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21 years ago 0 36 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi, I'm new here too. I was really excited to find out about this website, its nice to have this kind of support. I've suffered from a panic disorder since i was 19, i'm now 23. My panic attacks range from severe and unbearable for long periods of time, to general anxiety for long periods of time (mostly fearing the next "crash" of panic attacks), to feeling fine for long periods of time. I hate it! Anyways, i've been on several different medications, and thought i'd contribute to this discussion. I started out on Paxil, but switched to Celexa. On paxil, i experienced most of the side effects, such as drowsiness and fatigue, tremors, dizziness. Also, i found that paxil wasn't very helpful for my panic attacks, it sort of left me with an overall "numb" sort of feeling (emotionally), and although i didn't really experience the really low times with panic disorders, i also didn't experience many of the high times either (rarely was i happy, excited, etc.). Anyways, i've been on celexa for over a year now, and have changed the doses around, but have not experienced any side effects at all. This has made me feel much better. I found that the paxil often made me feel more "crazy" b/c i was always shaking (whether it was my foot, my leg), and couldn't stay awake. I also have Alprazam (similar to xanax) for "emergencies", and clonazepam for nighttime (to help me relax so that i can sleep). Anyways, sorry that this was so long. Good luck to all of you!
21 years ago 0 36 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So alone and scared

Hi April. I'm really sorry to hear about your friend, but i'm even more sorry that you had to endure such a tragedy at this already vulnerable time in your life. Please try to hang in there, i know from experience that losing someone in your life is always hard for people with panic disorders, but it doesn't have to be disastrous. I had a similar problem with eating at one point. I actually lost 17 pounds in two weeks b/c i was unable to eat b/c of panic. (This brought me down to 100 pounds). It was very scary. I don't know if this will help you, but i started drinking ensure and boost meal replacement milk shakes. It would sometimes take me an hour to finish one, but at least i was getting nutrients and food energy. I hope you get well soon.
21 years ago 0 36 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Where is everyone?

Hi, I'm new to this site, and have really gained from reading all of the message postings. However, i'm a little concerned, b/c most of the messages are pretty old. Did everyone stop using this support service, or did everyone get better?
21 years ago 0 36 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've Been Hit

Hi Kim, I read your message, but wasn't sure if you had literally been hit by a truck! As for being hit by the panic train, i definitely know how that feels. Somedays the train has more cars than others, but it always feels like time stands still, and its so hard to pick yourself up after that. Its discouraging when you feel like you're doing ok, but then something like that happens. p.s. I can't believe that you didn't take any meds!!! I don't know if i could have been that strong!!
21 years ago 0 36 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
travel anxiety

I have a huge fear of travelling. For me, its leaving my comfort zone (which seems to be getting smaller and smaller). Most of my friends travel, and i have NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER in exposing myself to that kind of trauma! When i absolutely have to go somewhere unfamiliar, i make sure that i'm with someone i'm comfortable with. I cannot do things spontaneously, i need at least a few days preparation. This is what i hate, b/c i would love to pick up and have fun, but i always have to think first about whether i'll be ok, and whether the activity is worth the potential aftermath.
21 years ago 0 36 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Setback Today

Kim, I've been there. It does get better, i promise. I know how scared you must be. Are you by yourself, or do you live with others? It just takes baby steps. I don't know whether anyone else has tried this, but it worked for me with minor anxiety/panic attacks. Wear a rubber band around your wrist, and when you feel an attack coming on, pull it and snap it against your wrist! This generally gets blood flowing elsewhere, other than your head (I get really dizzy and lightheaded when i have panic attacks). It also gets adrenaline going. Overall, its just a distraction. Anyways, thought it would be worth a shot!
21 years ago 0 36 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Where is everyone?

Kim, I've replied to all of your postings today, and now i've finally met you, so to speak. I must confess, i check this site at least 2-3 times a day. I've never had others to talk about my disorder with, and its so helpful. Please take care of yourself, and know that i am always here (or at least regularily here:)
21 years ago 0 36 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Where is everyone?

