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Nightmare Panic

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for you're replies. The nausea is a little better today, just no appetite which I dont mind but I get light-headed, the anxiety effects my whole body but my stomach seems to be the most vunerable I have noticed, it hits hard.

I will have to get some of that ginger tea Samantha, I do not have any I have ginger ale which may help, and I will check with my nurse if I could take Gravol with my benzo, I see her Tuesday, and I am very nervous about going, I hope I can make it, its farther than I usually travel but I have not been there in almost four months and I know I have to go, just nervous about it, I dont know WHY I get nervous about seeing my therapist and nurse I mean they are there to help me right? maybe I feel they are not and that is what is bothering me, I thought I would better by now, I am better, but no where where I should be.

I am trying to "let go" of what happened to my son but its very very hard, I keep reliving it which I know is not good, I mean I keep thinking "whats next" and the worst thing to do is too dwell on it, it feeds the anxiety something fierce, but I know in the future things are going to happen and I HAVE to get stronger! I liked what you said Sunny, what you're Father said that made me feel better and I know its true, the naps do help me and that is one thing I dont care what people say you are right, if a nap helps we should do it and not feel bad, I believe sleep rejuvanates the immune system and relaxes a person, I probably sleep too much, but it feels SO good for my brain to shut off and not worry, its like my mini-escape from life.

I am hoing the body symptoms go away, I had a bad night, I kept coughing up phelm all night and coughing, the weather is funky here so I hope its just allergies or something. I know what you mean about vomiting Davit, its not the vomiting that scares me, sometimes I actually feel better after vomiting, but sometimes blood comes out of my throat or tummy and that scares the heck out of me! I hate nausea too, I am trying to eat light today, maybe some rice or dry noodles till its better.

This will not set me back will it? The worry and stress about my son? I hope not I have worked so hard and I dont want to go backwards again, I feel like its "rising" again and its scaring me, especially the appt with my nurse I am so nervous about that I dont want to go and I have too, I wish she would do phone sessions, I would still pay her, that would help me alot.

I hope this passes and I can go forward again. I smoke too much yesterday because of the stress and I am paying for it today, coughing and wheezing, I am so mad at myself for that, I am trying to quit but my therapist says wait till the anxiety calms down, I guess he does not want me to do too much at once or something, thank you all for being there for me it means so much, I hope and pray I can calm down and go forward.
12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora:  So sorry to hear about what happened with your son.  So happy to hear he is o.k. and you know, pretty darn proud of him for going to get help.  It's true with the world we have today especially in the city, no one wants to get involved.  There are some though who do go out of their way to help so can't paint everyone with the same brush.  However, let's celebrate that he is o.k. and that he was smart enough to seek help.  Way to go!  Perhaps you could remind him to call you if he needs help when out and about before he leaves.  Just let him know that you would like to know so you can be there for him next time.
My kids are all grown up, I still worry every now and then when they are troubled.  Only natural as you say.
Don't worry about not being strong enough and all those symptoms, sounds to me that you are there for him no matter what.  I bet you would find the strength within you to go and help if you had to.  My Dad always said, "you'd be surprised what a man can do when he has to", which means you can pull a lot out of yourself when needed.  It's all there within us and available, don't doubt that. 
Nausea - I really like ginger mint tea, two cups if needed.  Gravol is good too. does make you sleepy but that's o.k. if you have a little lie down.  I like my naps.  I find I get sleepy around 1:00 p.m. and lie down for 1/2 an hour or so.  I don't care what the neighbours think, if I need a cat nap, I take it.  Maybe not every single day, but it's a nice break and keeps me calm and not overtired.  I had a gf who abhorred napping.  Thought it was embarrassing if the neighbours caught you napping - as if you had to be busy all day long and never stop.  I think we should listen to our bodies.  I'm 60+, if I can't have a nap now, when will I allow myself?  70's?  Really, what does it matter as long as it works for me.  

Thinking of you and hoping today is a good day,

12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Now nausea I understand. Since having Arthritis for over twenty years I have not had a cold or the flu so when I feel a bit sick I exaggerate it. I also have a horror of throwing up. ( yeah even the cured have phobias ). There are a lot of things you can do for nausea but since you are going to have to go lie down in the dark anyway I'm thinking you could try the smallest dose of Gravol. It is over the counter. It will make you a bit sleepy which would help with the anxiety. I take just a half and sit quiet in my chair and a half hour or so later it is Okay. You really need to write down all the things you might need to get permission from your doctor so they are in place if you need them.

Once on an airplane I felt nausea from the anxiety so I tried to take a gravol without water and it stuck part way down. Froze my throat and then did I have panic. Stewardess got me a glass of water and I was okay.

12 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora,
It is important to try your best to relax to ease the nausea. Have you ever tried drinking tea to help with the nausea? Ginger tea is supposed to help ease nausea, you can either make your own homemade or buy ginger root tea at the store. Of course if you have an allergy to ginger this would not be recommended for you. Also be sure to drinks lots of water to stay hydrated. I really recommend the box breathing because it can be helpful in achieving a state of relaxation. Put on some soft music, find a comfortable spot to sit in your home and really take the time to focus on your breath.
 Members, how do you achieve relaxation? How do you alleviate nausea?

