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Scared to go outside of my home.....

16 years ago 0 150 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Tanya,
Basically everyone here can relate on some level to what you are going through.

At one point not so long ago, I was suffering from 8+ attacks PER DAY.  I couldn't leave the house, I was scared to be alone, etc.  I couldn't even take medication because I was so terrified of the potential side effects that they would have.
I'm now out of that horrible phase.  There is a way out.  This program is a great help to it.
I wish you all the best.

16 years ago 0 76 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Tanya!
Don't worry, just go slow and take things day by day.  Even if it feels like it won't get better, it will.
I'm 26 as well, good age to be, hey? :)  I have the fear of swallowing I guess it would be, I'll start eating something then near the end the food feels like it's getting stuck even though I know it's not, so I'll panic and not want to eat anymore. 
Any fear can be hard to work through but it's totally doable as this site has shown me.  Just work at it day by day and you'll start getting better.  It will be slow and you'll still have bad days but just remember that even if it's small, progress is progress.  Any progress is a good thing :)
Good luck to you!

16 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lol , cheers for that Diva .
16 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya CD,
Congratulations on all your great sucesses today! Woot!
16 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Tanya me again . Just wanted to say that like Diva , i also had extreme panic attacks from the time i got up till bedtime and even in the night this year . This lasted from January till Aprilish . It was hell . I took one day at a time , thats the only way i could deal with it without completely cracking up . I got pretty close to that too !!
But i never gave up . Now im still nervous , and do get the occasional biggish PA , but nowt like what they were like then . I constantly pratise my breathing when i feel the sensations creeping up on me . 
Today i went shopping without any axiety at all , i just cant tell you the last time that happened . I am stoked . Even managed to eat a breakfast at the supermarket with hubby and didnt feel bad ,
So just wanted you to know that step by step we can do this . I used to read some of the other lovely peoples success stories on here and would long for me too write something . Never thought i would , i still have along way to go but am feeling more confident . 
It will get better , trust me CD

16 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Tanya,
I have been where you have been: In complete anxiety and panic non-stop! I was unable to get through a day without several panic attacks and I could not leave my home.
I wanted to let you know there is hope. I have just finished a university degree, I work, I still hate taking the bus but i do it, I go to the movies, go for long walks alone and push the limits of how far I go often, I am just so much happier and freer. And as anyone else my life is far from perfect and it is not always easy but it is much better then it was. So hang in there, it does get better!
16 years ago 0 8760 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome! Our program will be very helpful to you. It will teach you how to manage your anxiety and overcome your fears. 
Have a look through it and if you have any questions, just ask!

Danielle, Bilingual Health Educator
16 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Tanya,
Welcome! You sound just like me! I'm 24 though... and I first had a panic attack 2 years ago... I was on meds, and I went off it.. and here I am... and this site does really help me release everything! I hope you find it helpful as I find it. Welcome, welcome. 

16 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Tanya , welcome to the site .
Im 42 and have had axiety since i can remeber but dealt with pretty much ok till i hit 40 . Had three majour family deaths two within 6 days and a 3yr second nephew . Thats when i started getting majour panic attacks , these i didnt deal with back then . I went on anti-d's for a year and got myself off then because i thought i was 'better' . Well i wasnt getting attacks anymore . How wrong was i ?
Started getting majour ones this January so back to hell once more . Went to docs more times than you had hot dinners , mostly due to pain i was getting and attacks . Offered me more anti-d's took them reacted badly to them so too scared to take other ones they gave me .
Then i discovered here . WOW , the relief/release  i had discovering i wasnt alone was priceless . Have seriously cut the serviety of my attacks now , i still get some but noway as bad as they were because i have learnt through here how to control them .
I was house bound for a few months , and the shops were a big no-no . Last couple of months i have found that im getting better with it . I did take take it slowly , but i found that its working .
Hope the same can happen for you , im not very patient but am learning to be !! 
Anyhows , just wanted you to know that your not alone , feel free to ask if you need to know something .
Takecare CD 

16 years ago 0 101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Tanya,
I can feel what you are going through.  It was around 26 when I couldn't leave my home with out awful panic, barely made it out of bed, felt hopeless.  I'm now 38 and I can tell you my life is really wonderful!!! I came to this site not because I was having panic attacks but realized that there were some social situations I just started to avoid recently and wanted to learn how to deal with facing them.
When I discovered I had anxiety was around 26.  I had a series of stressful events that was more than I could handle.  I didn't have any info on how to handle it either.   I've just now worked through 11 weeks of this program and the info is helpful!!!! I hope to keep going back and using it to keep progressing with things I would like to face.
What I learned here is there are answers and help for anxiety!  I think it has added to my "tool box" for self care! When I couldn't drive without panic attacks I just started slowly, drove one mile, came home, drove around the block, etc...This program wants you also to go about it in a similar way, when you feel the anxiety and allow it to decrease while in the feared situation you relearn not to be as afraid. Therefore allowing you to relearn and progress.  You will discover all these wonderful tools as you start this program.  I hope you find hope as I have!!!
You'll find many here who can relate.  I'm sure they will be sharing with you!!!

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