Hmm when I am anxious I get dry mouth, dizzyness, I am winded, I get sweaty and cold hands, my heart beats loudly in my ears and impatience, uneasiness, edginess, vigilance, jumpiness. I also get many thoughts in my head, not good ones usually.
When I am having a Panic Attack I get:
€¢ Feelings of apprehension, worry or fear
* Fear of dying, of a heart attack
€¢ Anticipation of misfortune to self or others
€¢ Poor concentration
€¢ edginess, vigilance
€¢ Dry mouth difficulty swallowing
€¢ nausea vomiting
€¢ Chest pain, palpitations, my heart beats fast and hard and I can hear it in my ears which makes it hard to hear anything else!
€¢ Shakiness, dizziness, hyperventilation
€¢ Sweating, tingling sensations
€¢ Jumpiness, fatigue.
* Oh and this is embarassing to say but my bladder and intestines get over active so that I often have to head quickly to ladies room...
The weird thing is, theese symptoms or panic attacks in general, do not seem as scary as they used to. I think I am finally learning that my panic attacks only have the pwer over me that I give them in my head. My body can get all in an uproar but my head gets to choose how I react to it.
One way or another tho, man I am happy that I found this program and that this is not something I have to feel too often anymore! Less sacray or not, it is an unpleasant experience. My life is so much better now! So all of you out there, remember, it can get better!