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I slipped

18 years ago 0 30 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My plan was to use the 14mg patch for a week, and the 7mg patch for a week. I'd tried cold turkey before, and failed way too many times. Well, beside the one slip, it worked. Does it mean I'd recommend it to everyone? No. You do what you need to do. [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 6/23/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 2 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 44 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $6 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 0 [B]Hrs:[/B] 9 [B]Mins:[/B] 11 [B]Seconds:[/B] 59
  • Quit Meter


    Amount Saved

  • Quit Meter

    Days: 7409 Hours: 13

    Minutes: 41 Seconds: 5

    Life Gained

  • Quit Meter


    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

18 years ago 0 5195 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Nomad... Learn from this experience. Know you must post BEFORE you smoke. People cannot help you unless you reach out and ask for it. This is an awesome group of quitters and if you read and listen you will learn a lot. Smoking is an addiction and quitting is hard. You can't give up or give in. N.O.P.E. Not One Puff Ever is how everyone here quits. Make a committment to yourself that you will not smoke. It is a choice each and every day. Make the decision and stand by it no matter what. Your meter is not the important factor here. What matters is that YOU DO NOT SMOKE! No Matter What! Yes, it sucks. We have been there. You Can do this. Back up and regroup. [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 7/1/2005 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 357 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 7,157 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $1249.5 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 31 [B]Hrs:[/B] 12 [B]Mins:[/B] 54 [B]Seconds:[/B] 34
18 years ago 0 610 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Nomad, Why is tommorrow your last day on the patch? You have only been quit for 13 days. The patch program is much longer than 13 days. Glad to see you have your determination back and are going right on with your quit. You could just minus a day from your meter if you want??? You can do this. [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 5/25/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 29 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 808 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $108.75 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 3 [B]Hrs:[/B] 21 [B]Mins:[/B] 58 [B]Seconds:[/B] 14
  • Quit Meter


    Amount Saved

  • Quit Meter

    Days: 5963 Hours: 17

    Minutes: 9 Seconds: 39

    Life Gained

  • Quit Meter


    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

18 years ago 0 610 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What strength patch are you using Nomad? 21, 14, or 7mg? I agree with Shevie. Your success is the most important factor here. If you need the extra support of the patch for a few more weeks, that's certainly alright. If you are doing 14 now, maybe you could step down to the 7mg for a couple of weeks. Whatever you honestly think will help you stop smoking. Good luck. [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 5/25/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 30 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 812 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $112.5 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 3 [B]Hrs:[/B] 22 [B]Mins:[/B] 25 [B]Seconds:[/B] 22
  • Quit Meter


    Amount Saved

  • Quit Meter

    Days: 5963 Hours: 17

    Minutes: 9 Seconds: 39

    Life Gained

  • Quit Meter


    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

18 years ago 0 2027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Nomad, if you couldn't quit cold turkey, then are you sure that pushing to get off of the patch is a good idea? I understand your desire to be fully nicotine-free, but I think a solid, secure quit is more important in the long run. Think about it first, okay? [quote]I see all the stuff that needs done, and I used to just smoke because I couldn't get my head wrapped around it all.[/quote]I used to be the same way. Then I quit and that escape/procrastination mechanism was gone. It was frustrating at first, but I slowly eased myself into doing what needed to be done. It's no longer an issue. What you do with your meter is your business. Whether you do a complete reset to 0, knock off a day, or leave it be doesn't matter. It's your meter, you are the one effected by it, let nobody tell you what to do with it or make you feel you made the wrong choice. It's your business, not theirs. Listen to their suggestions, weigh those suggestions against your heart, make your decision. You've learned a good lesson, Nomad. Press on! :) Shevie [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 5/23/2005 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 397 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 7,940 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $1508.6 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 74 [B]Hrs:[/B] 0 [B]Mins:[/B] 16 [B]Seconds:[/B] 18
18 years ago 0 941 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Nomad - I slipped reasl early in my quit. I reset my meter because the meter says smoke free days. I felt if I did not reset my meter that I did the crime but didn't do the time. That's my opinion, you can take it or leave it. I'm not judging you, I'm telling you what I did. Look at my meter now. [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 3/7/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 109 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 3,831 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $926.5 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 17 [B]Hrs:[/B] 17 [B]Mins:[/B] 56 [B]Seconds:[/B] 23
  • Quit Meter


    Amount Saved

  • Quit Meter

    Days: 9162 Hours: 20

    Minutes: 29 Seconds: 32

    Life Gained

  • Quit Meter


    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

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