Thank you Vincenzia for replying to me.
I went to the Doctors! I was very nervous but I knew I could not let this go any longer. The nurse and Doctor at Urgent Care were just wonderful, very compassionate kind and professional which helped a lot, as you know I dislike going to Doctors so I must think I am very sick to go. He diagnosed Broncitis, pharangitis, and laryagitis, with some ashmatic wheezing, I am probably spelling those things incorrectly. He gave me anti-botics, predisone, which scares me to take, and an inhaler, I am going to start the antibotics tonight and the inhaler if I need it. He said I should probably see a ENT doctor if I am not any better, but he thinks I will be, he mentioned a "polyp" possibly in the throat and I am hoping not, I am just so wore out and tired from it and the virus, but I am so glad I had the courage to go and get help, maybe next time it will be easier. It was good care.
Thank you for you're prayers and words of wisdom, Vincenzia, I hope I am better in a week, I will take the medicine. I just need to try NOT to go down emotionally and into panic from physcial illness which is typical of me. I am going to follow doctors orders, I am just glad it was a positive experience and I was in and out and treated well. I am glad I went, Thank you.