Davit (and anyone else interested in how this whole befriending ourselves thing works)
I had an aha moment today I want to share. Finally somethign good to report :)
I have been suffering emotional episodes characterized by much rage, anguish, frustration that i sob and "discomfort being in my skin" barely describes it. anyone who has felt that discomfort where you watn to run away from yoruself but can't knows what i am talking about. it is sort of a panic attack but with lots of other things mixed in too. apparenlty my brain thinjks i can handle all negative emotions at once...
but finally a break through. my emotions spoke and i listened and was able to soothe myself in a real way. it might be the first time ever i have done this.
Davit, what you describe matches up with what i have read about distress tolerance and how to plan for how to deal with distress, focusing on the moment, using sight, smell, touch to re-ground yourself when feeling anxiety. i have really struggled to do those things. i have been stuck by my desire for someone (someone else, not me) to hear me when i am upset.
my emotions got steamrolled as a child. surprise surprise i developped anxiety whenever a strong emotion came over me. for a long long time i searched for someone to help me reclaim my emotional self and not be fighting with it, supporessing emotions, and responding to my emotions with frustration and anger.
well, for me that person didn't show up. i have met kind people along the way, but no one who was able to befriend my emotional self. the self i had to abandon so many years ago. i have been really frustrated that no one wanted this 'job'. (the job that is supposed to be the parents job but that is a long story,... they did not tkae the job is the easiest way to summarize that.
my last "counselor" shamed me when I asked for help with my emotions. SHamed me! a counselor! i am still in shock. i hope this person never does that to another client again but they probably will.
anyways, the aha moment. i did what i wanted all those other people to do. screw them if they are not going to do it, i got sick of waiting! :) i should not have had to get to mid life before getting my fear soothed but there you have it. better late than never. i believe i can do it for myself. the seed is planted. relief.
thank you for listening. onward. i hope this post gives someone else hope.
listen to yourself.