Hi Kim, I have no idea what 8pm NY time is here in Ontario, so it might be a little hit and go. I'm going to reply to all of your postings here, b/c its so much more simple to keep things all in one place. First of all,i think you are so brave for going natural. When i first started having problems with anxiety, i was on only herbal treatments. Didn't really work for me then, but i think that when i'm a little better, i can probably wean myself of medication by using herbal stuff. The problem with herbal remedies are that you build up a tolerance for them, so the more you use them, the less they work. You asked me if i have trouble sleeping. I guess you could say that, b/c i don't really sleep. I sleep for about 3-5 hours at a time, really restless sleep with intense and bothersome dreams. This is going to sound really quirky, but right now i have two beds. (I don't work in the summers, so i don't have to have an alarm set). I have one in my room (obviously), and one in my basement. When i can't sleep in one, i switch. Most nights i'm split b/wn the two beds. I can't remember the last time i slept through the night. Its the part I hate most, b/c as if its not tiring enough to be constantly on edge with anxiety. Its very exhausting when your mind is unable to relax. I usually stay up until i'm dead tired, b/c i hate the few moments b/4 I fall asleep, when i have thoughts i can't control. This is a very bad time for me, its when i have to fight the hardest not to slip into a panic. I actually have meds to help me sleep, clonazepam. Its not a knockout drug, its just to help relax. However, i only take one in an emergency, i find that i often feel worse after having one. Same thing with my xanax, i avoid it at all costs. Right now, i'm only taking my antidepressant regularly (celexa). Anyways, what i wanted to tell you about, b/4 that rant, was about a really great herbal sleep remedy. I used it initially, it is wonderful. I slept peacefully and deeply. Unfortunately, it got to the point where i was using it every day, so it stopped working. Its called Valerian. If you have problems sleeping, i'd try it. I tried many different ones, and this is the only one that seemed to work. (I've had a panic disorder for about 5 years now
21 years ago 0 36 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Im so confused

Hi Tammya, I'm not a doctor, but i can say that it does sound like you have a panic disorder, simply b/c i KNOW i do, and you have a lot of the same symptoms. First of all, my whole disorder started one night when a huge panic attack knocked me right on my ass (like what happened to you), with no trigger or prior anxiety. The rest is history... You asked whether you might have health problems other than anxiety. There's no way i can tell you that, but i CAN tell you that your panic attacks MIGHT be related to some other medical condition though. For instance, my Aunt has just started having panic attacks over the last year or so, and its because she has some sort of respiratory problem where she's allergic to cold air. She's fine all summer, spring and fall, but when winter hits, she won't leave her house. Its very scary for her. I think that most of us with panic disorders initially think that its a health problem, b/c the symptoms are so physically traumatic. As for your headaches, i only have possible explanations. For me personally, headaches are not usually a part of my panic attacks. However, i have had them afterwards, b/c i get so dizzy that i think circulation does not flow properly to my head. Therefore, afterwards i have a headache. This also happens to my legs and arms, b/c they generally fall asleep during an intense panic attack as well. These are actually new symptoms for me, never happened before this year. However, if you are having PAINS all over your body, in regular patterns, to me it doesn't sound like only anxiety. This is only based on my personal experience, but generally i don't experience physical pains. Just diziness, heart palpitations, nausea, etc. Not pain though. Then again, it would depend on the type of pain. Shooting? Burning? Throbbing? Aching? Maybe is it possible that you have a medical condition that is causing panic attacks, rather than the other way around? I hope i haven't said too much. It just seems to me that panic disorders are widely misunderstood and misrepresented, and it seems to just recently be receiving adequate attention, so i just don't think that any cause can be ruled out, when there is so much yet to learn about it. Just remember that many of us have intense phy
21 years ago 0 36 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Pets and Weather???

Hi Everyone, I have two questions. 1) Does anyone find that their anxiety gets worse depending on the weather? (for example, i find that mine gets worse with humidity) I don't really know how to word this next one, so try to catch my meaning! 2) Does anyone have a pet or animal that they feel helps with their anxiety? If yes, what kind, and how do they help? If no, do you think that an animal could help you? -> I personally have found animals to be rather therapeutic. I have a dog who i depend on, and have recently started horseback riding, which has really added a positive activity into my routine. Anyways, i just wanted to know people's thoughts on this. This is NOT a research study or anything, just questions that i've never had the opportunity to have answered before!