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Negative Core beliefs €“ Part II

12 years ago 0 376 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
yup... it was pretty messy...twisty...not linear.  The core IS surprisingly simple but very complicated getting in AND getting out...  lots to sort out.  Thanks for sharing your insight into the process.
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

It really is hard to fix something if you don't know what keeps breaking it. The same goes for this condition we have. You can keep repairing and getting frustrated because the repair doesn't take. You can get to the point where you say, "it isn't worth fixing" or "some things can't be fixed". I've been there and a patient therapist proved me wrong. It can be fixed and it is worth fixing. 
So now that you know these core beliefs exist and which one seems to be the root how are you going to fix it. You are working against a lifetime of conditioning. A core belief is just that. A belief, which is why some are so hard to find. Some seem to be saying "don't look here this is normal, look some where else". Some say, "this is the way I am, live with it". Others say, "this has to be right, cause I'm always wrong". 

I'd love to be a fly on the wall of your therapists office if you open up this bomb shell. Be prepared it will take a few sessions to untangle the mess so you have something to work with that actually goes some where instead of just to another mess.

But now do you see that this actually can be fixed, it actually exists as something not just something happening out of the blue. 

Are you prepared for the emptiness that is going to come when you cut off the root and everything built on it dies with it. You have to fill that space with something, and that something has to be positive thought or you will build the same root core belief back again.

I'm sorry if I'm making this sound impossible. It isn't it just needs to be done in the right order with time and patience. And it gets easier the more you understand.

You are going to be just fine. If nothing else you now have some good questions to ask your therapist. 


Ps. I still have the same core beliefs as always but I treat them different now and they are fading. I have a negative core belief and a positive core thought that tells me the core belief is wrong. I have a negative core belief that is right, but a positive core thought that says it doesn't matter. Fortunately I had some one to point this out to me. I'm trying to pass her explanation on.
12 years ago 0 376 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Vincenza for the encouragement.  Thanks Davit for your patience in explaining once again, how negative core beliefs affect us.  I did five core belief surveys.  I would do one and then read your post.  Do another and read your post.  It's finally beginning to make sense and you are right... I'm finding one core belief that keeps popping up.... the same one...  I was so afraid to go looking at core beliefs because I was afraid I would find a whole confusing cesspool in there.  Nope.  Once again, the fear of what I would find was more debilitating than just doing the work and finding this one thing that so governs my existence. sigh.  tomorrow's session with my therapist should be interesting.  Thanks for all your help.
12 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for your thoughts Davit. Working through core beliefs/thoughts/assumptions isn't easy but it's almost always beneficial. Glad to hear you found the program helpful with this ~m, keep up the good work.
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
And that was the short version, no wonder I got logged out.


Notice how assumptions fit in very well as triggers. 
One other thing that seems to be in relationship is how hard you fall. It seems to be related to how bad you don't want to. I know this is a fact with panic. The harder you fight it the harder it fights back. 

12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I lost my post by trying to give examples because it is hard to explain the difference between assumptions, thoughts and beliefs. So here goes again with the short version. I may have to do this in more than one post.

An assumption is a mental action based on a thought based on a core belief. And there effectiveness is in that order with the assumption being stronger than the thought being stronger than the belief in effect but not actuality. What I mean is that there will be more assumptions and thoughts than beliefs, they will dictate more than the core belief but it is still in actuality the core belief that is doing the dictating. Confusing?
Most core beliefs are built in early childhood (not all) and we build core thoughts on these that if long enough and strong enough can become other core beliefs. Assumptions are mental actions built on the core thoughts built on the core belief. (s)
Assuming you know what will happen before it does because a thought built on a belief is one of these things. EG. Core belief. "I will never amount to anything". Core thought. Situations and people have led me to believe this. (thought) Assumption. I might as well not try because past failures have proved this. 
Now if this was one straight line with one thought and one assumption built on one belief it would be easy to fix. But there can be many negative thoughts built on a core belief with many assumptions built on them. 
Back to the original core belief. Lets add to it.
I can never have a house (car, horse, dog, girlfriend) because I will never amount to anything.
So why try. But I want to have a house. But I can't so why try. (assumption)
I tried and failed (once, twice?) assumption again based on a thought based on a core belief.
Since I'm a loser it doesn't matter if I amount to anything. So I can eat too much or drink too much or let myself go. (even though I know it is wrong)
What does it matter if I can't drive. No one wants to see me. I have no where to go. I can't do it anyway. 
The list goes on and on. But you can see that this is all based on a couple of core beliefs.
You may think it is this never ending list that is controlling you but in actuality it is a couple of core beliefs. 
Still there is one thing behind all of this. YOU. A core belief is just that. What you do with it and all those thoughts and assumptions and ultimately actions is still controlled by YOU. 
So we are back to what to do with the core belief. Well leave it there. It is nearly impossible to remove, but it can be buried. If you know it is false and accept it then you can build something positive on it. Alternatively on the off chance it is true you can still build something positive on it. Notice how many "you's" I have used.
So ultimately you want to change how you are looking at the core belief. Pretty much it is simply a matter of using core thoughts to change your perspective of a core belief so it can't control you any more. This one simple thing will have profound effect on the future of your life. Why not, it also had profound effect on the past and still is having effect on the present. Time to change it. And you can change it. But you need the right attitude and the right belief. The three work together. (perspective, attitude and belief)


Ps. The number of these beliefs, thoughts and assumptions is limitless but they don't have to be all negative. 
12 years ago 0 376 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
negative core beliefs were triggered...
12 years ago 0 376 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Nevermind  teach me to quit doing the homework.  Apparently 4 core beliefs were triggered this week.  Kind of understandable that I crunched under the onslaught.  I'll be working through the pages and try to get myself sorted out.  I hope it is ok if I come back and ask some questions about the process. I'm sorry for the rant... lots of cognitive distortion going on.  I'll be seeing my therapist tomorrow too.  I'm so glad these lessons are printed here and available 24/7.  Next time, hopefully, I'll read the lessons before posting.  Thank you for your patience.
12 years ago 0 376 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This is a really good question Vincenza... and good timing for me.  I've had a terrible week and have not been understanding why.  Something about core beliefs resonates with me...  I thought I turned my negativity around yesterday (with help from members here), but then last night (for the second night this week) I drank way over my limit.  I feel terrible and disgusted with myself and kind of hopeless... I've been doing so well for 6 months and suddenly I throw it all away.  Why?

I've been tired and somewhat depressed so I drink even though I know it makes me feel tired and depressed.  It's like my brain has blanked out and everything I've learned and practiced just wasn't there anymore.  But Why? Why now?  

Maybe some core belief kicked in and overrode everything positive.  I just suddenly could not remember why I only allowed myself one glass of wine... what was the point... what difference does it make... Why should I care?  Whine, whine, whine just led to more wine, wine, wine.  I guess.

I stopped doing the worksheets and homework right at the part about negative core beliefs... I guess I better get back to it.  At least read the information and maybe I'll begin to care again.  I dunno.  something tripped me up ... well, that's not accurate... I tripped me up and  I need to get in there and fix it.  Where do I start... or re-start?  And, why should I bother if everything is going to stay this confusing and difficult all of the time?  I got tired.  I let down my guard for two seconds.  It was a very swift fall and took me by surprise.  ...ugh
12 years ago 0 252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I sure do and have..It is a battle thats for sure....

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