white sugar. Grandmas recipe.
Healthy body, healthy mind. It has been a long time since I was below 170 pounds, I'm trying to decide if I should aim lower. It is pretty good considering at one point in hospital I was 230. But at another I was 164. I could live with 175 even.

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Just a little reminder to everyone reading the thread here, Small steps Equal success.
Feel free to use this thead to write about the steps you are taking to reach your goals with the program. What are some of the goals you are working on? What steps have you taken to reach them? Do you need to do Exposure work? If so how is it going?
These are just a few ideas to get you started..Sometimes writing it out and brainstorming is all you need to get started.
Good Luck and Enjoy!
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Vincenza the pc support team and all of my friends here.
The saga has finally come to ended. I decided not to have surgery now and to stay on course with my plan to lose more weight.  I am going to continue to put most of my attention into controlling my diabetes and that means staying focused on my diet and moderate exercise for now.
Maybe surgery will be in my future down the road but I am going to do all I can to prevent that from happening any sooner than necessary. One thing thing I did do today was contact all of the persons involved and tell them the show will not be going on as scheduled and to take me off the program for now. I also stopped in and talked to a optometrist today and asked him about diabetes and vision. He said that I should be having my eyes checked yearly and that unstable blood sugar could be the cause of my blurred vision. He said that I may need diabetes medication so that I can keep my levels under tighter control and that diet and exercise my not be enough. He gave me more helpful advice than any one of my doctors. My doctor that I just saw last week said I do not need medication and I do not need to test my blood sugar at home. He said that all he and the other doctors only care about is my A1c test results and that their are different levels of diabetes..I wonder if this is the same thing as being just a little pregnant.
I have to say I am very disappointed with the lack of care I am getting and am not sure where to turn right now but one thing is for sure I am glad I am not having surgery right now especially when my blood sugar is not under control yet. I did ask for a diabetes eye exam with a optometrist later this week which is something I really need to be doing. Maybe he can convince the doctors that they need to do start doing something to help me with my diabetes.
Well it has been a hard few days and I have a headache so I am going to grab a snack and crawl in bed and get some sleep..
Thanks for listening.
10 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Red1, 

Thinking of you.  Hope you here back from your doctor soon.  Having your questions answered can certainly help reduce any anxiety surrounding your surgery.  No matter what, no we are here for you!
Vincenza, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I sent off a email with a few questions that I have via the patient portal at the clinic/hospital last night that I go to.
I am hoping to receive some answers from the doctor before my pre opt but am not hopeful. It took over a  month last time and that was after some pushing from a patient advocate.
This is a step that I feel I must take in order to protect myself and also in attempt to relieve my anxiety about this upcoming surgery. Of course the waiting for a response is anxiety provoking in its self too especially when you do not think you will get a answer.
I am tiring of all anxiety and worry..
I can always cancel if need be..
That is a option.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I imagine Richard will stop in, he does one in a while. I'll apply for home support again. I don't like it cutting into my independence but I guess it must be. For the time anyway. 

Last night I took half my evening dose of beta blocker and this morning I dropped the Cozzar after tapering off it. Pressure is low enough I put the morning dose of beta blocker on hold. Chlorathalazone works so much better than Lasix for me. It works slower but over a longer period of time and is supposed to be easier on my kidneys. We shall see.
I can get around good enough I'm going to make some bread. I also need to think of something I can make with apple pieces other than pie. I did look at some soup recipes.

Snowing but not real heavy. Looks nice. 

I think I'll have lunch today.

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Davit,
So sorry your pain right now. Have you checked into getting in home support service again?
Might be a good idea now that it is winter and you won't be outside doing lots outside this time of year.
This way maybe your leg and ankle can rest up some for the Spring..
Hope someone stops by and gets your tree from down stairs..

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