Oh Carmie I am so glad you are back safe and sound!! I prayed that you would have a wonderful peaceful panic-free time, I do want to hear all about it and what you did and what you saw. I hope it was great and you had a great fun filled time!
I have really gone down Carmie bad. I actually went to the Doctor thursday evening, as soon as my husband got home at 6:00pm I was ready to go I went to Urgent care and it was a good experience, its kind of a "state of the art" mini ER room, spotless, and the MD and nurse were very kind compassionate and professional, I was very very nervous as you know I cannot stand going to the Doctor, I must be very sick to do so, the MD seemed to be good, but I am still sick and very very scared!
He did NOT do a strep swab?! which surprised me, he did not think it was strep since I had no fever and swollen glands or white spots, he said my throat was red raw and swollen, he gave me antibotics, which are making me very tired, did you're antibotics make you exhausted? A little tummy upset, but the other symptoms are scaring me more. I am wheezing, no voice, and when I swallow, its strange it hurts in my ear and just the left side of my throat? He prescibed antibotic and inhaler, I had to go get another kind of inhaler full-price because the other was making my heart race and skip beats this one does not seem as bad, I have been on the antibotics three days, should I not be feeling better? that pain in my left throat and ear is really scaring me, he mentioned if I am not better in a week or ten days to go to a ENT doc, that terrifies me, I do NOT want a tube stuck down my throat just the thought makes me shake with panic, I am praying it goes away, if its not strep what is it? the pain is in my left ear and left throat, he did not see an ear infection through, and its so hard not too smoke I having withdrawal but I have too do it, this came on SO sudden, I just hope its a swollen vocal cord, but why the ear pain?
I am SO afraid its throat cancer! I have the symptoms, but they came on so quick so I do not know, can a swollen vocal cord make you're ear hurt too along with just ONE side of your throat? he did not see any ear problem. I feel the MD did his best, I even told him about my panic and he understood, he looked SO quick at my throat through, just a few seconds how could he tell with such a fast look? I am afraid its cancer or a growth or something, my panic is through the roof Carmie.
My husband has a meeting at work tommorow and he may lose his job! That would devastate him and he would need me, I have to get well too help him, if he loses his job, he has worked there six years, his other job he worked 22 yrs, we would lose our insurance and not have coverage, and my nurse-practioner wants to see me, she gives me my klonopin in mid-march, I hope I am well enough to go. So many worries! Do you think the MD would of picked up on something serious? He seemed really on top of things, please pray for my family Carmie, my illness and my husband losing his job is causing me to regress terribly, I read an article about a guy who had ear pain and one sided throat pain and he had laranx cancer! That scared me to death. Did you ever have ear pain with just one side of throat pain? I have to calm down, hysteria will not help.
I missed you Carmie, please let me know about FL I do want to hear about it. I am glad you are back safe!