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14 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The song worked great for that day  :) I was down the flights before I knew it.
The next couple of days were filled with a bit of anxiety. I have meetings with product managers to make sure rebates are accruing correctly and a mapping session for a process we need to fix. Last weeks were not too bad, I had two of them and the answers were fairly easy but next week I have six more that are more difficult and it is close week. Always a stressful time. But since I have to work to pay the mortgage I have to deal with it. So between meetings I will put on my headphones and listen to my ipod. It is a four day workweek too so we have to finish everything quickly. Hopefully it goes smooth.
My daughter went to Maine with her boyfriend but she is really good, she texts me before she goes to bed. She knows I worry. My middle guy is staying home. Today we are leaving for a little while so he can have friends over. Teenagers have that love/hate relationship with their parents and don't want to be embarrassed by the parents with friends I guess. It is during the day so hopefully they won't get in trouble. He did clean the entire house and mopped the floor too. I was very happy with him yesterday. The day before not so much, him and his little brother got into a fist fight in the kitchen. Of course they are both taller than me so trying to rip two angry boys apart doesn't work so well. My little guy went to the summer nationals today with a friend, it is a car show and then they do burn-outs on Main street at the bridge at night. We are going out on the 4 wheelers tonight and fireworks at a field. It makes me a bit nervous because I think I can't get out of there. It is in the woods and there is a clearing where the 4 wheelers go. My friends wanted us to go to a cookout but not sure if we are doing that.
My friends have been great. One of my friends is on the same med that I am on. Celexa. I was a bit nervous to drink on it at all but last night I had about five beers. I woke up shaky and blah but not too bad. I think I scared my friend John, he is like a brother to me and when he saw how bad I was shaking and crying he did not know what to do. we ended up selling our Jimmy Buffett tickets but he called me a couple times that night to check how I was. My friend Jane emails me everyday to see how I am doing and she is very positive. I have a great circle of friends that stop by the house and check in to make sure I am ok. My husband is working third shift now and that freaks me out. He has to leave at 9:45 to get to work by 11. That has not been too bad though. I wait until he calls to let me know he got there OK then I get ready for bed. Adjustments are always hard for me, I hate change.
For the most part I am feeling a lot better, the anxiety levels have gone down a bit and I am trying to learn to deal with what is left. I am still not eating a whole lot but more that I was. I guess the positive out of that is I will lose a bit of weight. I go back to my regular dr on the 19th of July so I will see what he says then.
I hope everyone has a great day
14 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes, great idea to sing the song. You did it - that's great.  Give yourself a reward tonight.
14 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Mammakim, good for you ..that's a wonderful distraction tune!
14 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Sunny!
It wasn't too bad, I still have the shakes but I sang 99 bottles of beer on the wall in my head while going down the flights of stairs. I am still shaky but at least I can function, a couple weeks ago I am not so sure I could have done that.
14 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Mammkin: Hope your day goes well with the fire drill added to it.  When they throw you a curve, just think, one thing at a time, one step at a time, then back to routine.
14 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well they got home later than I wanted them to but I didn't freak out so I guess that is good. Today we are having a fire drill at work that I am dreading. I am on the 5th floor and the stairwells fill with all the people. I have done them before so I know I can do it, I just want to keep the panic to a minimum today. I have a lot of work to get done.
14 years ago 0 223 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi mammakin,
How did the rest of your night go?
Jason, Bilingual Health Educator
14 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
so hubby left for work and all the children are out. Mat went with friends to play playstation over a friends house and Samantha and Billy went to a bonfire at one of Samantha's friends.  So far I feel a little sad but not panicking yet, hopefully they get home before 11pm so I don't freak out that it is bedtime and they are not home.
14 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So friday was not too bad at work,  I guess. Somehow I have to just suck up with the bosses and move on. They just micromanage and it is annoying I guess. I am a bit of a workaholic but took time off my second job because it was too many hours when I am feeling freaked out.
Saturday we went to a wedding, it was good. I was getting a bit of anxiety when we were outside waiting for the wedding to start and then again when we went to the reception but it was not too bad. My daughter caught the bouquet and my friends son caught the garter. It was funny because they made Dave ( hubby) go up while he put the garter on my daughter. My memory card wiped clean though during the reception and I lost the pics of everything except the second half of the reception. I think my daughter has some though.
My older son is still making me nervous, he just got his license and just leaves whenever he wants but doesn't tell us. Here is MA they can't drive with anyone other than siblings or someone over 18 in the car and he has had friends. I don't want to argue with him so much but I also don't want him getting in trouble. We did tell him he would be paying the fine which is 500.00 and then a 1000.00 class. We totally can't afford that now.
Today I have been a bit twitchy but fighting it. I get very restless and can't seem to figure out what to do with myself. We went to the grocery store and then back home. I did go weed some of my garden, it is rather appalling looking since I have been dealing with the anxiety for a couple weeks and I am going out again in a little while. I think it is due to our fire alarms going off at 2:30 AM. And the power went out  at around 9pm but came right back on. This happened in my old house so I am a bit freaked out especially since he is going to work tonight.
Well I also have to get some laundry done for work tomorrow, thankfully we have a long weekend coming up with the fourth of july next week, hopefully work will let us out early friday too.
14 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Cleo,
Funny that you mention this!  We were actually planning on starting a group discussion on the program next week!  I will try to push the topic out today instead since you mentioned it!  Keep an eye out!

Ashley, Health Educator

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