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Nightmare Panic

12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm doing stuff like what Josie mentioned.  I don't get too active in the evening, but have that luxury which you might not have.  It sounds like you are aware of the negative effects of violence in a movie, even if it's the night before, so that good awareness is a temptation we need to heed.
It's okay to vent, by the way, since there's a strong core group of members who will respond.  Also, those who identify with you benefit, so let us all benefit.
Culturally, this is a time of the year when the deceased are remembered by many religions, but media has commercialized something sacred and sombre into another commerical mega-venture.
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh one thing I forgot.

Even if you dream in colour and the dreams are vivid you can tell them from real because even if people talk in them there is no sound. At least that is so in mine. I can see a car run into a train and watch it shatter with glass and pieces flying all over but though I can hear the sound there is none. Which reminds me that if I am filling in the sound then I am filling in the rest and it is not real.

12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I still have these very close to panic attacks but not quite, and often now because of the foreign feeling the medication is giving my body. I sure don't like them but I do know what they are so I can just accept they happened and forget them. I don't expect you to be able to, I just want you to know they happen to me too if for a different reason.

Remember you have all kinds of stuff in your memory that you can access if you have the right key to look for it. It can even be from a long time ago. Just because you don't remember it when conscious doesn't mean it isn't there. Vitamin B12 gives me very vivid memories from many years ago. Fortunately they are mostly good. I know you won't likely understand how thoughts and memory work and you don't have to to get better. But think of your mind as a closet full of shelves with memories on them. Your mind sorts them so when it is looking for something it doesn't have to look all over. So if you are thinking something, it has access to everything related to that thought. Normally you wouldn't look at those other thoughts but during anxiety you do. It is a survival tool. It is not normally needed now but you have seen that anxiety does make your mind run overtime. Just like having a running nose makes you think of all the reasons for one, colds, allergies, flu etc... Except that because we still have survival skills even though we don't need them it is harder to let go of scary things.

Ah but that is not the point is it. The point is that you are not alone, I get this too as do I'm sure others.

You can try visualization. You can think how you would deal with it if you had infinite power to change it. It works for me. I just visualize myself bigger or tougher than what is getting me and it goes away. This is part CBT, part distraction and for me works. If it is during the night I usually have a cup of tea and think about it till it goes. 
I also tell myself it is just part of getting better and that helps.
But again this is just me and something I do but there must be something to it if it works.

12 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Seems like your dream is in your head?  How about watching one of your favorite movies, this may stick in your head and push out the bad scene.  Doing relaxation techniques before bed can be beneficial to you and your body.  It can help relax your and your muscles will love you for it!
Also try not to eat of drink after 7pm.  Many members have advised that certain food or drinks can cause restlessness.
Keep pushing forward and keep posting, it will help.
Josie, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am sorry I do not mean too vent so much. Everything seems to be "going south" today for me, I have a horrible pain in my ankle which I do not normally get and I am thinking its a blood clot! It just started hurting badly an hour ago and its scaring me so much, I cannot rush to ER for an ultrasound, I was just there a few months ago when I thought I had one in my upper leg!

It seems like when one thing starts everything goes, my marriage, my health, bad dreams now this! How to I turn off this cycle of panic and fear, now a blood clot! will it ever end? I wish I could just turn my brain off and these fears would go away! I am so scared today, I dont want it to come back.
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I feel very shaky right now like almost on the verge of an attack which I have not had for awhile and I hope I do not today.

Does anyone ever have really bad dreams or nightmares and wake up so shaky and scared? This was several hours ago so should I still be feeling panicky and shaky? I actually was screaming from the dreams and I think I scared my poor two dogs half to death! They were by my bed just looking at me, they were such horrible dreams, murder, car accidents, injury etc...... It almost like my "body experienced it" does that makes sense? I try NOT to watch or read anything dark or scary and I go to bed in prayer every night, WHY wont these bad dreams stop?! They really ruin the day, the effects seem to linger long.

I did watch something the other night, a biography, that was kind of scary and it had a killing in it, I switched the channel but I guess it got in my brain anyway, I guess I am going to have to be more careful about what I watch, these bad dreams are awful, I wake up scared and shaken and feeling like I have not slept, in the past I would have a bad dream or nightmare, and I would just forget about it, like it was almost a nice relieved feeling waking up from it and knowing its just a bad dream and I am safe in my bed, now they are effecting me badly, why is this? I guess people with panic and fear have more bad dreams than calm serene people, one thing you cannot do is turn you're brain off even when you are sleeping, did other members go through this? and how did you deal and cope and keep from panicking from them. They are so real and scary, sleep is my only reprieve from this hellish disorder and I hate to suffer even when I am trying to get rest. Did anyone ever have this?

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