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summer storms are here

15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Minn.
Sounds like you did well! Congratulations on handling the storm! And I am glad for you that you made a new friend and all!
Once again gratz!
15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I wish the library was walking distance from my house!
I've been practicing driving there, though. Good job you guys. 

15 years ago 0 341 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
HI, we were expecting some bad weather, but earlier I invited my neighbour for some tea.
We were looking at pictures, and the next thing the siren starts going off for a severe thunderstom warning.  IT started off kind of light, then it started hailing, then it went really dark and the wind kicked up.  Wow, it was coming down and really windy for a while, I was pretty nervous, but I was happy to have my neighbour over.  My hubby wasnt home, so this was a first in a way for me to be with someone else.  I was pretty scared, but the main thing was after the sun came out, I went out accross the street to thank her for hanging with me, and we landed up exchanging numbers, and we're going to have dinner one night next week.  So I made a new friend.  After the storm passed I walked around the garden and nothing was knocked over, its amazing how nothing got knocked over and it was so hard.  I saw one of my neigbhours at the mailbox, and I said " wow, how was that, scary hey"..and he says " wasnt that cool that storm, we sat and watched it,"!!! hehe..well I watned to share that with you.
15 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Minn
Lol... anxiety is a waste of energy.. all that build up and then nothing...ugh. Way to go today though.  You are doing such an amazing job at challenging your thoughts.
I walked to the library tonite too... (great minds think alike) and spent a couple of hours browsing... I love that... Then I walked to the grocery store and browsed there too... ha ha!  Just glad to be out of the house on my own.  My daughter just left for summer camp (7 days) and I miss her already.  My 2 year old little guy is early to bed as is my hubby so I knew I didn't want to sit in silence.. or watch cheezy TV tonite...
Glad I did it gave me a chance to challenge some thoughts of my own on the way.
Keep it up Minn... With or without your neighbour you're successful... I am sad to hear he moved because of a family dispute though.. ick...
15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya Minn,
Sounds nice. I might have to copy you and walk to the library too. And wow you got on the bus just like that? I find I still have to "prepare" before I can get on the bus! As for you saying that worrying is a waste of energy I totally agree! I do that too all the time. No wonder I am tired often lol! Anyway, was happy to hear about your great successes with the bus and the library and with going out even if it was supposed to rain! Congratulations!
15 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Minn,   You are doing a great job of challenging those thoughts! Continue on this positive path, you have lots to celebrate this week!

Josie, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 341 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, I went out to the library today, I walked as I didnt want to hve the bike if it rained.  Anyway, I stayed there for about 3 hours as I was walking around, and it hadnt started raining so I decided to just come home and have some tea and relax and watch some tv.  At the last minute I felt a bit wierd so I thought not to catch the bus and just walk.  I started walking but heard the bus and thought forget it, i'm just going to walk I feel a bit of anxiety.  The bus goes around the corner, it stops and the doors open, and the driver who I chat with often, waves me to come in.  I didnt say no..I said OK.  and jumped in and he dropped me at my usual spot.  I felt fine.  So I ws glad that I didnt land up walking.  Its very humid, so it was nice to get in the bus.  I came home and watched my show and still nothing outside, I eventually went and watered the garden.  I got all psyched up for bad weather, now all the warnings are over and its nice..what a waste of energy!!!!!!!!!
15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya Minnessota,
Sorry to hear about your friend moving. I am very impressed though at your attitude and courage for facing all this alone now. Way to go!
15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh no , maybe he will be back after the dust has settled . Hate family feuds , we all seem to have one ! Just seeing how far you have come saying you will deal with on your own wayhey . You can have our rain . What sort of job are you looking for ? Library again whooo .
15 years ago 0 341 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi, my neighbour who I always hang with in bad weather has moved out.  He was the granddad of the family that lived there.  They had a bit of a falling out, so he moved out.  So in a way I suppose its a good thing as I have to be home if it rains.  I suppose its a good thing to be in my own home, nice and cozy and enjoy the rain.  So a whole new challenge is going to be starting.   We havent had rain actually in about a month, It has gotten so dry!!!! It is supposed to rain today, but i'm going to the library to look at some books and there is an area to job search, so i'm going to do that.

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