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planning for exposure work

14 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for your input Red, and yes you have welcomed me and Thank You. I felt so much better joining with all the welcome's I got. I have printed out my reminder cards and will be trying them out very soon. It is so nice to have the support of all of you.
14 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
First off I want to Welcome you to the program and support group if I haven't already. My memory does fail me at times.
I think your idea of writing key points and putting them on cards is a great idea to refresh your memory.  When I first started working the program here I printed up the 10 question list in session 3 and referred to it often..I still refer to that list when challenging my anxious and negative thoughts...It helps me to see things more clearly.  After a while it becomes more automatic and you find you don't need the list as much anymore...
14 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Love Trees,
I just saw your response now.  As you may know Health Educators work different shifts and often we miss posts if another Health Educator is working.  I know you wrote that post a long time ago but I was wondering how you were feeling about the situation with your husband now?  I know you have made great progress in regards to the anxiety!
Also know that everything I said was genuine and I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it so if those compliments touched you hold them close and don't forget them because they are truths about you!
Journaling helps a lot of people.  If you feel writing down things would help you then give it a try!  Just keep trying and you will get there.  What are 3 main things you have learned within the past few months?  Sometimes we focus on where we want to be and do not recognize how far we have come!
Ashley, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank  You Sunny, I will print those cards up. Davit, I know I am trying to rush it, but I feel like a race horse at the starting gate just waiting for the horn to blow. I want so much to enjoy the upcoming summer months being free. I will take your advice and slow down, It's just hard to wait for my life to kick start again. Patience.... I'm trying.
14 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Chay:  Yes, definitely you can print off a list of things to remember when you get anxious, flustered, and put it in your wallet and pull it out when needed.  Years back in my support group we had those reminders printed up wallet size.  Great idea.
Your friend, Sunny
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Juanita can best tell you what it is like when you try too hard to cure a phobia. Let it just happen. Do the program, make sure you have good coping and relaxing skills in place and then and only then ease into exposure to your phobia. Don't try too hard, you want to notice it is there but not so much that you dwell negatively on it. Every little gain is an accomplishment and every failure is only experience to be used to set your limits. One day you will wake up with a hole where the phobia used to be and you will have to fill it with positive thoughts. And it really does feel like that, A blank space, like some one turned the sound off. A very good feeling.

Here for you

14 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Just wanted a little input from everyone. I am just starting out in the program and was wondering since I have tried on my own to conquer my phobia, was having some success on my own but was not satisfied it was going fast enough. Anyway, the times I did try and was unseccesful all the little things I learned went out the window.. What if I wrote down keys points on cards and just pulled them out to refresh my thinking? Like remember how to breath and you should not turn around as you will feel dissapointed in yourself. Speaking of me personally of course, that is how I feel if I don;t get to where I am going. What do you think?
14 years ago 0 356 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ashley,
Thank you so much for the kind words. I have been driven most of my life to establish emotional health within myself and have tried all sorts of things to do that. This program is the best approach so far although many approaches have helped over the years in different smaller ways. 
It is really nice to hear that you think I am insightful and self aware. i wish my partner said those things about me to me (without me asking, because then i'm prompting the answer). I am not sure I am being celebrated for being insightful and brave (which you have to be to look into yourself). My ability to see into myself (and now to talk more clearly about what i want and need thanks to the assertiveness that comes from managing the anxiety) isn't being cherished. I am up against someone who has their own set of negative core beliefs. Which prevent this person from expressing positivity towards me. I am often told I am attacking them when really I am just being assertive about what i want (for the first time ever). I admit I don't always say things in the right way with my new found voice. I want to be given time and forgivness. I apparenlty am wearing this person out. Unlike most of the people around us, I am challenging my dragons, not letting them run my life. I am not speaking the same language as the people around me who are not addressing their dragons. And they don't want to hear me talk about my work and how far I've come. 
I am sitting here, and reminding myself to focus on positive what ifs, and also to just let myself feel the pain that comes from realizing that a person I fell in love with may not choose emotional intimacy with me now that it is a real option (now that my anxiety is much better managed and  I know how to challenge each negative thought that comes into my head.
I am stuck waiting. It is painful. I am sure I am not the first person to manage their anxiety only to realize it changed them and they have to wait for their partner to decide what to do about that change. I am not being engaged with emotionally or intellectually in my relationship unless I am upset and then I am consoled. But I want so much more than that. However, this is out of my control. It is a hard realization that we do not control what our partner gives or shares with us. I can only wait and let them show me through consistent behaviour, who they are and what they value for themselves. This is a hard lesson. Lots of tears this AM. We all want to be cherished and  loved for who we are, and celebrated for our hard work chaining up our dragons. people with lots of dragons running wild in their head are not available to celebrate with me. this sucks.
Without this forum I would feel alone. I don't have much to offer anyone today, but wanted to share this in case it helps.  Your words mean a lot to me. Because I do wonder if I am self-aware, or insightful or if I am a babbling know it all. I don't want to be the latter. I want to see into myself and befriend myself and understand the world around me, just like anyone else. The way I am going about my life, taking time out to address my dragons, seems odd to people around me. Part of me feels odd, and your words made me feel less odd, and understood or at least recognized and seen for who I am and who I work to be more of.

14 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Loves Trees,
It is amazing how self aware and insightful you are.  You have had had a lot of enlightening ideas on this site, these last few weeks have been quite a discovery process. No wonder you are tired! 
You do not only deserve to take breaks it is just the healthier thing to do.  Breaks are essential to productivity, creative thinking, overall mood and physical well being.  Listen to your body and if it needs a rest, rest.  I think it is great that you have been learning to assert yourself and I can see it is spilling over to other areas of your life.  You are asserting yourself now by voicing your need for a break.  Feel good about this decision.  Self care is so important, check out "members helping member" on the forums page.  Within there there is a section on Self Care.
Take the time you need and post whenever you feel ready!  We will miss you and we will be happy to see any of yours posts but only if you are well rested


Ashley, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 356 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I just wanted to post this AM to say that I am probably taking a break from posting so much for now. This is a good  break because I feel like i have a much better handle on my anxiety and my negative thoughts and the relationship between them.
I processed a lot of grief and anger since starting the program. there were days I couldn't stop crying and there were 3-4 day periods where I felt awful and angry and upset. Then I had a couple of really good days where everything felt like it was in place and I felt content and peaceful with things as they came. And in the last few days I have felt really tired. I am able to cook and do easy things like organize fabric or mow the lawn, but when I try to do a lot of thinking work or paying attention to details I need to remember I start to feel fuzzy mentally. I take these as signs to take a break and rest. We all need rest. 
One of the negative beliefs / thoughts I grew up with was "never rest" - sort of "idle hands are devils workshop" sort of thinking that my grandparents had. I internalized a belief that rest is bad. I am digging up a major core belief by the roots by continually catching myself when i start to feel bad for resting and puttering the last few days  and then saying "I deserve this".
I am starting to believe that I deserve to rest, and to have pleasure each day. It feels weird and good at the same time when I say "I deserve to rest and enjoy myself right now" to myself. I keep saying it. I say it every time i start to feel bad about resting. I can literally remember to myself what some of the people in my past used to say when I was tired "How long do you plan to be like this" they would demand in anxious and unsupportive, exasperated voice. I hear it as their voice now, not mine which is progress. I know which beliefs are mine and which are theirs.
So that is where I am in the program. I thought I would give an update because even being in front of the computer feels too tiring right now but I think about everyone else here and hope everyone is doing well with where they are in the program. I want to lend as much encouragement and support as I can because this site has been so helpful.
I  am sure I will be back soon. Take care everyone!

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