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16 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello DM,
Well I like you do not have a bike. Then again, I have no sense of balance. As such, I do not have a bike or rollerblades or anything that can make it that much easier for me to break my neck lol. I used to bike but had many wipe outs. I once fell off my bike on my face. The pavement scratched a whole half of my face, even inside of my mouth was scratched! And I still kept biking. But then I Hurt my back falling down some stairs years later and then I stopped biking cause I don't think my back can take a spill offf a bike. But I did use to enjoy biking! Lol my husband suggests we shoul buy me an adult tricycle so I can enjoy the feeling of biking without the falling part!
As for rollerblads it looks like fun but again not coordinated enough. But it sounds like a great gift to yourself! And what is a cruiser?
Ooh couples Yoga! Let me know how that goes!
As for going to belly dancing with friends , Yay! I think I might just let myself be inspired by you and go back to class myself! Let me know how you like it! It should be great fun!
16 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Roller blades would be a great gift! Do you have any bike paths nearby?
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
16 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ok.. they have a belly dance class starting in the fall at my local community centre.  My girlfriend and I are going to do it... LOL.. thanks for inspiring me.
I'm currently on the hunt for a babysitter so my hubby and I can start our couples yoga... I'm excited about that too...
I do wish I had a bike like you guys... Do you have a "cruiser"?  or a mountain bike?  I've seen those cruisers and they look so great... but I don't really know anything about them.
Any input would be great...I was thinking of asking for Roller blades for my birthday.... Does anyone do that??
16 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh cool, you really should pick up a belly dancing CD. Balladi (it is what I call belly dancing in french) is sooo much fun! I think I might go sign up for a class again soon!
Ooh biking to the library! I love the library. In fact I was so inspired by your previous post today, that I put on my walking shoes and walking clothes and hoofed it all the way to the library myself! I found myself a great mystery book from one of my favorite authors! And I went there all by myself. Was really happy with myself! I also did a bit more exercises and stretching (about 40 mins combined) once I got home. And I did it all with great music on! So thanks for the inspiration!
As for the gym, I have a gym membership... It was really inexpensive. I just hate being at the gym as there are triggers there that I haven't quite worked out yet (I.E. Tons of strangers and mucho noise!)...
I was thinking of going on wednesday night and trying out some Yoga with my Stepdad. He says this week they are doing sunset yoga on the beach near my place. He said I should go try it out! I just might!
Anyway, keep me posted! And let me know if you find any good balladi dvd!
16 years ago 0 341 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sounds great Diva, the only reason I do it at home as I cant afford the gym right now.  Tomorrow I hope to take the bike out to the library, and I might attempt to go to walmart by myself. I've gotten comfy at the library now.  If I dont get to walmart, then i'm going to bike past the library and take the bus from a further spot, so  I get a bit of a longer ride in the bus.  will keep you posted..hey i will see if they have any belly dancing dvd's there:) yay
16 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ooh tap dancing. That does look hard and yet fun .
Wow minnessota sounds like you have your whole exercise thing organised! Gives me ideas. I think I might copy you and organise my exercise stuff better :)
16 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good for you minnesota! I think we should all give dancing a try!
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
16 years ago 0 341 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Tap dancing is fun, I did it for a while, with my sister and a friend.  We went to this great teacher at an after hours class in Toronto for a while.  I wasnt much good, but it was lots of fun.We met a lot of great people, and we are still in touch with a few of them.  The age group also varied from young to older.  Its much harder than it looks, but great for cardio.  Right now I workout at home.  When I was visiting my sister one time, she got her personal trainer to give me a workout at home, as I cant really afford the gym.   I got one of those big ball things and some dumbells.  I stuck some workouts from the internet on the wall, and I do those with the trainers workouts.  Of course always try to stretch or warm up first.  I dance around the room, and do them,  I find it makes me feel up beat and energetic, and makes me feel confident in myself.
I've seen those belly dancing dvd's I should try pick up one and do it for fun:) hehe..
16 years ago 0 1288 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
These are all very good activities.   It's great to see your passions and hobbies coming through. It's great to keep your mind and body busy, and no better way then doing something that you love.     Sylvie, Bilingual Health Educator
16 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Belly dancing is great fun and if you are as childlike as I am you will enjoy being able to wear pretty belly dancing cloths. But the clothes really is optionnal for those who are more comfortable without them. I have seen women belly dancing in sweats and t-shirts and it still looks good! And the beauty is that I know a place near here. And in class there are only women so it is quite comfortable and not scare at all. There were women from age 14 to 67 last time I went! It was great. Plus in beginner classes they really take their time to show you how it is done and make you repeat the moves often so you get comfortable with them. It is great fun and great exercise too! And it has music, pretty music! And that is why I shall go back to belly dancing as soon as I can! lol
Anyway, just wanted to say that for all of you who might like to try it. Go ahead and try it is fun!

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