A little embarassed tonight..........as i am sure you all know, i recently slipped and am still smoking right now..........Anyway......I was over at a friends house tonight, watching a movie with a few people..........My buddy's wife kept saying occasionally how she was craving ice cream...and there was none in the house.........about half way through the movie i said to her (and it wasn't my house) "you know, we can stop the movie for 10 min so you can run to the store to get some ice cream" She proceeded to look at me and says, "you just want to go for a cigarette...." I felt so embarassed because she was right. Really made me realize, yet again, how extremely powerful nicotine is. I couldn't even get through a 2 hour movie without trying some way to get them to stop the movie so i could have one....... Embarassing but eye opening, again, at the same time...........