Hi Carmie,
Thank you for you're positive encouraging post. I am so happy you did not have an attack today at the gym, that is great you got through it well and its great you are working out. I have not walked in four days since I had my monthly and my body is feeling it, I like my nightly walks and the dogs really miss them, I am hoping to resume them tonight, its good for me and dogs.
I guess maybe I threw myself into the holidays and distracted myself "from myself" does that make sense? Maybe everybody has the blues today and is tired. I think I am dreading the new year and I know that sounds negative, I have to go to some appointments, GYN, mamogram, and dentist and just thinking about it makes my stomach churn and I get shaky. In 2011 I had three appts and they all went so bad, and they were painless so too speak. My first was my primary, I waited almost three hours to get in, and he basically spent ten minutes with me, and said "dont panic be happy" how I wish it were that easy! Then the ultrasound on my leg, my blood pressure was SO high just being there they almost could not perform the procedure! Then my eye-glass appt, I actually had to run out at the end and I vomited on the side of the building, and was so dizzy, even when I go to my nurse-practioner I get very nervous, thank God my therapist comes to the house once every two weeks, that helps, I dont drive so at least that is less stressful, I must get the courage to go to these appts, they do NOT like it when I am so nervous, I probably come off as some kind of basket case! They dont want to have to deal with that I guess.
I will put it out of my mind till after the first of Jan, and deal with it then, at least that will give me some sort of reprive. I guess the bottom line Carmie is I am SO scared 2012 will be like 2011 and that would be bad, it was a terrible year for me, phyically and emotionally, and my fear of Doctors do not help, they really are no help and I feel they get disgusted with me, and I dont want to feel that way! I just hope and pray this coming year will bring me peace and health, that is ALL I want and the love of my family and to live and survive, I wish and pray for that for everyone on this site, thank you for praying for peaceful moments for me Carmie.