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Scary Episode

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I had something to eat and took my pill so I feel a little calmer, it came real close to having an attack. I am trying not to focus on my head but its hard and trying to think positive about my husbands conditon and mine condition, worry never helped I know. Just hoping things get better for us all.
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Sunny,
I have not eaten today yet and my therapist just left, I had to cut him down to twice a month instead of every week because of money. I think I am worried about my husband, he has a abessed tooth and went for an emergency appt this afternoon to get it pulled, they could NOT pull it because of the meds he is on, blood thinner I believe, the Dentist wants to talk to his Cardioligist before they pull it! They put him on antibotics, they say his teeth a bad and he needs them all pulled for dentures, but wont pull the bad one yet, I feel so bad for him, he needs foot surgery next month but the Doc says he has to get his sugar and blood pressure down before they do it! He is having SO many horrible health problems and I know that is adding to my stress and anxiety, right now my eyes and head just ache and ache and I know its because of worry about my husband.
Oh Sunny I need to get healthy well and stronger very very quickly! He is going to need me to help him and I hope and pray I can get physically and emotionally stronger for his sake, his health problems are not good and I need to get up to help him, but how can I when I am so weak and fragile? Someway someway I MUST get up to help him and my son needs me too.
I did so well yesterday and I want to have more days like that, I got SO much done, I was exhausted but it was a good tiredness opposed to panicking. I know you cannot force or rush recovery but my family needs me so bad. Please pray for me Sunny for the strength to live and do this, the body symptoms are bad and anxiety but at least no panic yet. Somehow I must get up and running my husband is in a bad way now and ONE of us must be stable. I hope I have the courage.
12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Deb:  Sorry you have such a bad headache.  Stress can definitely bring them on.  Can you still say a whole sentence?  Can you walk a straight line, foot in front of the other?  Did you lose track of time for a little while?  Can you answer questions?  Can you squeeze both hands into tight fists?  You aren't slurring words?  Then you're probably not having a stroke.  This is what my doc. told me and it is what the hospital ER had me do while I was there one night when my bp was well over 240.  Another sign I think is if you can stick your tongue out nice and straight.  should be o.k.  Have you been drinking lots of liquids?  Not dehydrated?  Have you eaten today, enough for energy and no headaches?  Did you get some fresh air and a bit of exercise?   Are you still cutting back on cigarettes?  If so, could be a bit of withdrawal from the nicotine maybe.  Have you visited the quit smoking site yet?
Hope it gets better fast.
Just some suggestions and ideas which might help,
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sunny,
I am glad I had a productive day yesterday thanks for good word.   Today I woke up with a really severe headache and I dont know why? I went back to sleep for an hour and now its on one side of the head really bad like a one-sided migraine an its scaring me, I am trying not too think "stroke" but its hard because its so painful and not going away, did you ever have a real bad headache? I am afraid to even take my blood pressure because it will upset me, I expected to feel alright today and there is really no reason for the headache, hoping and praying it goes away and its nothing serious, how I HATE these symptoms!
12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora:  Gee, you forgot to put fuel in the furnace Deb. lol.  Yes, you gotta eat something to keep up your strength.  Even just yogurt and a fruit, piece of cheese and crackers, or peanut butter with a piece of bread, etc., and don't forget to drink lots of water during the day too.  If you feel some dizziness or headachey, well, it's probably because you didn't eat. 
Glad you felt like doing all the cleaning, that's great.  I was mentioning before that it's not necessary to do everything if you are worn out and can only do 1 thing a day.  Either way is o.k. as long as you feel like it.  Glad smoking is almost over.  You can do it!  Like my Dad always said, moderation in all things.  Easy does it.
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh I forgot, Sorry, If the symptoms come back Sunny I will go to the doctor or hospital, I am hoping it was an isolated incident, the stomachaches headaches and all the others have come and go, and you are right the more I think about them the worse they are. I am glad you are feeling better Red, that was such good news and made me happy! Thanks to all of you.
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for you're advice and concern. I think everyone would be proud of me today!  I actually cleaned my house spotless, vacum, mop, dust, bathrooms, linens etc........My house looks better than it has in months! I dont know what prompted me to do it, I must be getting better? I hope that is the reason. The chest pain and jaw pain kind of went away, thank God, I had walked my dogs that night and they pulled me something terribly, so maybe it was, as Davit mentioned, muscular related, I only smoked 2 cigarettes today, just enough to prevent withdrawal, which can mimic panic and I dont want that, I am just so pleased and happy I cleaned today and was able to do it, its sounds mundane I know but I did it!
I feel very weak right now through, and tired, did I overdo it?? Sunny warned me not too but it just felt so good to do it and I was afraid to let the moment pass, does that make sense? I have not eaten all day so that is what causing my weakness, I feel a little shaky right now, I think I did too much, perhaps once I get some food I will be better, I am SO glad those symptoms went away, they were so scary, I hope smoking very little, eating healthy and walking my dogs will help me along with the CBT, I am "working" it Davit since I cannot take the SSRI's and I am afraid to take the older kind cause my blood pressure will go up, I felt productive today but why do I feel weak and shaky now? I should be happy all I did. Sunny said it would take awhile to regain my energy and she is SO right. Thank you all for you're prayers and letters, hopefully in the next  coming weeks things will improve even more, I just so want my life back and to live again, I am trying. Thank you, Deb.
12 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Debora. I glad you liked the Rose..I am starting to get better this morning and I hope you are too..I have lots of work to do today so I will talk to you later..I will be thinking of you today and will put in a little prayer for you and your family..
12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora:  You've had a scary symptom, sorry it is still lingering.  Don't be afraid to go to the doctors, ER or wherever you need to go to help yourself.  That's what these places are for.  Sometimes making the decision to go see a doctor is hard to make, it's the old should I or shouldn't I argument.  If it was your best friend getting these pains, I bet you'd take her to the hospital right away.  You deserve this consideration and care also, which is all it is, taking care of yourself.
I did get chest pains when I was at my worst in the middle of the night, and yes, they can be scary.  I've had nuclear heart test done the last time, everything was good.  I know it is stress/anxiety and overtiredness which can cause this for me.  You have to find out what causes it for you.  As Vincenza wrote, we can speculate but we're not doctors and you do need the peace of mind which will come when you have the answers.  Otherwise it just goes round and round in your head, imagining the worse case scenarios and upping your anxiety with negative thoughts.
When you get your appt. think of us holding your hand.  We will be there in spirit supporting you, cheering you on.  We care about you.
p.s. congratulations on quitting smoking.  There is a sister site you can look up for this.
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

There is a medical condition that hits 3% of the population and you fit the profile. I think you may well have it. I also think your Doctor has already talked to you about it. Probably more than once. I imagine he mentioned SSRIs because that is what is usually used. Since you can't take them then that leaves CBT which I think is why you are here. Unfortunately it is supposed to be CBT with a therapist. I'm not going to mention it here, I just want you to know that I think you should try extra hard with the CBT and look up on the internet what his diagnosis was. It is curable it just takes more than the usual amount of CBT. In the mean time I want you to know I am sorry you are feeling so sick and having so much pain. CBT can lessen it.
I'm also sorry there is nothing else I can do to help you because I really would like to.


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