Hi Davit,
Thank you for writing me back. I read you're post three times and I understand what you are saying. I hope you made it too the store, I remember those snow drifts from living in Ohio for twenty years, I miss it around the holidays, snow is calming for me. but I know its also a pain in the butt at times, spring is coming soon and I hope it comes soon for you and Sunny and the kids.
You really get what I was saying. My therapist is the "polar opposite" from you'res I think, he is way too lenient on me, in fact I feel at times he has "given up" my husband says he just comes for the money, I pay a small co-pay but he gets the most from the insurance co, after a year I really hoped and prayed progress would of been better, but like you said no one can "fix me" maybe subconsiously I was hoping that would be and that is not going to be. I was hoping that as I worked through the CBT I could wean off the klonopin, my medication does not do too much, it takes the edge off but far from a cure, I detest taking it but better a little sedation and tolerance than shaking and fear, I try to keep the dose low, if I took what my nurse wanted I would not be able to function or get out of bed! and as you know I cannot take the antidepressants, so CBT and positive thinking is my only hope, and I am trying to believe in it Davit, I really am, maybe I just do not believe in myself.
What you said about the panic cycle is so true, I have to believe these symptoms are not going to kill me and even if I am dying my attitude towards it, I mean believe me I think about that all the time, if I do not have long to live I certainly do NOT want to live my remaining days like this, fearful housebound and living in a cocoon, that of all things really upsets me the most, that I am "wasting" precious moments, I mean how can you enjoy life if all you think about is sickness and dying, thats not living is it? I was getting better now I feel like I am going down again, and I am trying like heck not too let that happen Davit.
The last paragraph of you're post really hit home, I will try to do this one simple thing Davit I really will, I know its not going to be easy but if its my only hope I must do it, its hard to tell what is physical or emotional, I just want to forget about it all!!
I pray you're staph infection does not come back. My grandmother suffered many of those infections and she lived to 90! She was so strong so tough, she was racked with pain and arthiritis and heart problems but she kept going, how I wish I could of inherited her brave strong ways. I will believe in CBT davit, and I know I have too start to believe in myself. Thank you.