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New Here, First Post - Hoping this helps

15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Nathan,
I just wanted to stop in and welcome you to the forums! People here are great! The program is too. It helped me a lot! So hang in there, and welcome to the forums
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
crowena63,   Thank you for sharing your story and support with us. There are many people within this support group that share the same questions and concerns as you.  We are all a group of individuals who support each other.  

If you look to the left of the screen under "TOOLS" you will find many supportive tests.  These tests are not diagnostic tools and are not a replacement or substitute for a physician's advice. The purpose of these tests is to prepare you with information that you can present to your physician. When you're finished the test, you can either print your Final Report or email it directly to your doctor.

We also have developed a Panic Program.  This program is 12-weeks and involves the tools mentioned above.  Each session is based on the previous session, so we strongly advise that you work slowly through the program and not jump ahead.  

These tests may or may not be for you but they are "free".  If you have any question or concerns with our “TOOLS”, you can contact us at  We are the Support Specialist for The Panic Center and are open to any questions or concerns you may have.

You have received a lot of great advice from other members here, please continue to post and let us know how you are doing!     Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 187 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome to the forum!
Ahhh irrational health worries my old friend... They do get better. I have worried about them all; TIAs, hear problems,going crazy. As long as you know that they are irrational eventually it begins to set in that you have nothing to worry about. It might take some time however.
Feeling dizzy from meds is completely normal! I felt that way for nearly two weeks on peroxetine. It goes away after some time. I tried to imagine that the drunk feeling was the same as the feeling from a tranquilizer (zanax). Sounds funny but it worked for me. That way when I felt dizzy I interpreted it as being relaxed or kind of spaced out.  
Trust me when I say that you are very lucky to have found this site so early in your "illness". I struggled for nearly three months before I found this place and after a couple of months of being I really started to get better. It might even go allot faster for you because the longer you have adopted a certain behaviour the longer it takes to replace it with healthy behaviour. If that makes any sense...
This site and these forums offer hope and hope does exist. You will get better! Recovery is a unique process and the time frames for recovery can be very variable but be patient- it will happen.
Panic attacks can resemble heart attacks but if your doctor has seen your ECG results from your ER visit and he has told you that your heart is fine- then it is healthy! The heart is an amazing organ with an incredible capicity for work.
Since my own irrational cardiac fears began I have done things which would have killed somebody with a heart condition (lifiting heavy stuff) and I am still alive. Trust in your body. It is after all the most amazing machine in the universe!
Good luck and ,again, welcome!
15 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hey man, i know EXACTLY the feeling as im sure all of the people on here do.
ill tell you my similar story and hopefully this will make you feel better. Im 28 and had my first panic attack when i was about 21 or 22. It all came about because i drank too much one night in college and thought that i was going to die. The whole next day i felt my heart flip flopping and for the next year i was on and off all types of meds but the only thing that made me feel better was a few beers. Then i was worried i was drinking too much. It eventually worked out where i stopped drinking and went through HELL for about a month. i was constantly nervous and shakey. It was hard to go in public with the fear i was going to "freak out". But about a month into taking Effexor the meds started working. Since then I have been 99.9% better. Ive had a few minor anxiety attacks but nothing to bad. Then all of a sudden this past weekend I had another attack out of no where. Im working on shaking this one but its been off and on. I came onto this site for some help and just started on there 12 week program (its actually really helpful). I know exactly how you feel, and there are millions of others feeliung the same way. try to keep in your mind that no one has ever died of a panic attack:) you will be just fine. It may suck right now but there is light at the end of the tunnel. i can gaurentee that.
Here are a few tips/suggestions:
1. End all bad habits that bring on anxiety! If you drink stop or atleast cut down. Stop doing drugs (if you even do them), Quit tobacco or other nicotine product (try your best), and cut down on coffee or other stimulents.
2. See a doctor that can suggest putting you on some anti-depressants. They generally take about a month to work but you can make it. They have minor side effects so make sure you talk to your doctor about them if you experience any. It will all depend on your body and how they react. eveyone is different.
3. stay busy! If your at work, take your mind off it by staying busy. If your at home, read a book, watch a funny movie, (whatever you like and feel comfotable doing).
4. Be around someone you care about. Knowing someone is there that cares about you will help.
5. Try not to let it affect any other situations. Personally I think this is the most important. The more you let it affect your life and control waht you need or want to do, the worse t makes it. Force yourself the best you can to stick out that particular situation. Once you make it through you will feel 100% better! you will be proud of yourself and you will feel the anxiety lift off your shoulders. Anxiety is like Quicksand, once you let it get ahold of you it totally overwhelms you and the more you struggle the more it pulls you in.
6. Get out of the vicious circle. Anxiety and panic attacks are one viscious circle. The quicker you can get out of it the better. It goes around and around and around and you feel lke there is no out. One situation leads to another, then once you get past that on another one comes up. Do whatever you can ( i usually try to talk about it) to get out of cirlce. Talk to someone. your wife, mother, father, doctor, even a stranger on the street, I found that talking about it and realizing what the problems are helps. THe more you hold it in the more you think others are judging and the more you judge yourself.
7. also read about it ont he internet. knowledge is power:)
8. lastly, use this support group as ears to listen
your not in this alone and all of us are still here to talk about it. no matter how much you may think you are dying, your not. do your best to enjoy life. you deserve it.
15 years ago 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, my name is Nathan and I'm 29 years old. I had my first panic attack about a month ago now.  Just sitting at work and all of sudden I start to feel some pressure around my heart and my left arm feels a little tingly.  I vaguely remember the symptoms of a heart attack and immediately I think I'm having one.  I rush to the ER and they tell me I'm fine.  Happens again four days later and this time I call 911.  At this point they simply tell me I'm having panic attacks and send me on my way.  Well, since then life has been a struggle.  A lot of ups and downs.  I saw my general doctor and he started me on imipriam and reassured me that my heart was strong and I had nothing to worry about.  The days following I was feeling pretty good, but then I started to become obsessed with having a brain tumor after the imipriam was causing some dizzyness and now
it's brain aneurysms that get me anxious. I know that I'm perfectly healthy, but I can't get these thoughts of terminal illnesses out of hy head
I found this site yesterday and I have to say I had the best night I've had in a while. Just free of any anxiety. Well, this morning, I felt a little pain in my neck
and the anxiety has returned. I hope that I can really get the help I need here and I sure hope my life can return to normal. Thanks for reaeding.

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