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13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
There are other anti depressants. I can not take SSRIs so I take a Tricyclic once in a while. It is more a mood stabilizer and has, for me anyway, no side effects except a dry mouth. Unfortunately there are no lab tests to tell you which one you need. Trial and error. It has one nice side effect also. It works as a pain blocker.

13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0


There is something I want to add that I didn't mention in my response to you... I think meds are fine to take.  I have xanax and Valium that I can take if I need to.  I know they can be addicting but I only take them occasionally... Many people benefit from medication.  I just could not take the SSRI type.  They do help a lot of people..  Weather you take meds or not is up to you. I feel everyone still needs to work the cbt program so that you can learn to deal with the issues they are having..
Of course this is my opinion based on my personal experience....



13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome to the program and support group...I am glad you found us and posted. I really think this program can help you.  Once you get started it will all start to make sense and when you start working the program slowly you will see your anxiety levels go down... I was told by a doctor in 1995 that he felt that I was having panic attacks caused in part by a disability that I have and that he felt that I no longer felt that I could defend myself because of this physical disability.  I had been a victim of a violent crime and also domestic violence and had to have a back surgery . I later developed degenerative joint and disk disease in my spine and neck...I had become more and more agoraphobic over the years because of the ptsd.  I tried meds and they worked for about 6 months and I felt no anxiety. I felt nothing really.. I thought it was wonder. Than one day I started to feel angry and enraged and it scared me. So I stopped taking meds... I had not received any help with the anxiety/panic/ptsd until I came here.
This program has changed my life tremendously and given me the tools I needed to help me deal with these issues.. I really believe that there is not a single person that can not be helped by this program....I want to encourage you to get started as soon as possible and remember not to hurry yourself through the material... I believe it really works better when you take your time with it. That was my experience anyway.  
Hope to hear from you soon,
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I shattered a femur and it is pinned and screwed and I worry about falling and breaking it again.
Not because I would have to go back to the hospital again but because this time I might die. 
Fear of death and not being there for family is common.
Add to that the subconscious thought that your next close call could be fatal and you have all the makings of a panic attack. All done subconsciously. It doesn't take much to trigger this if it is a big concern. Something hazardous you are doing or about to do, a movie or the news. This also happens more often to the financially stable than the person striving. (more to lose, less to focus on) And it can happen without you even thinking about it.

Panic attacks are best accepted and dealt with. If your wife can handle the stress it would be good for you to tell her. It brings them out where you can see they are harmless and lets them dissipate. Holding them in allows them to grow and show up more often and/or get worse. As you may have noticed by the number of people saying take a pill anxiety is very common. About one fifth of the population has some form and a lot of them are doing just that. Taking a pill. Pills won't cure you, CBT will but you may need the medication for a while to help the CBT. Pills alone can become addictive but pills and CBT allow you to absorb the knowledge you need in a calm way to cure the anxiety and panic and get off the pills. They are not the same as pain killers. But It is still your choice and we will honour what ever you do, there is no carved in stone way to do this.
Post often, even if only to vent. Ask anything and if we have a way we deal with it we will give you our solutions so you have something to work with. 
The program works and you can take all the time you need. We will support you.

Here for you,
13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Micah:  You are very welcome re: support.  That's what we like to do here, we've been through it and we can appreciate what others are going through when they first start the program.  So keep posting anything, anytime.  Anxiety and stress often accompany traumas - worry about health problems, etc.
A lot of people are afraid to start medication for anxiety.  I would suggest that you talk honestly and openly to your doctor about your concerns.  After you weigh the pros and cons, if you decide not to use meds. that's o.k., that is your choice. Hope you start Chapter 1 real soon, it will explain a lot and help you.
13 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
thank you for all the support.i see that im in the right truly means a lot to me that people that dont even no me is willing to help me this is a true blessing.i hope to gain a lot in this program. well i havent really got started yet on this program,but i am going to i only have a lil time each day that i can break away to do it.  what i have found out that works for me is to tell myself that its all mind over matter,and to just calm down and i will be ok..i have had 3 small attacks seems that they are happening more and more each not one to take pills so i want to give this program a shot.
i find it hard to tell people that i have panic attacks cause im affraid of what they mite say.and i dont tell my wife that i have them when im away from her cause i dont want to worry that wrong??     i kinda think it is.but i have talked with my sister about it and told my wife that my attacks are getting worse. i feel better after talking about it..
the reason i dont like to tell people is cause most people i tell about me haven attacks.there first response is you need to take this kinda pill.and i dont like to take pills.the reason i dont is cause i was shot in the head by a 22 rifle back in 01 and i got hooked on pain pills. and i never want to take any kind of pill cause im afraid i mite get hooked on a strong willed wife says im stuburn.cause i had a bad motor cycle wreck back in 06 and i broke both femers and had to learn how to walk again,and had metal rods put in my legs.and i never took any pain meds with that cause i was so scared i would get hooked back on pain pills again. thats why i want this program to work out for me.i no its all in my head.i just cant figure out whats causen my panic attacks.
its driven me not hurting for money,i dont worry about bills.
just my health now is all i worry about....
cause i want to be in my kids lives
13 years ago 0 221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great support and encouragement members!
Helena, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Your biggest benefit and tool will be knowledge and that you will get here. Panic attacks never happen without reason, they just seem that way. You will learn what causes them and how to stop them from happening. Knowing how and why. The other thing you will get here is support. 
We care. We have been through it. We care and want to help.

Here for you,
13 years ago 0 221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi micah,
Welcome to the forums! We're happy you've joined us!
You're definetly in the right place. You do the program step by step and at your pace. Each section builds on the last one, and address the feelings and thoughts you are having. Feeling that you are going to die is a very common during a panic attack, and the program discusses these thoughts in the first section.
Members, can you share your experiences!
We are here to support you. Please post often!
Helena, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Micah and welcome to the forums and this site.  Yes, you are in the right place.  Don't you worry a bit about your grammar or spelling.  We don't care about that at all.  Most important is that you study this program one chapter at a time and do the homework.  Does it work?  You bet.  I no longer have panic attacks and I'm telling you from personal experience that CBT, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, is the best program for anxiety and stress.  Pls. post as often as you want, ask any questions you want, even if you think they are silly.  We won't think they are silly as we probably had the same questions.  There are people on this site such as myself who no longer have panic attacks and there are some who are in the middle of the program and some just starting.  It doesn't matter, start at your own pace, and work at your own pace.  I hope to hear from you again.  We will hold your hand all the way through, we will cheer you on and celebrate your successes.  Good Luck.  Also, read the past and present posts, you may find some answers to some questions and be inspired too.

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