Hello Maggie,
I am not offended at your quesion at all :) I will try to answer as clearly as possible but I am rather tired and I may not make sense lol. If I am not clear please let me know :P
First I would like to say I was on a whole different class of medication then you are on. I was taking anixolitics called benzodiazepines. They have their own duration of effect and set of side effects and long term effects etc. So I guess I can only speak for myself here :) I have taken anti-depressants (not SSRI's though, I can't take those)and gotten off them successfully tho :)
First I would like to point out that I am not against medication. I have taken psychotropic medication more then once in my life. When I feel I need it to be able to get myself back to a place where I can do my CBT, I take them. I don'T think it is a bad thing. But I agree with what was said to me: "Pills don't teach skills". As such, I take the medication to help me calm down enough to get to a place where I can do the CBT and learn or refresh the skills :) . I think it can be an effective strategy in my case.
As for why I quit, well first benzodiazepines are not necessarily meant to be taken regularly like I was taking it for very long periods of time. They can also cause dependance. So I take them as needed when needed but I always know that it won'T be a permanent thing for me. I know in advance that I will have to prepare a withdrawal program or tapering off program, an exit strategy in a way :)
Also, I felt ready. It felt like it was the right time to do it. My life is not perfect but who's life is anyway! I just felt like I would be ok, like it was the right time and I was strong enough.I have refreshed some skills with this program and learned some skills too. I feel stronger. So it was just the right moment.
As I said tho, I do have a prescription PRN. I do not take them regularly and have not taken any since I finished tapering off 10 days ago but I do have a prescription in case of emergency.
I really think tapering off or getting off medication is a personnal choice. I have friends who have been on medication for years but it works for them and helps them live a full happy life. I think if the benefits outweigh the bad well do what is right for you. On the other hand some people refuse to take meds that is fine too.
But my reasons were basically that I figured I would be fine without it and that the benefits no longer outweighed the downsids of the medication. And so, for now I am off. But if a day ever came (Let's hope not)where I felt the need for meds again, I would take them again for a short period.
As for you tapering off your meds, well I think you are really the best person to make that call. I do recommend talking with your doctor or therapist , psychiatrist, even the pharmacist can be of great help with figuring things out. I don't think you should be nervous tho. Make sure youhave help and support and the proper tools to do it and it should be fine. If I did it anybody can!
Anyway, I am really rambling tonight so I am sorry if my answer is repetitive and long. When I am sleep deprived I am just not as eloquent ;p!
Good night for now and have a great day tomorrow!