I feel very shaky right now like almost on the verge of an attack which I have not had for awhile and I hope I do not today.
Does anyone ever have really bad dreams or nightmares and wake up so shaky and scared? This was several hours ago so should I still be feeling panicky and shaky? I actually was screaming from the dreams and I think I scared my poor two dogs half to death! They were by my bed just looking at me, they were such horrible dreams, murder, car accidents, injury etc...... It almost like my "body experienced it" does that makes sense? I try NOT to watch or read anything dark or scary and I go to bed in prayer every night, WHY wont these bad dreams stop?! They really ruin the day, the effects seem to linger long.
I did watch something the other night, a biography, that was kind of scary and it had a killing in it, I switched the channel but I guess it got in my brain anyway, I guess I am going to have to be more careful about what I watch, these bad dreams are awful, I wake up scared and shaken and feeling like I have not slept, in the past I would have a bad dream or nightmare, and I would just forget about it, like it was almost a nice relieved feeling waking up from it and knowing its just a bad dream and I am safe in my bed, now they are effecting me badly, why is this? I guess people with panic and fear have more bad dreams than calm serene people, one thing you cannot do is turn you're brain off even when you are sleeping, did other members go through this? and how did you deal and cope and keep from panicking from them. They are so real and scary, sleep is my only reprieve from this hellish disorder and I hate to suffer even when I am trying to get rest. Did anyone ever have this?