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12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am glad you enjoyed you're birthday and cake Davit! You are right Carmie Sunny has many words of wisdom. Carmie you're husband sounds very nice and sweet and that is so important, it sounds like he supports you and that is so good and kind.

You are right Sunny about what you said. I got a good look at myself in my friends bathroom, the lighting was very harsh and bright and I was pretty shocked! I keep my lights low at home, I have aged but everyone does, I think this disorder just hurried it along I always tried to look my best. I am hoping and praying as you say with time sleep and good nutrition and exercise I will look better, I know if you look better you feel better and I am trying, not too look beautiful of course, but just healthy and presentable, thank you for you're kind words about my friend, she is coping better than I thought, much better than I would, she is a strong person and her family is supportive, I am helping her the best I can. I am trying to take one day at a time.
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Yes it was my birthday, thank you.

12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sunny, I love your words of wisdom.  One of my favorite qualities in my husband is that he always points out beautiful things so that I can also enjoy them - "Look at that tree...look at the sunset...look at the ocean."  I love how he reminds me to see the beauty in my surroundings.  I think that is when we look our best - when we are taking in beauty.  They say that we reflect what we see.  Taking a really short walk and finding something beautiful to take in could be better for you than any make up or cream.   Take care - I hope you find beauty in yourself and your surroundings this weekend! 
12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi D:  sorry to hear about your friend's loss.  I can only imagine how difficult it is for the family and friends.

As for looks, don't worry, when you start to feel better again your eyes, your skin, etc. will show it.  Just keep the good nutrition going and getting good sleeps - I know we get the bad nights, but keep up the good work in that area - get some fresh air too everyday, even if it is only 15-20 min. walk.  When you look in the mirror in the morning smile and say it's going to be a good day, and mean it.  Little by little, your body will get its health back.  No we aren't in our 20s and 30s anymore but that doesn't mean you can't look good.  Think of the older actresses, how beautiful some of them are in their "mature" years.  Be gentle with yourself, love yourself and pamper yourself.  :)   Just my two cents.....

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Davit and Carmie.

Is today you're birthday Davit? If so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! if not I am sorry I thought I read it was you're B-day today, if so I hope you are having a good one with lots of cake and ice cream and presents. Mine was in August glad its over with.

I understand what you mean by the poor self image Carmie, I feel I have aged 10 years this past year, and I look it! Even make-up does not help, daily panic attacks really took a toll on my health and what little looks I had left. Trying not to dwell on it but if bothers me, I always look tired drained and sick no matter how much sleep I had, I cant seem to look good anymore.

My friends son died yesterday suddenly and I am so depressed about it. He was only one year older than my husband, and a lot  thinner, I hope said the right words to her, this is the second child she lost, I am praying for her, its so very very sad.

I should NOT of drank that second cup of coffee today, I woke up SO tired and achy I needed something to get me going, I have been getting by on one weak cup a day, I accidently made it stronger today, and I am paying for it, I am very very jittery and nervous, but I think some of that has to do with my friends son's death and some problems in my marriage lately, I am afraid all these months of me crying panicking and not functioning right has taken a terrible toll on my marriage, even through I am better somewhat I still feel my husband is "punishing" me he is very upset I fell apart, and I am not even fully recovered yet, I just pray for his patience and understanding I am trying so hard, I wish I looked better, he has brought that up a few times, but I am older now and I am NOT going to look like I am 25. One day at a time I guess, my computer is flashing again, I am probably going to get booted off, I will write back later, Thank-you.
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Did any one ever consider the fact that they might be focusing on a health issue as a distraction for an anxious moment rather than the health issue causing the anxious moment. It happens. We will do just about anything to keep from panic and the first line of defence seems to be to try to think of something else. And of course if there is something there that you would normally not notice it now becomes more noticeable. Of course now if you focus on your phobia to distract yourself from panic it is going to make the chances of panic worse right. So for me I try to think of something else. Not always easy when it feels like I have an alligator eating my leg. 

So much for my lovely snow, it is raining now, still I do love the sound of rain. That will do for a focus while the alligator feeds.

12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you.  I have to work on my anxiety where it is related to sickness, too.  In my less-than-wonderful times, I have had panic attacks that began with something as little as a twitch in my eye or a pinch in my chest.  And heaven help me if I go onto the symptom checker of a certain "helpful" website. 
Yesterday, I watched an amusing television program about people being motivated to step outside of their respective "boxes".  There was a woman who stopped going to events because she had a very poor image of herself and thought that she looked fat and ugly in every outfit she might have worn. She decided to walk down her street in a bikini and to knock on her neighbors doors.  Can you imagine??  I don't think I will be doing that but she found it to be the most liberating thing.  The moral behind the show was that you will we will never get different results if you keep doing the same thing.  My new goal is to think of something/anything that I can start doing differently - I suppose this is the Exposure work in our homework - so I will have to give a try.
Wishing you peace in your day today!
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you so much Carmie for praying for me I surely need it and I will pray for you I pray for all us members trying so hard to get well. I do have a little trouble with the homework myself, my eyes get tired, I try to do it when I am calm so I can get something out of it but its good too also do when I am anxious so it can help me, I so understand what you mean!

My main prayer hope and goal right now is to release my worry fear and depression and anxiety so I can enjoy life more, if I could rid myself of these phobias especially the sickness and dying ones I know I would be better. I wish you so much luck!!
12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Debora, I will keep you in my prayers and I have every confidence that you can get through this.  I have to be better about doing my homework on this program - how about you?  When I am having anxiety, I always forget to get my homework out!  I will make an effort to do better these next few days - I think it will help.  How about you?
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I feel like I have a "hangover" today but not from alchol because I do not drink. Our my expectations too high for help with this disorder? I know my therapist and nurse do not have a magic wand and can't wish this away but I really thought if I did the CBT, talked to the therapist, took the benzo from the nurse things would be better, and they are a little I just do not feel like I am recovering as quick and through as I should. I asked both my nurse and therapist "how do they deal with fears and worries about sickness illness and death of themselves or family members"? They both replied "I don't think about it" which is good of course for them but so much easier said than done, how I wish I did not have to think about it, its in my brain and mind.

I think they both feel I have no "purpose" in life, like my son is older now and I don't have the bottles and diapers keep me busy, but he is special-needs and still needs me, my nurse "so all you do during the day is nap or clean the house" and yes basically that is it, I do not have a car and hardly any friends so I am alone all day in the house, I think they meant I have "too much time to think" perhaps that is true, I just wish they would help me find ways to LET GO of the fear worry and anxiety, if that would go my quality of lie would so improve, I could enjoy life again instead of just enduring it or existing, I hope they have not given up on me?! I hope I can get stronger and healthier so I can do more on my own, I guess when it all comes down to it you have to do most of the work yourself, I just hope and pray I am able to do this, for my family.

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