Samantha, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I fell asleep for about 2 hours, the nausea was really bad and when it gets like that the only thing that helps is lying down in a cool dark room and try not to move too much. I am trying to accept and get over and live with what happened to my son, but its hard, its even worse than when I have problems it tore me up to see him like that, hopefully time will help us all with this.

I remember now why I stopped the antidepressants the horrible nausea I could not stand along with the dizziness they caused, I am hoping my tummy {and my nerves} settle down tommorow, well its actually today its after midnight, I tried some box breathing Sunny and it helped a little, I know if I was stronger this would not have hit me so hard. Thank you all for you're prayers and concern, please keep them coming!
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You're reply was very comforting thank you Davit. I am grateful it was not any worse and trying to count my blessings, its just hard to tell my nervous system that. I did take a half of a benzo it helped a little but I notice the klonopin helps the anxiety but also causes me to become sad and tired, I guess sad and tired {not being good of course} it probably preferable to high anxiety, the nausea is bad today, my stomach is my vunerable area, the most anyway, I just feel like curling up in bed and going to sleep but I know that is not good either is it? thats depression. Even my husband who I consider pretty stoic and not prone to anxiety is very upset today too about it, its pretty bad when a bus driver, manager of a store, and the police will not help someone, its kinda scary infact, I am trying my best too put this behind me and to forget about it and go on with life.
I know life is stress and things happen, will I, in the future be able to handle things better? I mean I should not fall apart at every little things should I? I must be much more fragile than I thought, I want to gain strength and courage and I am having a problem with that, If you had known me ten or fifteen years ago I was SO tough and strong, I was hoping as I age to gain wisdom and strength, they say that happens, and I hope and pray it happens to me, my stomach is on fire right now and just trying to deal with the symptoms. How are you doing? How is sweet Sunny? Is the withdrawal any better? I hope so, I hope you are getting settled in and most of the heavy work is over, I know moving is rough, I moved when I was young and thirty and it was daunting and exhausting, hope I dont have too again. Thanks for listening and understanding.
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

What a terrible thing to have happen, but we know the city is full of people like that with no morals or scruples. Right now it would be natural for you to feel a lot of emotions, I know because I would. It might be that you are trying not to that is causing the symptoms.  I would feel anger and sadness at the situation. I would feel happiness that he is okay. I would feel pride that he did what he thought best and did his best. I would feel love of course. But what I would not do is try to suppress any of these things in the name of being strong. That would only confuse not only your anxiety receptors but probably your son too. Let it out like you would take the lid off a boiling pot to let the pressure off. And like that pot you can adjust your emotions after. Bottling it up is not good for you. Now that is what I would do. Others may want to add to this such things as relaxation skills, calming teas and if your doctor has given you permission your Benzo just this once for this sort of situation. You need to talk to him/her about that. It is like nipping it in the bud before it gets out of hand. This I think is the best way I think to be strong without being smothering or looking weak. Love goes a long way.

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My husband somehow fixed it today so it seems to working better, its seems I have more problems than that through.

I right now am on the verge of a panic attack, I am very sick to my stomach, pain in my chest and arm, and my lips are tingling which they never have done! My husband and I found out today something very bad that happened to my son yesterday and we did not know until today. As you know my son is special-needs and sometimes does not comprehend things. Yesterday on the bus {city bus which I hate him taking} some young man was bothering him for money on the bus, he actually got off at my son's stop and followed him! My son finally gave him some money that he had he was afraid he would follow him home, he tried to call the police and they did not respond, and tried to go in a store and have a manager help him "the manager said he could not get involved} he is so upset and terrified noone would help him! I wish he had called me or my husband for help, he was very confused and upset and feels violated and humiliated which I told him NOT to feel.

I really need to stay strong for him right now, if there was ever a time I need to be strong its now, because of this situation I became so physically sick today, vomiting and the heart attack symptoms, I cannot believe that someone would do something so vile to a special-needs kid, I feel like I should of been there, I just want to cry! trying SO hard not to panic.

The symptoms are awful today for me and I cannot go down, he needs me, this has really upset me so bad, my heart keeps racing and skipping beats, and I am so mad at myself, my son needs me and I am breaking down! I cant fall apart at every little thing that happens, it could of been a lot worse I know, and I am grateful he is alright, I hope and pray never again.

My question is when you are trying to recover and something so upsetting happens HOW to you not regress? the anxiety is full force right now, I feel like I cannot cope and I know when something happens to you're child its natural to be upset, but I MUST bounce back for him and I feel like I cannot! The symptoms are scaring me, I am afraid of a heart attack and just when I am needed the most! How do others cope with problems like this in recovery, I so do not want to go back and I want to be strong for my son, but I feel so fragile now and scared. How I wish I could be strong like I was before.
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Does the cache in your computer need to be emptied. Sometimes that is all that is the matter. 
Mine does it automatic.

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am trying to write quickly my computer keeps booting me off and its getting frustrating. Thank you for all you're replies. I am going to write back more later, I am going to do a "scan" and clean out the cookies of this computer so I will not keep getting booted off, I hope I have sweet dreams tonight, I try to read something pleasant and have a piece of cheese and skim milk before bed, I hate waking up shaking and screaming from a dream, this has just started again. My computer is blinking, I am going to re-boot and scan and write more later when this darned computer is working better, thank you all so much.

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